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How to Make Your Short-term Rental More Environmentally Friendly

How to Make Your Short-term Rental More Environmentally Friendly

A massive cult audience could be out there that wishes to remain in sustainable properties. By learning how to make your short-term rental more environmentally friendly, you’ll appeal to this niche and find additional business. As Debora Labi highlighted on The Green Path Podcast, which explores how short-term rentals can become greener without being costly for clients, making your properties environmentally friendly can also ensure long-term business success. Moreover, going green not only benefits the environment but also creates a virtuous brand image for your property. Guests will feel proud to stay in your eco-friendly rental and share their experience with others. In this article, we delve into Debora’s insights on various ways to make your short-term rental more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Also, don’t forget to check out our list of certificates, accreditations, and groups – a quick and easy way to bolster your efforts to go green in your short-term rental business. Reasons To Form Eco-Friendly Properties And Stays Guest expectations area unit is ever-changing. Analysis from Book Holding represents that 81% of individuals would like to remain in sustainable accommodation rather than non-sustainable accommodation. Encouraging   sustainable tourism additionally makes operational sense As Willy Legrand, Professor of Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management, lately outlined “how the significant money saving will be achieved by the economical sourcing and use of recourses.” In conclusion, creating your stays more environmentally friendly will make them appealing to the clients and affordable. Illustrating Your Drive Toward Sustainability It’s doable that as a business, you’re already paving ways towards sustainability and your guests are simply not aware of it. Those energy-saving light bulbs and recycling systems are some of the steps which help in creating a sustainable environment Casal Dei Fichi’s environmental page provides an excellent example of how compelling this may be—information is simple to grasp and distinctly categorized. The same information can be obtained from the homepage together with the owner’s social media account. You create transparency by expressing what you’ve done thus far and what you’ll do next. Moreover, incorporating guests will show them how their actions are creating a distinction too. For instance, Debora insists upon putting up information at your property to showcase to the guests how they are causative towards net zero. Whether you are using rainwater in your bathroom, say it within the bathroom. Certifications, Accreditations, Groups, And Communities To Know Official badges and accreditations that provide authentication most likely of your commitment to sustainable practices help you acquire the confidence of your subsequent guests. But, as Deborah justly points out, “99% of businesses are small-scale businesses. They don’t have enough time to scrutinize eco-friendly practices.” The resources given below should assist Top Tips For Environmentally Friendly STR Stays You should not desire to carry out all of these tips at once. Start small, and you may realise, like Deborah Labi, that “once you begin, it gets compulsive. Following are some significant steps that would help create an environmentally friendly stay: 1. Use renewable energy: Switch to green energy suppliers and increase the use of renewable energy sources wherever possible. Reduce the use of gas. A set of solar panels can initiate between 250 and 400 watts per hour—enough to power a coffee machine or radio. Another remarkable alternative would be Active solar heating which would minimize energy disbursement and influence guests. 2. Reduce energy consumption: Making structural changes in vacation rental properties would help save adequate energy, like replacing old boilers and enhancing insulation. Financing in motion sensor LED lights would preserve energy automatically when there are no people.  3. Create strong recycling policies: Providing bins for newspaper, glass, aluminium, cardboard, and metal would make easy recycling effortless for the guests. As Deborah says, you should conjointly “double-check that the businesses taking your rubbish are doing the righteous thing.” According to the OECD, 22% of recycling is misgoverned by waste management companies. 4. Cut single-use plastics: Plastic is used from soap bottles to spray bottles; vacation rentals have high utilization of single-use plastic. Therefore, this can be fixed by buying in bulk- getting wholesale cleaning products, for example. It conjointly suggests the use of refillable wherever possible, like toiletries and storeroom things that you will just prime up. This will even be cheaper.  5. Buy local: Deborah suggests, “There’s no purpose in shopping for a pleasant shower gel in a big litre bottle if it’s created in China and sailed over.” Look over the products you utilize and their carbon footprints, and divert to more locally sourced alternates wherever needed. 6. Install an EV charging point: The US is alone making use of over 2.4 million electric vehicles. There are now over 2.4 million electric vehicles in the US alone. Introducing an EV charging points will captivate electric car owners and help you lend your hand for the betterment of the planet. Though the cost of EV chargers is quite expensive (usually ranging from $700 to $1,000), having one may assist you in filling empty slots in your calendar. Infuse your green values in your co-workers. Inculcating an eco-friendly drive into your crew will facilitate and ensure everybody holds up your brand. Avoiding The Common Green Pitfalls A few common mistakes that could be eliminated to make short-term rentals more eco-friendly are listed below. 1. Greenwashing: Greenwashing is the process of presenting your company or your actions as more environmentally friendly than they are. For instance, consumer goods company Unilever was not so long ago called up for broadcasting a variety of merchandise as being “kinder on the planet” when they were consisting of 50% plastic and were not, therefore, so kind on the world. In rental space, greenwashing is possibly available in the form of wildly exaggerated recycling practices when much single-use plastic remains being used. As said by Deborah, you ought to watch out not to say, “I’ve got LED light bulbs, and now I’m environmentally friendly.” Appreciate what you’re trying to do and be precise concerning not having the ability to do

Airbnb Do’s and Don’ts – All Hosts Should Know

Airbnb Do's and Don'ts All Hosts Should Know

Do you also desire to become an outstanding host with an overflow of 5-star reviews? If so, mastering the “Airbnb Do’s and Don’ts All Hosts Should Know” is essential for your success. You’ll need to make your listing stand out from your competitors and do your best to enchant your guests with remarkable services. To help you conquer the hosting world and avoid common missteps, we have compiled a list of Airbnb Do’s and Don’ts for you to remember, which will aid in capturing the hearts of your customers. Airbnb Do’s and Don’ts: Tips for Hosts If you’re aiming to take your Airbnb income on an upward graph and leave an impact on your guests, you should pay close attention to these suggestions. Learn how to attract more guests, build a simple hosting routine and avoid common pitfalls. Do invest time in eye-catching headlines and professional pictures. The first impression is the last impression. The first thing that helps you leave an impression on your guests is the title of your listing; hence, you should make it fun, creative and exciting. Avoiding generic words such as “beautiful” or “great location” is recommended. You can, instead, focus on what your rental offers, its unique aspects, amenities and convenience.  Investing in high-quality inspirational photos of your rental property will do most of the work as it can help attract travellers’ attention. You should ensure a beautiful cover image to charm your prospective guests. Don’t set unrealistic expectations. A false description of your Airbnb might be very tempting. But it would be best if you stayed moderate by making your Airbnb sound better than what it is, as this is the most proven method to earn bad reviews. Initially, you might get many bookings by giving a colourful elaboration of your property, but you are deceiving your guests. In the long run, you will get cancellations and bad reviews. Highlighting the unique properties in your description is very important to find your target travellers, but you should be honest. Ensure you convey the most authentic experience of staying at your property, even the most minor details. Do maintain a clean space. Airbnb hosts should never allow paying guests to stay in unstained accommodations. You are responsible for handing in your guests a clean and tidy rental. Whether renting a luxury villa or a budget bedroom, your place must be spotless. If you frequently host, turning your rental space over whenever you have a guest can become tiresome. To make sure you are always covered, hiring professional cleaners is recommended. And remember, giving a cleanliness checklist is a great way to keep your cleaners on track.  A cleaning fee can be added to Airbnb listings to offset the cost of professional cleaning services. And you can save yourself the trouble of setting rules and remembering to assign tasks to your team member with tools like We can notify your staff about same-day turnovers and automatically schedule cleanings for last-minute bookings. Stay moderate with the rules. Make sure your house rules are clear right off the bat. Airbnb must agree to the rules as part of the reservation process, so include everything relevant. Keeping a thick rulebook can hinder the guests’ experience of enjoying the fresh air and the new surroundings. Make your rules simple, and don’t saturate your home with “don’t do this” and “don’t do that” notices. Your guests are here to escape the rules, avoid their problems and relax during the vacation, so help them feel like it’s home. Set a fair price. If renting out space, it’s crucial to determine a pricing strategy because pricing is always a factor in the decision and a significant part of the filter. To avoid having your listing drop out because your price is too high or too cheap, you should check your competitors’ rates in your area. To be on edge over the others, pay attention to travel trends in your area and seasonal patterns. Hosts often use dynamic pricing during the off-season to entice guests to book their property. Another way to earn more money is by increasing your prices during popular travel times like Christmas. Update your pricing regularly to see how potential customers respond to the changes. Pay attention to the small details. Consider every hosting decision from the perspective of a potential guest and always put the guest experience first. In addition to providing lodging, Airbnb hosts also sell an experience. To understand it better, you need to experience the rental in the guests’ shoes and imagine what you would want or how it could be better that way and enhance the guests’ experience. Consider spending some time at your Airbnb property if it’s not your primary residence to understand the guests’ experience during their stay. It will help you know the minute details. Can you prepare a meal in your kitchen with the equipment you have? Do you have enough room in the wardrobe? Are there any lights by people’s beds so they can read at night? You should furnish your house with items you would want to use if you lived there. For instance, if you enjoy drinking from nice glasses, provide good-quality wine glasses and ensure that the kitchen drawer has decent knives. To create an inviting environment, you must understand what guests travelling to your area want- leisure activities, relaxation, or luxury. Always think ahead of your guests to ensure they have these things before they realize what they need. That’s what makes 5-star reviews possible. Do stay connected to your guests. Airbnb hosting relies heavily on communication to provide a positive experience for guests. The communication channels between you and the guest should be open and transparent from the moment of a booking request until the final review. The most important thing to do is establish an understanding with the guests that you are available whenever they need you. If you have multiple listings across various platforms, answering guests’ questions promptly, 24/7, is

How to Write Titles for Airbnb Listings That Get More Bookings

How to Write Titles for Airbnb Listings That Get More Bookings

Planning to commence Airbnb and cannot decide how to create a catchy name for it and want to know “How to Write Titles for Airbnb Listings That Get More Bookings”. Discovering a captivating title is crucial for attracting and uplifting your listing. Every day visitors explore countless listings, searching for their next stay. So, what differentiates you from others? The first thing the viewers notice is the title; hence it should be indelible and define what you provide. Take into account that the better the title, the higher the rank in Airbnb search results and the more engagement of potential visitors. Uploading a suitable photo and the title is more likely to maximize the Airbnb booking. In this article, we’ll suggest how to create emphasizing Airbnb titles in addition to a few innovative Airbnb name ideas. You can also look at our guide on enhancing your rental property. How to Create Catchy Names for Airbnb Airbnb financing is a prominent way to make money with rental properties through long-term stays or one-time bookings. But it all starts with you creating an alluring name for your listing that would attract travelers. It’s a strenuous process since hosts are limited to 50 characters in their listing titles. The following practices would help you create appealing names for your Airbnb listings and how to write titles for Airbnb listings that get more bookings. Starting the Airbnb title by keeping in mind the individual crowd that is attracted to the specific topic. For instance, using words such as ‘modern,’ ‘convenient,’ or ‘bright’ attracts business travelers when representing your property. And To attract couples looking for a romantic trip, you should develop an Airbnb title that carries words that encourage love and romance. Remember your targeted guests’ expectations and wants as you analyze titles for listings on all your channels. This will help you get more attention and reservations from the targeted audience.  Short-term rental management software like offers on-the-spot calendar simultaneity across platforms, where there is an option for you to refuse to double-booking. Proper usage of 50 characters can be used for focussing on various features and give visitors several reasons to peruse your listing.  It’s challenging to keep your title short, so utilizing symbols and abbreviations would make use of characters and make your title more explanatory. Here is the list of some standard Airbnb abbreviations: Downtown—DT With—w/ Apartment—APT Air conditioning—AC Bathroom—BA Bedroom—BR Few Airbnb tries to make their title informative and eye-catching by using emoji and symbols. This would grab the visual interest of the visitors; just avoid overdoing it. Before launching the title, view your listing on mobile and desktop to cross-check that the symbols are showing up correctly. Avoid using every single letter in capital letters because it would make your title look unprofessional and may develop a suspicion that they are a potential scam. Rather than attracting visitors to your rental, it will obstruct visitors from booking your rental. The use of virtuous words would lead to profit. Stay away from making use of collective words like ‘great,’ ‘nice,’ or ‘good’ since they can be used to represent practically any property. Instead, try using distinctive, elucidate words to describe your rental, for instance: Rustic Spacious Retro Chic Contemporary Insta-worthy Elegant Secluded Historic Sunny Quiet Oasis Resort Hidden gem It helps highlight exceptional features that make your Airbnb distinctive from the others. For example, reference the unique amenities that make your rental more preferable and alluring, such as free WiFi, free Netflix, guest parking facilities, a swimming pool, a complimentary breakfast offer, a balcony, etc. If your brand offers discounts or promotions, you should also consider mentioning these special offers. Don’t forget that people get attracted to better deals. Describe the location of your home or apartment and mention the recognized landmarks to enchant guests—tourist attractions, beaches, lakes, historic districts, etc. For example, describing popular tourist attractions within walking distance to make your Airbnb listing distinctive. For Best Airbnb Titles Rely On Proven Formulas Since you have got a rough idea of how to create Airbnb titles that enchant travelers, you would like to take a look at the following certified formulas for writing interesting titles. Formula 1: [Adjective] [Property Type] Near [Landmark]—Luxury 1 BR Near Golden Gate Bridge — 5 Min Walk Formula 2: [Adjective] [Property Type] w/ [Features/Amenities]—Executive Apartment w/ Free Parking & WiFi Formula 3: [Adjective] [Property Type] Perfect for [Experience]—Luxury Beach House Perfect for Romantic Getaway Formula 4: Enjoy [Selling Point] at [Adjective] [Property Type] in/at/nr [Location/Landmark]—Enjoy Sunsets at Fully Equipped 2BR Condo at the Beach Even though there is no such thing as a flawless title, these legitimized formulas can help you pave your way toward making better titles that would persuade more people to click on your listings and book your property. If you are in charge of several other properties, you should prefer using short-term rental management software like to simplify your daily functioning. The expenditure will pay off with time reduction, higher economic funding, and a better guest experience. Over and above that, you’ll be able to concentrate on the innovative features of your vacation rental business. Listing Title Examples When you’re planning to start your own Airbnb business, you should make sure that the name of the listing is exotic and unforgettable. And it should also give a glimpse of the entire experience that will be offered by your brand. We have assembled a shortlist of catchy Airbnb titles. Don’t forget to check them out for inspiration: Walking distance of Portland from an Eclectic Retreat Rooftop Bedeck, Walkout terrace to Dining and Shopping Luxury Modern Home near Disneyland & Knotts Berry A Modern & Cosy CBD Suite with a Pool & Gym Modest Historic Penthouse with Roof Deck Stylish Luxury Apartment Steps from Broadway Market How to Name Your Airbnb Try to make your vacation rental independently. A brand name would help your listing stand out in the visitor’s mind. Then interested guests can assuredly suggest your

Airbnb Metrics Every Host Should Track

Airbnb Metrics Every Host Should Track

Tracking Airbnb listings helps to attract new guests with data analysis. This also offers quantitative evidence to help & understand how business is doing.

How to Start an Airbnb : The Complete Guide for New Hosts

How to Start an Airbnb The Complete Guide

“Start Earning Today – Unlock the Potential of Airbnb with Our Complete Guide!” Are you interested in becoming an Airbnb host? If so, you’ve come to the right place. “How to Start an Airbnb: The Complete Guide for New Hosts” will provide you with all the information you need to get started. We’ll cover everything from setting up your listing to managing your guests. We’ll also discuss the legal and financial aspects of hosting on Airbnb. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to start an Airbnb and be well on your way to becoming a successful host. Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Airbnb Listing Welcome to the exciting world of Airbnb! Whether you’re a seasoned host or a first-timer, setting up your Airbnb listing can be a daunting task. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you every step of the way. With a few simple steps, you’ll be ready to welcome your first guests in no time. Step 1: Create Your Listing The first step is to create your listing. This is where you’ll provide all the details about your property, such as the type of accommodation, the number of bedrooms, and the amenities you offer. You’ll also need to upload photos of your property and provide a detailed description. Step 2: Set Your Rates Once you’ve created your listing, it’s time to set your rates. You can choose to set a fixed rate or a dynamic rate, which will adjust based on demand. You can also set minimum and maximum stays, as well as additional fees for cleaning and other services. Step 3: Set Your House Rules Your house rules are an important part of your listing. This is where you’ll set expectations for your guests, such as quiet hours, pet policies, and smoking rules. It’s important to be clear and concise when setting your house rules. Step 4: Prepare Your Home Before you start welcoming guests, it’s important to make sure your home is ready. Make sure you have all the necessary amenities, such as towels, linens, and toiletries. You should also make sure your home is clean and tidy. Step 5: Promote Your Listing Once your listing is ready, it’s time to start promoting it. You can use social media, email marketing, and other online tools to reach potential guests. You can also use Airbnb’s search engine optimization tools to help your listing show up in search results. Step 6: Welcome Your Guests Now that your listing is ready and you’ve started to promote it, it’s time to welcome your first guests. Make sure you’re prepared to greet them and answer any questions they may have. You should also provide them with a welcome packet that includes all the information they need to know about your property. Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up your Airbnb listing. Now it’s time to start welcoming guests and making money. With a little bit of effort and dedication, you’ll be a successful Airbnb host in no time. Q&A Q1 : How do I list my property on Airbnb? To list your property on Airbnb, you will need to create an account on the platform and click on the “list your space” button. You will be prompted to provide information about your property, such as its location, amenities, and photos. You will also need to set a rate and availability calendar. Q2: How do I set my pricing on Airbnb? When you list your property on Airbnb, you will be prompted to set a rate for your space. You can set a daily, weekly, or monthly rate, and you can also set different prices for different seasons or special events. You can also set additional fees for cleaning or for extra guests. Q3: How do I communicate with guests on Airbnb? Airbnb has a built-in messaging system that allows hosts to communicate with guests. You can use this system to answer questions from guests, provide information about your property, and coordinate check-in and check-out. Q4: How do I handle booking requests on Airbnb? When a guest submits a booking request for your property, you will receive a notification on the platform. You can then review the guest’s profile and message history, and decide whether or not to approve the request. You can also set up instant booking, which means that your guest can book your property without your approval. Q5: How do I manage my calendar on Airbnb? When you list your property on Airbnb, you will be prompted to set an availability calendar. You can use this calendar to indicate when your property is available for booking. You can also block out dates when your property is not available or when you are using it yourself. Q6: How does Airbnb handle disputes between hosts and guests? Airbnb has a resolution centre that can help resolve disputes between hosts and guests. If a guest or host has an issue with a reservation, they can raise a dispute through the resolution centre. Airbnb will review the case and work to find a resolution that is fair to both parties. To get your unanswered questions, answers you can refer to The Complete Guide for New Hosts. Conclusion Starting an Airbnb can be a great way to make extra income and meet interesting people from all over the world. With the right preparation and research, you can make sure that your Airbnb experience is a positive one. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that you have a successful Airbnb business. From setting up your listing to managing your guests, you can make sure that your Airbnb experience is a positive one. With the right preparation and research, you can make sure that your Airbnb experience is a positive one. Also, read Which is Better, Airbnb or Vrbo Airbnb Vs Renting (Pros & Cons) – Which Is The Better Option? What is Vrbo? What does it stand for? How does VRBO Work

Paying Tax On Airbnb Income In the UK – All You Need To Know!

airbnb tax uk

Renting your property on Airbnb is a great way to earn some extra cash. If you live in the UK, short term lets (STR) otherwise known as a Furnished Holiday Let (FHL) has its tax benefits, and you need to be aware of them to file tax on your Airbnb income correctly. It is always better to be proactive with tax matters things instead of risking tax penalties down the line – especially when there are tax benefits and allowances that can work to your advantage as a host. Convered in this post Does my property qualify as a Furnished Holiday Let (FHL)? As per HMRC guidelines for FHL’s, your Airbnb qualifies as ‘Furnished Holiday Let’ for tax purposes it must: be in the UK or the European Economic Area (EEA) be furnished – there should be sufficient furniture provided for regular occupation be available for letting for at least 210 days of the year have been rented out for at least 105 days as a short term let How much tax do I have to pay on Airbnb income? It depends on whether you are:  renting out a room in your primary residence renting out an investment property If you are letting a place in your own home, several tax-free allowances and advantages can be gained. If you are running an Airbnb business involving an investment property or a property you do not live at full-time, it will be taxed as a business. Business rates on FHL’s in the UK Airbnb hosts who own investment properties in the UK may be subject to business rates. It may vary depending on the part of the UK your property is in: In England, a property that is available to let for 140 days or more in a year is classed as a self-catering property and is subject to business rates. In Wales, a property that is available to let for at least 140 days in a year and is rented for at least 70 days is subject to business rates. In Scotland, a property that is available to let for at least 140 days in a year may be subject to business rates.  It is advised to reach out to a local assessor to look at the property type, its size and location to estimate the rateable value. Council Tax or Business Rate? If your property qualifies for business rates (as explained above), you do not need to pay council tax. Instead, you are liable to pay business rates on the rated value of the property. Along with this, you may need to pay corporation tax and other commercial taxes. Can I offset letting losses against other income? It was possible up until April 2012, but unfortunately, the UK government no longer allows Airbnb hosts to offset their FHL losses against other income. However, the current system allows you to offset Airbnb income losses against future profits for the same property. Airbnb tax UK: Do I need to pay VAT? Yes if your rental income crosses the VAT threshold of £85,000 in a year. You will need to register for VAT, and you will need to absorb this cost yourself as you can not charge additional VAT to guests on Airbnb.  The advantages of paying tax on FHL If your property qualifies as an FHL, you can benefit from the following: Profits are considered as your earnings for pension purposes Unlike standard tenancy, allowances can be claimed for fixtures, furnishings and certain types of equipment in the property You may qualify for Capital Gains Tax relief programs such as the Entrepreneurs’ Relief, or Business Asset Rollover Relief. What is Capital Gain Tax Relief? If the property qualifies as an FHL and if it’s not your primary residence, you are entitled to capital gains tax relief. It may include: Just 10% capital gains tax rate instead of 28% when you sell your property. Ability to avoid capital gains tax on the sale of a property when you sell an FHL property and buy another under the Rollover Relief scheme. Ability to defer paying capital gains tax under the Gift Hold Over Relief scheme, which involves the owner giving away his business assets or selling them for less than they are worth to help the buyer. What is Entrepreneurs relief? Also known as Micro-Entrepreneurs Allowance, is a UK government scheme aimed at supporting small-entrepreneurs who are letting out properties or trading on websites such as Airbnb.  It allows recipients to deduct a £1,000 Micro-Entrepreneurs Allowance from their gross income to arrive at their taxable income figure, as opposed to calculating taxable profits by subtracting the actual expenses.  Important: You can not claim Micro-Entrepreneurs Allowance as well as the Rent A Room Relief on the same income. Rent a room tax free threshold If you are renting out a room in your primary residence, first £7,500 of your rent is tax-free in the UK as part of the Rent A Room Relief Scheme. This rule does not apply if you run Airbnb in an investment property. Need help with your Airbnb tax in UK? There are many online resources to help you understand more about paying tax on your Airbnb income in the UK, here are a few I recommend: TaxScouts – Airbnb tax return specialists and recommend by Airbnb. They submit your tax return for £119 all-inclusive and if you go via this link, you will get a 10% discount. Click here to visit and get 10% discount Airbnb Guidance on the UK taxation of rental income Please note, this post is for informational purpose only. It is not legal advice. If you’re unclear about how any of these laws apply to you, seek advice from a lawyer or other legal advisor.

Airbnb Tips – All You Should Be Doing To Become A Superhost!

Airbnb tips

Practical Airbnb tips from a professional superhost: Airbnb is undeniably the first choice of many travellers today with an average of over 2 million people using it each night.  Its rapid growth each year encourages us to be a part of this phenomenal journey to create a smashing success. So let’s understand the nitty-gritty of each situation and think from a guest’s perspective to deal with each challenging situation faultlessly. When I started hosting on Airbnb, it was difficult to state which part of hosting was more critical.  But, after dealing with 20,000+ bookings and several goof-ups – I learnt that management is indispensable at each stage to satisfy the savvier traveller. Additionally, I was careful to not go slack after the first few initial bookings and 5-star ratings; I realised that the excellent reviews certainly hit a double bullseye.  It not only boosted my business, but it also boosted my confidence in running the show without a hitch. To understand how to achieve favourable outcomes effectively and also how to provide consistent quality by dealing with each challenging situation faultlessly. Let me share with you my tried and tested Airbnb tips to become an incredible host and to make your venture move like clockwork. 1. An Airbnb differs from a hotel room2. Cleanliness and Safety is of Utmost Importance3. Clear directions4. Don’t scrimp on basic requirements5. Let your guests know about anything unusual6. Maintain peace with your neighbours7. Safeguard yourselves as Airbnb hosts8. Share Local Information9. Small gestures speak volumes10. Stay Connected11. Stock up the kitchen sufficiently12. Use plenty of excellent photographs of your property13. What if a guest has no cell service?14. Always remember to write your guest a review 1. An Airbnb differs from a hotel room “To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the most pleasant sensations in the world” stated explorer and travel writer Freya Stark. For a traveller, if you provide a satisfactory lodging, mixed with an exceptional local experience, the pleasant feelings would unarguably be two-fold.  Consumers are mostly looking for places worth their money. In a regular hotel room, there are essential amenities like a bathroom, a bed, a closet, etc.  But with Airbnb as an option, a vacationer might find a perfect place in prime areas, at very reasonable rates and additional facilities. Airbnb hosting may be trending from renting out a spare room towards bigger commercial goals, but the original idea remains the same – to provide the local essence with a personal touch. Airbnb is also the perfect solution when there isn’t any vacancy in the hotels, or the rates have skyrocketed during the peak season.  This rush of travellers is generally during vacations, sporting events, festivals, and the graduation ceremonies of students or the orientation programmes for parents, etc. As a consequence, in almost every city, this demand for lodging crops up.  This is when hosts, through the Airbnb platform, can let out their spare rooms at a high price (but considerably lower than hotels rooms), which during the off-season, as the prices dip, can be kept for personal use only;  Airbnb hosts have this freedom of hosting travellers in their property whenever they like.  So, when demand increases, Airbnb increases its capacity for more lodgings benefitting the hosts, as well as travellers who don’t have to pay exorbitant rates when the hotel prices shoot up.  Travellers have different priorities in the type of accommodations to book:  Some are out all day, so they are only looking for a clean room and bed at very reasonable prices. Some travellers like to get the real feel of living in that area by taking walks or cycling in the neighbourhood. (Provide bicycles if none are available for rent in the vicinity). Additional amenities like a kitchen can be a boon, especially for international guests; to be able to prepare meals of their choice is the first consideration for many travellers. When travelling in groups, many prefer to stay in an apartment or a villa as it will be more accommodating. The above points show that the amenities you provide decide on the kind of guests you will get.  So you need to get cracking and provide those priorities. ❤ Airbnb Tips: ☆ Make it a home away from home Your Airbnb is a home away from home, where a guest can relax, make a cup of coffee and enjoy it in the sitting area. So, make it a point to give the property all the care and a personal touch to make it a splendid experience for the guest. ☆ Spruce up your property Any inconvenient or shabby looking accommodations can take the thrill away from an otherwise fabulous trip. Spruce up your property for more bookings and positive reviews for you. ☆ Make it a unique experience In some places, to stay at an Airbnb may cost almost as much as the hotels, but still, the Airbnb services are preferred for the personal experience. As hosts, you do not need to go out of your way, but preferably add that extra something to make it a unique experience and an exceptional stay for your guest. Airbnb should not be an option; it should be the FIRST choice!! If a traveller chooses to stay in your property, there has to be something more favourable or outstanding in this space. As responsible hosts, it’s imperative to provide a memorable experience along with the necessary facilities. The experience will not only help your rating but may provide high recommendations and repeat bookings for your property. This will lead to Airbnb being a traveller’s first choice instead of one of the options. As Airbnb has revolutionised the lodging business and caters to millions of travellers looking for many, exclusive experiences, you can be an essential part of its extraordinary growth. 2. Cleanliness and Safety is of UTMOST Importance Providing clean and safe lodging is of utmost importance — everything else people can tolerate (if you inform them in advance). Why does it matter the most? However scenic

How To Review Your Airbnb Stay With 50+ Best Airbnb Review Examples

Airbnb Hosting A man is showcasing an Airbnb hosting smiley face with green, yellow, and red colors.

Out of review ideas for your Airbnb host or guest who just checked out?  Here is a list of 50+ best AirBnb review example you can get started with or copy-paste them. But before we indulge in the examples, a few tips about writing a useful and effective Airbnb review. Airbnb Review FAQ’s How long do I have to write an Airbnb review? You have 14 days after checkout time to write a review your trip. Can Airbnb extend the review period? No exceptions – Under no circumstances Airbnb will extend the 14 days for you. If you miss the 14 days period, you have missed the opportunity to write the review permanently. Don’t waste your time asking Airbnb to extend the period for you; they won’t do it. Can I edit a review I wrote? You have 48 hours to edit your review unless the other party has already reviewed you or the 14-day time limit passed. Once a review is published, you cannot edit it. Can I delete a published review? Technically, yes you can contact Airbnb and request for deletion. Practically, they won’t delete it unless it violates Airbnb content policy or outright discriminatory. Don’t waste your time if you are looking to change the words, turn it between a positive/negative or made a mistake – they won’t let you do it. What can I not say or do in a review? Reviews that don’t represent personal experience. Reviews that are not related to the reservation, for example, commentary about political, religious, or social issues. Review that endorses or promotes illegal, harmful activity, violence, vulgarity, discriminatory or threatening. Content that violates another person’s rights, such as intellectual property rights and privacy rights. For example, mentioning personal address and additional identifying information. How long after I leave a review will it be published? Both the host and guest have 14 days to leave a review for each other.   Once you both leave a review for each other, the review is posted immediately in their Airbnb public profile. If you leave a review for the other person but the other person does not review you, it will automatically be published after the 14 day period expires Can I respond to a review? Yes, you can respond to a review written by the other party within days of the review being published.  Remember your response will be public on your profile. Read more about Airbnb guidelines on how to respond to a review. How to write an Airbnb review? 1. Be kind and honest People use Airbnb for their livelihood, and a small negative comment in the review which they didn’t deserve can have severe financial consequences on the person and his family. 2. Mention name Mention your Airbnb host’s name and write a few sentences about their personality (if you met them) or the communication throughout the stay. 3. Highlight check-in Write about the check-in process and how difficult or easy it was to get into the property. 4. What you loved Write something which you found very convenient and helpful during your stay. It can be anything such as the location of the property, recommendations of the host, information provided or the amenities in the property 5. Suggest improvements Suggest what could be better and make the stay more comfortable for future guests. Remember, there is a very fine line between negative feedback and constructive criticism. Be positive. 6. Summarise with a sentence for future guests In the end, mention if you would recommend (or not recommend) the property to other guests. If in doubt, see what others have written and used it as an inspiration. 7. Know Airbnb star rating In the world of Airbnb, 5-star rating mean satisfactory and above and a 4-star rating means you had a bad experience. Read the Airbnb review guidelines for more information. 50+ Airbnb Review Examples(as a Guest) [host] was a great host! Responded very quickly, and was very accommodating to our needs/requests. Check-in instructions were super detailed and helpful. The apartment was very clean and well stocked. We could not have asked for a better location. Overall a wonderful place; we would stay here again easily! [host]’s place was brilliant, great value for money and great location, Flat was clean and welcoming, beds were comfy and the shower was great , added bonuses with the tea and coffee, all in all the flat was a great stay and would recommend it to anyone. The property is absolutely clean and stylish. It is exactly the same as shown in the pictures and within walking distances to various attractions. This is such a stylish flat, 2 big, very cosy beds and a sofa bed; all perfect for our family of 5. Lovely hot shower and shampoo and conditioner if needed. A kitchen with all the items you’d need and all very clean and well presented. We would definitely recommend, as we feel so lucky to have found this little treasure in the beautiful town of [town name]. This is such a stylish flat, 2 big, very cosy beds and a sofa bed; all perfect for our family of 5. Lovely hot shower and shampoo and conditioner if needed. A kitchen with all the items you’d need and all very clean and well presented. We would definitely recommend, as we feel so lucky to have found this little treasure in the beautiful town of [town name]. Pictures on the internet do not do this property justice wow factor. Location was fab. Quiet but close to shops parks and train station. Very comfortable would definitely recommend. Great value for money. Well equipped and comfortable, spotlessly clean. Short walk to train station, local supermarket and bus stop. Local amenities include pharmacy, doctor’s surgery and public park. Restaurants and take away shops all within walking distance. One of the very few pet friendly Airbnb in the city and I am sure it is the best too. Had great time staying at [host]’s place. Flat was sparkling clean with

Best Smart Lock For Airbnb & Vacation Rentals In 2024Top vacation rental smart locksBest Smart Lock For Airbnb & Vacation Rentals In 2024

Best Smart Lock For Airbnb

After spending four years in my search for the best smart lock for Airbnb business, I can tell you there are a lot of misleading products out there in the market and when it comes to using them only a few smart locks stand up to to the expectations of an Airbnb host. Things you should be looking for in a smart lock for Airbnb It should be able to connect with your Airbnb account and automatically generate a unique access code for each guest. Each access code should be valid only for the duration of the guests stay. You should be able to monitor the lock’s activity remotely ideally via a phone app. You can manage the lock remotely. It should be easy to install and take off when needed, without causing permanent changes to the door. It should have all the above features without any compromise on the security you expect from a lock. Here is the list of three best smart lock for Airbnb which do all of the above and more.. August – #1 Best Smart Lock For Airbnb Price: USD 150-180 Rating:  4.6/5 Good Reasonably priced Attaches to your existing deadbolt lock; use your existing keys anytime Very easy to install, you can install it using a screwdriver within 10 minutes Control and monitor your door from anywhere using the phone iOS & Android phone app Works with most standard single cylinder deadbolts Auto locks behind you It can connect with your Airbnb account and automatically generate and send a custom personal entry code for each guest that’s valid from check-in to check-out Bad Guest has to install a phone app to be able to open the door – not everyone uses a smartphone Guest may be locked out if their phone battery dies or if they lose their phone If there is a communal entry door, you will still need to find a solution to let the guest in from there Summary: It is the best smart lock for Airbnb in 2023 and has been the most popular choice of Airbnb hosts around the world for many years. Pro tip: Let your guest open the door using the Phone app for the first time and ask them to immediately collect the physical key once they are in the property to use after that or keep it as a backup to avoid lockouts if they lose phone or if the battery dies. See August Lock on Amazon iGlooHome – #2 Best Smart Lock For Airbnb Price: USD 150-225 Rating:  4.4/5 Smart Keybox Smart Deadbolt Smart Mortise Good Smart Keybox ($149.99) No installation is required – you can quickly secure it on a firm structure such as railings or door handle Keys or any other stored inside the Keybox for guests to retrieve when they arrive at the property It can be unlocked via PIN code, which you can generate via a mobile app You can select the duration for which the PIN code is valid for Works offline Hassle-free setup, just hand the lockbox somewhere secure and it is good to go Deadbolt & Mortice Smart Locks ($170-225) Offer keyless entry to guest using an auto generated code which is unique to each guest Optionally you can provide physical keys or key cards Manage and control access remotely using phone app Bad As with the all touch screen locks, the user leaves fingerprints on the panel which can be good enough hint of intruders Less reliable than other brands offering smart lock for Airbnb Customer support is not very responsive Inaccurate documentation Summary: The smart lockbox solution is one of a kind and is the best product by igloohome. It is reliable and does what it says on the tin. Compared to the traditional infamous Airbnb lockboxes, it is one to go for especially if your door is in an area with poor Wifi connectivity. See igloohome on Amazon Nuki #3 Best Smart Lock For Airbnb Price: USD 339 Rating:  4.6/5 Good Super easy installation, you can fix it on any lock in less than 5 minutes Guest can unlock the door via phone app, code or key fob Comes with smart hub with which it connects to internet Manage and monitor the lock from phone app Integrates with Airbnb and it can send access link to your guests automatically Guest access is valid only during the stay Bad Expensive Battery life is short, you will need to change them every 1-2 months It is bulky and noticeable on the door Summary: Easy to fit, easy to use and with plenty of unlocking options, this is amongst the best smart lock for Airbnb available in the market – if you don’t mind having a bulky device hanging off your door lock. See Nuki lock on Amazon Also, check the best Airbnb hosting templates.

What is the Vrbo Service Fee?

What is VRBO Service fee

Vrbo is the vacation rental company of the Expedia Group. It is globally renowned, with over 2 million vacation rental listings in over 190 countries. Considering the heavy traffic footfall on the website, it is an excellent platform for those seeking exposure and a steady income out of their property listing. But to make maximum profit out of the dealing, be it as an owner or guest, it is essential to understand the cost mechanisms of Vrbo services fee and what they offer. Websites have made it substantially easy for travellers to compare properties based on various factors such as location, amenities and, most importantly, affordability. Vrbo offers a thorough, transparent and detailed summary of the cost during registration of the property and the facilities that can be availed at a price. As a host, Vrbo offers you two payment models. The first one is an annual subscription model at the cost of 499 US dollars. This model is feasible for those properties that have the potential to earn over 1000 US dollars from their property annually. The annual subscription model is inclusive of the service fee, which would otherwise be charged separately for each booking. This model makes things easier, especially when you have multiple properties. However, it is to be kept in mind that a single annual subscription covers a single property only. In other words, if you have multiple listings, you will need to subscribe to each listing separately. The other payment model is the pay-per-booking model and fees. This is beneficial for those who have either just begun their journey in the market or have an income property with seasonal guests (such as beach houses etc.).  As an owner opting for this model, you will have to pay a 5% commission to Vrbo each time your property is booked through the platform.  This commission is on the rental amount, cleaning fee, pet fee or any additional fee charged from the guest. A 3% payment processing fee would also be charged on the total amount you receive from the guest, inclusive of taxes and refundable damage deposits.  If you happen to be a property manager in charge of managing multiple property listings at Vrbo, an additional amount of 5% booking fee will be levied. While looking at Vrbo from a customer’s point of view, let us take a look at the different charges that might be asked from potential guests during and after booking. Cleaning Fee The cleaning fee charges may vary from $30 to $200. The costs change because of factors such as the location of the property, the size of the property, and the charges demanded by the cleaners. The facilities offered under such a fee would include basic cleaning, laundry, restocking necessities, and other services. Pet Fee The charges of pet fees range from $30 to $150. This fee ranges from the owner’s expectations. It may or may not be refundable. This fee is asked as security as pets can potentially damage the owner’s property. However, if a service animal is accompanying you, you can request the owner remove this fee as service animals are not considered pets. Vrbo Service Fee This fee ranges from 7% to 10% of the total rental amount, including pet fee, owner fee, and cleaning fee. However, it excludes taxes and refundable fees that the guest pays. This charge is basically to ensure a smooth booking experience and secure transactions at Vrbo with all-time available customer support. Additionally, if a guest books their property through Vrbo, they are eligible for the “Book with Confidence Guarantee.” This ensures that you will be assisted immediately and relocated to an alternate property suited to your taste in the rare case of fraud. Extra Guest Fee This fee ranges from $75 to $100. This fee is usually applicable when more people travel than the bedrooms available or when a family travels with kids. Refundable Damage Deposit This fee ranges from $200 to $500. This deposit is charged mainly as a security measure to encourage guests to take care of the property and leave it just as they found it. The deposit is refunded after the guests leave the property unscathed. Owner Fee This fee ranges from $60 to $1000. On most Vrbo rental properties, you will not see these detailed charges as mentioned above. You might just see one category called ‘owner fee’, which would include all these facilities, such as pet fee, parking fee, cleaning fee, property fee and administrative fee. This feature is available to Vrbo if the owners don’t want to overwhelm potential guests with multiple little charges during their registration. Admin Fee This fee ranges from $100 to $300. This fee is usually a subhead in the owner fee category and is generally charged when some management company rents their property out. Property Fee This fee ranges from $120-$150. The owners who rent out their property through Vrbo often pay the mortgage amount monthly. If you stay at the property for a long duration, it would be expected to find a portion of the mortgage amount to be in the invoice. Resort Fee The cost of this fee ranges from $100 to $120. While browsing for properties on Vrbo, you might come across hotels or resorts as available options for a stay. While booking such properties, you will come across a resort fee. However, this fee would include other fees such as cleaning or property fees. Parking Fee This fee is usually about $50. This charge is usually levied when a guest is staying in a condo or apartment with a paid parking space. However, you can ask the owner to remove the charges if you are not planning on using the area during your stay. Also read Which is Better Airbnb or VrboWhat is Vrbo? What does it stand for?How does VRBO Work In 2023Best Airbnb pricing tools

Airbnb Host Checklist – No-Nonsense Tips For Hosts

Airbnb Host Checklist

Whenever you start something new, it requires planning and preparation beforehand. It is the same with the Airbnb host position. It doesn’t matter how experienced or inexperienced you are; an Airbnb Host Checklist is an essential possession. The checklist becomes a go-to reference point to consult regularly as it makes sure that your Airbnb is well-stocked and well-functioning. Initially, you’ve to ensure that you’ve provided all the necessary amenities and supplies to your coming guests, but the process doesn’t stop there. You’ve to keep tailoring your property management processes with time to ensure that your things are running efficiently and that your guests have their best experience. While each host tries to make their Airbnb as unique as possible for their guests, some things remain common to all stays. These are essential amenities that ease your daily operations as an Airbnb host and help you start something on the right foot. It isn’t easy to know these things beforehand if you are a beginner. But it is equally challenging to remember all these things from memory and not miss out on anything, even if you are an experienced Airbnb host. So, let’s check out these much-needed facilities, step by step. 1. Begin with Basics: Get the necessary amenities and supplies! This is the most basic and crucial detail. Your stay should be functional and comfortable for the guest. It is advised that you go through room by room to ensure that you don’t miss anything essential. Here is a sample Airbnb host checklist of things that you need to look out for: 2. Capture that: Take high-quality photos and write a welcoming description. It is needless to say, presentation of your services is just as important as providing them. This is the platform where a book is indeed judged by its cover. Through your presentation, you can convince your viewer to become your guests. Here are a few tips for you to embrace: If you have anything unique in your stay, clearly advertise it. A unique selling point (USP) can be its location, style, any unique facility, or even its value for money. While selecting the photograph that best portrays your property, you should choose different types of shots, such as comprehensive, mid, or portrait shots. It is recommended to hire a professional photographer for the best results. You should select a picture that is either your unique selling point or compliments your property best as your cover photo. Avoid generic words such as ‘good’, ‘beautiful’ or ‘nice.’ Create an engaging Airbnb listing with information about your property. You can even write a few descriptive lines on how your guests might feel while staying on the property to make it better. Verify your identity and complete your Airbnb profile with a bio and a profile picture. Earlier delivery of house rules can help avoid any misunderstanding or conflict of interest during the stay. 3. Talk it out: Prompt and effective communication between the host and guests A host has to be available for the guests promptly. This includes pre-communication with the guest before the stay for clear understanding. The host should also be on time to attend and welcome the guest personally on their initial arrival. To ease things for the host and guest, automated services, such as iGMS, that assist in such communications are also a good option. 4. Airbnb Host Checklist: Must-have’s as per guests If your Airbnb property is a vacation spot, it is needless to say you will get a variety of guests with different needs. For instance, if you are receiving a family with kids, your go-to Airbnb host checklist will need some major additions and even some omissions. So, here are a few things that will alter your standard go-to list as per the needs of your guests: Family with kids: Depending on the kids’ age, you will need to provide for them accordingly. You will probably need a portable crib, small mattress, high chair in the kitchen, safety items such as baby gates, cabinet locks, kid-friendly cutlery, a toybox, colouring books and pencils. Travellers with pets: If travelling with pets, your property needs to accordingly provide your guests with water and food bowls, dog or cat beds, pet toys, crates, treats, dog gates etc. Business Travelers: The purpose of the guest’s visit vastly changes what they expect and need out of the stay. If travelling for business, the guests would prioritize a stable Wi-Fi connection with a Wi-Fi booster, a laptop-friendly workspace with a comfortable chair, free parking, a self-check-in option etc.  While providing these curated services, make sure to advertise them on your page as well. This would attract expand your customer base with a selective clientele, possibly enhancing your reviews 5. Airbnb Host Checklist: Cleanliness is next to Godliness. It is a must to keep your property clean before your guest’s arrival. While it is the most basic duty as a host of the property, it is also challenging and time-consuming for the host. It is challenging as the property needs to be thoroughly cleaned because even a single strand of hair left in the bathroom can lead to a negative review. Therefore, it is recommended that if your budget allows it, you should outsource it. Creating a reliable network of subcontractors or cleaning services will also help you maintain the property. If you are comfortable using software platforms such as iGMS, then this task can become even easier as it will establish automated communication with the hired staff and auto-assign tasks for completion. 6. Staying up-to-date with BI One of the easiest hacks while running a business is to advance your business with the upcoming trends.  You can rely on business intelligence tools, such as Alltherooms, Transparent, and AirDNA, to enhance your knowledge of the industry tendencies, vacation rental data and analytics etc. This would help you make informed and proactive decisions regarding your property and business. Also read  30 Actionable Tips to Optimize Your Airbnb Listing in 2023 

Which is Better Airbnb or Vrbo

Which is Better Airbnb or Vrbo

While travelling and looking for affordable options of accommodation, Airbnb and Vrbo are two of the most popular websites. They both offer a variety of short-term vacation rental properties globally. But it is necessary to know the pros and cons and similarities and differences of both the websites before engaging further either as a guest or owner. To attract more guests, reduce vacancy rates, and boost revenue, a thorough knowledge is necessary to develop a profitable marketing strategy. Brief History – Which is Better Airbnb or Vrbo Founded in 2008, Airbnb has over 5.6 million listings in more than 200 countries. Vrbo (known initially as Vacation Rental by Owner) was established in 1995, bought by HomeStay in 2006, and is now under the Expedia Group. There are over 2 million property listings on Vrbo, and it ranges from over 190 countries. Both Airbnb and Vrbo connect homeowners who are looking forward to leasing out their property to travellers searching for short-term lodging.  The first and major difference between the two would be that Vrbo provides properties only exclusively. In other words, if you are renting out a property through Vrbo, the entire space would be yours. It dominantly offers stand-alone vacation homes only. On the other hand, Airbnb offers stand-alone vacation homes, shared spaces and even hotel rooms. Airbnb is relatively cheaper and less typical. They even offer discounts on long-term stays which Vrbo does not provide. Airbnb also happens to have a larger selection of listings and has an option of ‘instant booking’ available which makes it easier for the guests Feature Comparison Another significant difference for guests is that Airbnb’s website has a user-friendly interface. It is easier to use, while Vrbo provides multiple scattered property options on the website, making it harder to navigate. Setting up your cancellation policies and Airbnb damage deposit is complicated as it’s hard to find those options on the website. But on the upside, the more complex interface provides better functionality. While Airbnb is easier to use, Vrbo gives more precise results to guide you towards your ideal stay through the advanced search bar, which lets you filter out your demands. Another key difference is that Airbnb penalises you for cancelling while Vrbo doesn’t. It is straightforward to cancel through Vrbo; you just have to press a button and heed the warnings. But Airbnb penalises you, making it extremely difficult to use for someone who relies on immediate bookings on their income property. Airbnb offers you three free cancellations per year, but that is not feasible. Cost Comparison As owners listing their property either on Airbnb or Vrbo, keep the damage deposits in mind. While Airbnb provides its property owner with some insurance coverage, Vrbo does not offer any such safety net. Therefore, if you are listing your property on Vrbo, keep your damage deposits to a reasonably high level as you won’t have any other safety net. Suppose you are an owner of multiple vacation rental properties. In that case, it might be easier to use Airbnb because it is designed to manage numerous properties in a unified and sorted manner. Vrbo, on the other hand, does not provide for a unified view of your bookings over multiple properties. Another key difference is in the charges of the host commission. Airbnb charges you a nightly rate of three per cent on your property booking. Contrarily, Vrbo charges a higher rate of 5% with an additional 3% card processing payment on each booking. So, Airbnb is substantially cheaper for the host. But if you look at it from guests’ perspective, Airbnb charges them 12%-18% while Vrbo charges them 10%-15%. And considering the latter is cheaper for the guests, there is more likely to be more significant traffic footfall there. Exposure – Which is better Airbnb or VRBO It is also important to note that Vrbo is the vacation rental company of the Expedia Group.  Therefore, if an owner lists their property on their website, it is likely to gain more considerable exposure as it would also circulate amongst other related sites which the group hosts. Airbnb does not have any other associated child websites where their listed property would get automatically published. Suppose you are an owner of multiple vacation rental properties. In that case, it might be easier to use Airbnb because it is designed to manage numerous properties in a unified and sorted manner. Vrbo, on the other hand, does not provide for a unified view of your bookings over multiple properties. Another key difference is in the charges of the host commission. Airbnb charges you a nightly rate of three per cent on your property booking. Contrarily, Vrbo charges a higher rate of 5% with an additional 3% card processing payment on each booking. So, Airbnb is substantially cheaper for the host. But if you look at it from guests’ perspective, Airbnb charges them 12%-18% while Vrbo charges them 10%-15%. And considering the latter is cheaper for the guests, there is more likely to be more considerable traffic footfall there. It is also important to note that Vrbo is the vacation rental company of the Expedia Group.  Therefore, if an owner lists their property on their website, it is likely to gain more considerable exposure as it would also circulate amongst other related sites which are hosted by the group. Airbnb does not have any other associated child websites where their listed property would get automatically published. Feature Comparison Another difference that might be of importance to the hosts is that at Airbnb you can upload as many pictures of your property as you want.  However, while displaying your property on Vrbo, you can upload a maximum of 50 photos. While 50 is a good number, it would be harder to display all aspects of your property if you have a big villa. Vrbo has a customized cleaning service fee which is a huge advantage for guests, particularly those on a short-term stay. Airbnb offers no service. They

What is Vrbo? What does it stand for?

How does Vrbo Work

While surfing about vacation rental platforms or maybe from some other source, you might have heard of the name Vrbo. But what does the platform offer? What is Vrbo? How is it different from all other rental platforms or websites that the internet offers? Why should a guest book from this platform over others?  Why should a property owner list their property here instead of the other platforms?  What is the story of Vrbo, and what makes it unique? Let’s find out. What is VRBO: Brief History Vrbo was set up in 1995 and was initially labelled as VRBO (in all capital letters). The abbreviation stands for Vacation Rentals By Owner. Though its headquarters are in Austin, Texas, the platform operates internationally in over 190 countries. It is mainly established in Northern America, considering it originated from there. The company offers a platform where rental owners or managers can catalogue information regarding their property. Travellers seeking accommodation can book property of their choice from this catalogue. It was one of the first platforms which offered individual private properties as a viable vacation rental option without involving middle-management through the property management company. It provided a space like a home with convenience and amenities to its guests. The properties offered vary from houses, condos/apartments, cabins, studios, cottages, bungalows, townhouses, villas, resorts, hotels, guest houses, chalets, lodges, caravans, farmhouses, estates, country houses, barns, houseboats, yachts, towers, castles, and boats. What is Vrbo: Acquisitions HomeAway acquired the company in 2006 for eight years. In 2015, Expedia Group bought both HomeAway and VRBO.  The Expedia Group is known for their travelling companies, with other important brands such as Trivago, etc. In 2020, the HomeAway and VRGO were rebranded and merged under Vrbo, without the capitals but with a new pronunciation and logo.  The original meaning of the name was separated from the label. The name is now pronounced as “ver-boh” or “ver-bow.”  This new brand owns CyberRentals, CanadaStays,, Travelmob, Homelidays, Stayz, OwnersDirect, Bookabach, Arbitel, Toprural, FeWo-Direkt, and Alugue Temporada. Vrbo compared to others Vrbo is different from other platforms such as Airbnb due to the exclusivity it provides of the property offered. In simpler words, Vrbo doesn’t offer a shared space like Airbnb; it provides the entire house/property to the guests. While this means that there might be fewer options available on their platform, it assures the guest that their privacy will remain intact as their chosen property will be entirely theirs during their stay. With companies dealing with vacation properties, safety remains a vital concern. Vrbo takes quite a few measures to ensure safety for both the guests and the owners. To create an environment of comfort, trust and protection, Vrbo offers services such as: Online payment processing to ensure secure collection and distribution of rental income Verification of traveller to protect against potential frauds Liability insurance provides up to 1,000,000 US dollars as coverage Authenticating reviews of both travellers and guests Accidental damage coverage of the property up to 5,000 US dollars Verification of listed properties to avoid potential fraud Providing a platform for direct communication between the owner and the potential guest to ensure a thorough verification process and avoid fraudulently Establishment of personal property rules by the owners to regulate guests What does Vrbo Charge? From Guests Vrbo charges its guests a minimal fee which ranges from 6% to 15% of the booking’s subtotal. These charges are based on service fees which make them quite varied. Usually, a booking with a higher reservation cost will have to pay a lesser percentage of the subtotal.  Vrbo even offers its guests to buy travel insurance during payment of their reservation of chosen properties. There are more insurance options for guests even after the booking. These insurances provide a safety net in delays, interruptions or cancellations. The guests are requested to thoroughly read the descriptive terms and conditions of these insurances beforehand to ensure the best deal and check if it’s suitable for their needs. From Owners On the other hand, Vrbo provides two payment methods to Vrbo owners. The first and most standard way is to pay 8% as commission. This percentage is 5% for the service fee and 3% for card payment costs. The second method requires the owners to pay an annual payment rate of 499 US dollars regardless of the number of bookings. However, one needs to keep in mind that there is no guaranteed steady tentative income for the owners.   Potential earnings as host on Vrbo The potential earning for the owner depends on various factors, such as its location, size and amenities provided etc. The 2018 survey of the Denver VRBO rental marketplace report recorded that over 750 rental property owners observed that Vrbo vacation rental property owners made a tentative average of 1,500 US dollars per month from these properties. Half of these property owners reported that the rental income helped them substantially with the payment of the mortgage of the property, covering up to 75% of the price. Vrbo even provides its users with an online calculator that helps the property owners form a tentative idea regarding how much their potential income would be if they register their property in the vacation rental listings of the company. This potential income is measured on factors such as the location of the property and its features. However, one should keep in mind that not every city allows a short-term vacation rental. Things to considers as a Vrbo host To ensure that the one’s property is one the profitable ones, the owners ought to make sure to: Select top location spots for their vacation rental property. Sell them through advertising their unique selling point Maintain it in an above-average condition Have additional lucrative features or amenities Nevertheless, it is safe to say Vrbo is a good and well-established platform for all its users. Be it a traveller looking for an ideal stay suited for their best interests, or a property owner who wants

How does VRBO Work In 2023

How does Vrbo Work

  How does Vrbo Work? Vrbo, pronounced as “ver-bow” or “ver-boh,” is a popular vacation rental website. Before we dive into how does Vrbo work, lets, its vital to understand it offers a platform for income property owners to list their property on the website for a property listing in order to rent it out to potential guests. Vrbo was initially formed as an acronym for “vacation rentals by owners” which perfectly surmises the intent of the platform. While there are multiple platforms for similar purposes now, such as Airbnb. Vrbo was one of the first companies to offer the property owners such autonomy regarding the renting of their property without the intervention from a company for overseeing management. What makes Vrbo unique to date is that, unlike Airbnb, it only offers the rental property exclusively to its guests. The guests do not have to share the space with anyone else during the course of their stay. Brief History First launched in 1995, this listing site attracted both individual property owners as well as management companies who were looking for clientele, particularly short-term tenants. The main initial motive of this platform was to exclude the extra expenditure of involving the management company to oversee the pricing and amenities of the income property and to give certain autonomy to the owners in regards to the maintenance and renting of their property. How does Vrbo work: Rates At Vrbo, owners get to set their own anticipated rental rates for their property. They can choose what kind of clientele they desire by offering nightly or weekly rates. Another perk of using Vrbo is that when a property owner lists their property on their website, the property also gets placed on all the affiliated sites of the company which further broadens the horizons. Considering the Expedia Group is the parent company of Vrbo, the affiliated websites include well-established names in the travelling agency such as Trivago, Travelocity, KAYAK, Cheapstickets, Orbitz and TravelMob. How does Vrbo work: The Booking Process The booking process for renters using Vrbo is extremely simple. They can simply write the name of the location or the pin code in the search toolbar and access the variety of property that is available in the desired area. You can narrow your search by filtering out the number of bedrooms, property type or amenities you require. Each property is rated out of five stars and reviews are available below each page. In case you like a property but are unsure about booking it, you can save it on your ‘trip board’ and compare it later with other desired listings. After selecting your ideal stay, you need to put in your required information and pay the initial deposit. To ensure a secure verification and avoid potential frauds, Vrbo provides a platform for direct communication between the property owner and the potential guest. This is highly effective as this provides verification of identity and establishes a sense of security on both ends, the guests and the owners. How does Vrbo work: Insurance Furthermore, while using Vrbo the guests can avail themselves of various insurances, as suited to their requirements and budget, to provide a safety net during their travels. The types and charges of insurance vary according to the property. It offers a ‘Book With Confidence Guarantee,’ which includes access to a re-booking specialist who will assist you to another property of your comfort as soon as possible, in the rare case of fraudulence. Vrbo is quite transparent in terms of its financial listings. In other words, it provides a detailed breakdown of the cost charged. It tells you about the nightly rate of the selected property, security deposit, cleaning fee, and service fee in precise terms. How does Vrbo work: For Property Owners Vrbo offers thoughtful services not only to its guests but also to the owners who chose the platform for listing their income property. How does Vrbo work: Payment Plans It offers two payment models for the property owners availing of their services. One price model offers an annual subscription to the platform at the cost of 499 US dollars only. This subscription provides its users with some facilities such as Vrbo’s reservation manager and calendar. These tools aid the owners in keeping a track of the guests who are staying and the duration of their stay. However, the annual subscription model of payment is not feasible to those owners who are seeking to rent out their property for the short term or have an income property that only does well in certain seasons (such as beach houses). Such owners use Vrbo’s pay-per-booking model instead. In fact, this is the most used form of payment method. Under this payment model, the owner has to pay a 5% commission on their booking amount. In addition to this, there are also supposed to pay a 3% card processing fee. If the card is being used to process has originated outside the United States of America, another additional 2% fee is to be paid to the company. Property Owner Pro’s and Con’s The property owners should think thoroughly during the selection of a payment model. There are pros and cons to both the models, you need to be sure which suits you best. If the tentative income goal from your property reaches 10,000 US dollars annually, the annual model of subscription is more feasible. A commission-based fee includes charges for any additional services such as property cleaning fees. But taxes and security deposits aren’t charged on commission-based fees. And, while you can have more than one property listing associated with your Vrbo account, you cannot use a single annual subscription of the multiple listings. Instant Exposure One of the major advantages of listing your property at Vrbo would be the instant exposure that your property will get. Vrbo is a trusted platform with good foot traffic which would result in more rental income for you. To ensure that you get the most profit out

Top Airbnb Pricing Tools – The Best Of The Best in 2024

Airbnb Pricing Tool

Optimizing your prices according to the seasons and trends is the key to maximize your Airbnb vacation rental profits. Running a vacation rental without using an Airbnb pricing tool is like selling your car without considering its book value. In both cases, you’d just be guessing the value of your belongings and hence would never be able to get the correct or profitable price for it. What is a dynamic Airbnb Pricing tool, and how does it work? A dynamic Airbnb pricing tool is a program that goes through your rental history and external factors like season, market demand, events, and type of property, etc., to suggest an optimized price for your vacation rental. The data that these tools compare can come from various sources, but usually, they reach your rental information with your competitors and recommend an ideal price point for you. Other factors that may influence the price suggested include your area’s availability and the amenities you offer. Why should you use an Airbnb pricing tool? If you run a rental business, you may have some idea about what these Airbnb pricing tools are about because most of the hosts are now raving about the convenience these tools offer. If you are wondering why one should invest in a pricing tool, then let us tell you the answer. As a vacation rental host, you already must have so much on your plate to handle. Would you be able to spare time for constantly monitoring the prices your competitors offer, the events that are happening nearby, or that it’s the high season? Wouldn’t it be easier if you let a reliable tool do all the hard work for you? You may think why I should go for other Airbnb pricing tools when Airbnb offers an innovative built-in pricing tool. There’sThere’s a problem with this built-in tool that the main incentive of Airbnb is to provide the lowest possible rates to the guests. On the contrary, a paid dynamic Airbnb pricing tool will are less concerned about getting you the maximum nightly rate. These pricing tools are the safest yet easier way to optimize your Airbnb listing rates and help you maximize your profits. The best Airbnb Pricing tools: There are many pricing tools available offering you comprehensive features. Choosing the one that would work for you can be a task of its own. That is why we have listed few Airbnb pricing tools for you so that you can choose the one that fits your requirements. 1. Wheelhouse The Airbnb pricing tool that tops our list is wheelhouse and for all the right reasons. The wheelhouse is readily available in the markets of the US and even other countries across the globe. This dynamic pricing tool offers’ offers’ aggressive”, ”conservative” and ”recommended” pricing models to help simplify the overall pricing process for its user. You also can set the base price and the maximum price to have the pricing control to yourself. There are many adjustment options that you can use like discounts, local special events, etc. The wheelhouse charges are 1%, which is reasonable considering the Airbnb pricing tool’s features. Moreover, the pricing strategies are straightforward; therefore, you would have no problem customizing or implementing them. Pros Integrates not only with Airbnb but with TripAdvisor and other rental websites Excellent customer service Straightforward to use Percentage-based pricing strategy Cons It does not integrate with VBRO or HomeAway May price a bit higher than the market demand Click here to try Wheelhouse for FREE 2. Beyond Pricing Like Wheelhouse, Beyond pricing is a widely used pricing tool too. It is available in about 7000 cities worldwide; however, it usually covers major cities in North America. One can say that Beyond Pricing is the original dynamic tool for Pricing and still one of the best. Along with the best coverage that this Airbnb pricing tool offers, it can integrate with various channels and PMS platforms. Though the pricing cost is 1%, that is perfect for the small apartment hosts. However, as the property becomes larger, the cost becomes higher. Most functions of beyond Pricing happens on a dashboard and its calendar. You can even manually edit your pricing recommendations on the calendar. Beyond Pricing uses a kind of composite measurement called ”health score”, so that you can be aware of how well or slumped your pricing strategy is. Pros Interactive calendar Health score measurement Cons No chat option Email-only conversation BeyondPricing free trial is available HERE. 3. PriceLabs If one has to name the most straightforward and customizable Airbnb pricing tool with the largest capacity to analyze the rental data, it must be PriceLabs. Using PriceLabs, you can easily view statistics for booking rates, revenue, per booking average price, and so much more. PriceLabs can manage a large number of bookings and therefore is equally beneficial to small and large property managers. The only downside of this Airbnb pricing tool is that it is relatively simple and got lesser functions than Wheelhouse and Beyond Pricing. However, it can gather a good amount of data to have an in-depth insight of the surrounding community, and the prices offer, and then you can set your price accordingly. Pros Straightforward Can process large data Cons Fewer features Not-so-great customer care service You can get Pricelabs one month FREE trial HERE 7.DPGO (Not recommended) DPGO is unarguably one of the fastest developing Airbnb pricing tools. It has got many people raving about it and is sure to give competition to others. DPGO’s innovative features like analyzing over 200 parameters make it one of the most favorite pricing tools of the hosts. One of the features of DPGO that gives it an edge over others is that it offers excellent control to the host over their listing. It allows the host to set pricing rules for almost every aspect during the booking process. DPGO offers more than 30 user settings using which a host can adjust the minimum and maximum nightly rate, discounts, and

Why A Pet Friendly Airbnb Is The Way To Go In 2023

pet friendly airbnb

Pet friendly Airbnb can be an absolute win-win situation for the host.  With this amenity, the listing is open to both – guests with and without pets, so…..I see no reason to back-off from such a trump card that is incredibly effortless in its initiation. To be an exceptional host, you need to keep track of the amenities that a guest will value most.  A Pet friendly Airbnb is very much in demand along with some other facilities like a well-stocked kitchen, a pool, free parking, free wi-fi, etc. A high percentage of travellers with pets, these days, like to take their pets along.  But, for some reason, the options for a pet friendly Airbnb are incredibly scarce, whereas the demand is in abundance. Who travels with pets? According to TripAdvisor, 22% of travellers, travel with their pets and I believe that is a missed opportunity. In my experience, only about 10% of listings have valid reasons for not being pet-friendly. Travellers mostly prefer to take their pets along –  When they travel for more extended periods, for example, a month or more (Airbnb hosts wait for bookings for such long-term accommodations).  When commuting by own car, it is easier for them to take pets along. The pet friendly option is straightforward to incorporate, but without any valid reasons, most listings don’t allow pets in their property. As a host, there are several reasons that I would like to delve into, to advocate a pet friendly Airbnb listing, but before that, let me share the current scenario on some Airbnb properties. Pet Friendly Airbnb – Less Competition For instance, a search for an Airbnb Superhost room accommodation in London for two people shows 300+ options. But, as soon as the pet-friendly filter is turned on, the possibilities dip to a staggering 71!! (This is when the price range has not been mentioned).  With a significant shortage of pet friendly Airbnb rentals, this amenity can be extremely beneficial to get premium price, as there is a steep increase in vacationers taking their pets with them.  Here we should understand the theory of “Law of supply and demand” and cater to the high rise in bookings for a Pet friendly Airbnb. Pet Friendly Airbnb – Steady Demand In a consumer survey done by Airbnb, 97 percent of the US travellers surveyed ‘The Top 10 Things Guests Want in an Airbnb‘ which confirmed that amenities profoundly affected their travel experiences, and the most sought after amenities by US travellers are: Pool Free parking A fully equipped kitchen Pet-friendliness Air conditioning WiFi A washing machine A whirlpool spa TV Heating Pet Friendly Airbnb – Premium Price To add to it, with such few pet friendly Airbnb listings, the competition in the market is noticeably less when the travellers with pets are booking.  A traveller is even willing to pay more to accommodate their pets, so, the hosts adjust the extra charges by – charging a pet fee which is specified in the listing  increasing the overall security deposit  If the occupancy of your property is higher by making it a pet friendly Airbnb, that too at higher rates, I see no reason not to opt for this option.  You can even change your listing to a pet friendly Airbnb during the off-season to increase the occupancy of your property.  Long story short.. A pet friendly Airbnb – Can evoke interest in a much wider audience leading to higher bookings. Can ensure better rates Can compensate for low bookings during the off-season by increasing occupancy. This shows that a Pet friendly Airbnb listing, without doubt, has the edge over a non-pet friendly one. Make your place pet friendly Most hosts can turn their property to their advantage by small changes to introduce this amenity.  To change to a pet-friendly Airbnb, you need to pay heed to some simple, but essential groundwork.  Check the rules: If you own an apartment, you need to confirm if pets are banned or allowed in the building. If approved, then you have just crossed the first and only major hurdle in this plan. Pet-proof your property: Remove everything edible or breakable from the ground till about 120 centimetres high, to prevent any pet defiling or breaking it. You can even consider a pet fence. Add ‘Pets Allowed’ to your listing description.  Update your ‘House Rules’ mentioning the basics about – Extra charges for any destruction by the pet. Clean up after their pet.(Airbnb house rules here) Add a suitable pet fee or an overall increase in charges to your listing to cover up for pets. Provide items like this feeding bowl, dustpan, a broom, potty pads (if no outdoor space), disposable bags, a floor mop etc. Place couches and sofas made of artificial leather, smoother fabrics, or some such options that won’t attract animal hair. Avoid the use of a carpet in your rental. If you do, then cover it with a rug that can be easily cleaned. Ensuring that your outdoor space is secure for pets and that there isn’t any opening for a pet to escape. These are very small and easy to manage adjustments to make your Airbnb pet-proof and to tap the pet friendly Airbnb market. Note: Keep in mind that hosts cannot decline to accept assistance animals (not pets) according to the Airbnb Nondiscrimination Policy, as long as they are harmless, but can be removed in case of any hazards caused by them.  A host cannot charge extra for an assistance animal, except if there is property damage by it. I highly recommend taking this opportunity for an advantageous pet friendly Airbnb listing. It can boost your rental business, especially when your target guests travel with their pets most of the time.  So, if such an opportunity arises, I don’t see the reason to miss it and change the listing to a pet friendly Airbnb. Also read how to make your Airbnb family friendly. How to Start an Airbnb : The Complete Guide for New Hosts How to Write Titles for

VRBO vs Airbnb- Which Short-Term Vacation Rental Platform Is Best For You?

vrbo vs airbnb comparison

Home-sharing services like Airbnb, Vrbo, Trip advisor homestay have exploded worldwide over the past decades as many people now love to spend their vacation living like a local in a given city. What’s more attractive in this short-term rental business is its reasonable price than the hotels. Many platforms in the market claim to provide you with the best short-term rental services, but there are two market leaders that everyone prefers, Airbnb and VRBO. There has been a Vrbo vs Airbnb debate going on for a long time. This eternal debate has confused many guests about which platform is the best. Depending on your travel interest, style and budget, there are advantages and disadvantages to each rental vacation site. The premise for both Vrbo and Airbnb is pretty much the same: give ordinary people the platform to rent out the property to guests or travellers. If you are a city traveller, you will enjoy an immersive neighbourhood experience. If you are the adventurous traveller type, you can find exceptional properties in more remote places; the possibilities are endless. But before choosing, you must do a VRBO vs Airbnb comparison to choose the best. So, here’s comparing VRBO vs Airbnb features so that you can choose which one suits you the best. Vrbo vs Airbnb Comparison 1. Airbnb – Allowed Property Types You can put any property that you have on short-term rent on Airbnb. Airbnb allows property owners and hosts to list various properties, starting from tiny houses to cabins to castles, luxury villas, etc. This means that guests or travellers looking for specific or unique property types can easily find them on this platform. Airbnb even allows you to list the sharing-basis accommodation spaces, which means that your guests can book a single room within a property instead of paying for the entire place. 2. Vrbo – Allowed Property Types Vrbo is a rental platform that offers more of a traditional accommodation structure. Vrbo is usually more about family stays, so it only accepts booking for standalone vacation properties, and that means you cannot list any sharing spaces on this platform. So naturally, Vrbo is more attractive for larger families who are willing to travel together and are looking to rent the entire property for themselves. Vrbo and Airbnb are both short-term rental platforms, but if you are willing for more extended stays, Vrbo can be your best pick. But if you are looking for shorter stays, there’s no better option than Airbnb. Vrbo vs Airbnb Service Fee Whether it’s Vrbo or Airbnb that you choose to list your property or make a booking, you will have to pay the service fee. This service fee is compulsory for both guests and hosts. This service affects your overall short-term rental revenue and the booking price a guess should pay for a reservation. So here is the service fee comparison between the two. 1. Airbnb Service Fee Airbnb offers you two service fee options: the host-only fee and the split fee. As evident from the name, the split fee option splits the service fee between the host and guest. By using this model, guests usually can absorb the bulk of the service fee by paying about 14% of the booking total as a part of an additional fee. On the other hand, the host has to pay around 50% of the total booking cost. However, this amount could be increased for the holes that rule for strict cancellation policies. In the host-only model, the host has to pay the entire service fee to Airbnb. Usually, the amount is between 14 to 16 % of the total booking cost. The hosts aren’t charged a separate processing credit card fee in this model. The host-only service fee structure is compulsory for hotels and software-connected hosts unless Delhi settings are located in Canada, the United States, Argentina, the Bahamas, Mexico, Uruguay, or Taiwan. The host that opts for strict cancellation policies and Airbnb plus host may pay higher fees. Also, the Airbnb property owner who offers Airbnb experiences has to pay a 20% service fee. 2. Vrbo Service Fee The guests have to pay between 6 to 12% as a service fee of the total reservation cost when they make a booking. As for hosts, Vrbo offers service fee models based on their estimated annual revenue. Either they can choose for a $499 yearly subscription fee model that would cover all the reservations they got on this platform throughout the year, or they have the option to pay for the booking fee for every individual booking. If you opt for the latter, you will have to pay a 5% commission fee for every booking class and a 3% credit card processing fee. If you, as a host, can ensure that you will exceed the minimum number of reservations to cover the cost, the annual subscription may help you save some on hosting fees. So, if you are a host who puts their property on the platform full year and makes more than and $10,000, then the subscription model could be the right choice. Vrbo vs Airbnb – What’s the Cancellation Policy? Unexpected cancellations can be e nuisance for both guests and hosts, so to protect them both from the negative impact, both Airbnb and Vrbo have several cancellation policies. They both offer a refund policy if the guest notifies the host of the cancellation within the suggested time frame. Before making any reservation, guests should go through the listings carefully to see the host’s cancellation policy. Do search for the host’s selected cancellation policy and its terms and conditions in detail. 1. Airbnb Cancellation Policy Airbnb offers you three choices of cancellation policies to choose from; flexible, moderate, and strict. Apart from these three, the other three additional policies include super strict (30 days), super strict (60 days), and long-term. According to the flexible policy, guests can cancel a reservation even before 24 hours of check-in and receive a full refund. So, for

Are you wondering what should be your Airbnb house rules for guests? – Here are 11 examples.

Airbnb rules for guests examples

Before listing the property on short-term rental platforms such as Airbnb, every property owner has concerns over how the guests will treat their property. Well, these Airbnb house rules for guests are there to keep your mind at ease before making a listing. So, if you’re new to the Airbnb short-term rental journey and are clueless about what house rules you should implement, let us help you out. 1. What Are Airbnb House Rules For Guests? These Airbnb house rules for guests provide the property hosts with a degree of control over the way the guests utilize their rentals. These rules are the guidelines covering how you expect your guests to behave while staying at your property. Any host must set clear Airbnb house rules for guests and make sure they follow them. A clear and well-defined set of house rules can help you avoid all kinds of problems that you may experience while putting your property on a short-term rental website, like property damages or arguments with neighbours. These rules make your guests accountable if they break any of these. Airbnb house rules for guests are present on the listing page so the potential guests can look at them before they book your place. 2. Airbnb House Rules For Guests Examples Below are some examples of Airbnb house rules for guests that all property owners should consider adding to their Airbnb rule book. 3. No Events Or Parties Are Allowed. You have to make your guests know that an Airbnb rental is not an appropriate or ideal location for any party.  Firstly, events and parties usually create a lot of noise, which can drive your neighbours crazy. Secondly, think about all the mess these parties can create. You don’t have to spend extra cleaning the after-party mess, which is the last thing you want to do. Allowing events and parties will increase the likelihood of your guests breaking other house rules like smoking, using recreational drugs, or damaging your property. 4. No Smoking Allowed Would you like your guest to be greeted with the peculiar smell of cigarette smoke? Obviously no, what could be worse than that? If you don’t get enough time to ventilate after your guest has left, the smell of the cigarette smoke can be a significant turn-off to your next guest. To make matters worse, some unruly smokers can even damage property by putting their cigarettes in different kinds of places on living burn marks on your furniture. So make sure your Airbnb house rules for guests explicitly state that you do not allow smoking inside your rental property. If you have organized a designated outside area where you can allow us to smoke, ask them to throw the cigarette parts into the rubbish bin is instead of the ground. 5. No Pets Allowed Pets are cute. We do not deny that, but allowing your guests to bring their pets to your property would get so much nuisance. The ‘no pets’ policy can protect your property from unwanted smells, barking noises at night, hairs everywhere, bite marks on your furniture, chewed-up carpets, etc. While people may argue that allowing pets can give you an advantage over other hosts, but you have to contemplate if you’re ready to deal with the nuisance coming with it. 6. Don’t Eat Or Drink In The Bedroom. This Airbnb house rule is pretty straightforward but reasonable to include in your rulebook. Eating can create a mess, especially if your guests are toddlers or children. So prohibiting your guests to eat or drink in the bedroom saves you many cleaning headaches. You will not want to deal with the food stains on your white sheets or red wine marks on your clean linens, will you? 7. Respect the Noise Curfew In most neighbourhoods, between 9:00 p.m. and 7 a.m. is usually quiet time. If you want to maintain good terms and relations with your neighbours, ask your guests to follow the noise curfew and turn the volume down after 9 p.m. 8. Turn Off The Heater Or AC When You Go Out. You don’t want to pay crazy utility bills at the end of the month. You have to make sure your guest turns off the heater or the AC every time they go out. 9. Respect the Check-In And Check-Out Times This is one crucial rule to be included in Airbnb house rules for guests. Sometimes even after you have clearly stated the check-in and check-out time at the time of reservation, some guests will arrive early or leave late and ignore the mentioned times. If your guests leave late, it could disturb your schedules, like cleaning or maintaining the house for the next guests. Also, sometimes it could even happen that your other guests arrive before your former guest checks out. To avoid such confusion, explicitly mention the check-out in checking time in your Airbnb house rules for guests. 10. No Visitors Allowed Think about it! If you allow its visitors to your property, your guests can take advantage of it, and as a result, you can experience staying over of unregistered guests. If you allow visitors on your property, you can limit the number. This can help protect your rental property from the extra usage of supplies and additional wear and tear. 11. Do The Dishes Before Leaving. Some guests are just plain messy. Even if you have provided them with the dishwasher and the cleaning supplies, they would still leave the dirty dishes in your kitchen sink. This will add to your cleaning budget and would also consume your time. So to avoid managing kitchen mess after your guest checks out, state the rule in your Airbnb house rule for guests that the guests have to clean their used dishes before leaving. 12. Conclusion- Airbnb House Rules For Guests Setting clear Airbnb house rules for guests that match your rental place and preferences can be of great help in avoiding the damage to your property caused

Airbnb Vs Renting (Pros & Cons) – Which Is The Better Option?

Airbnb Hosting An Airbnb hosting with a vibrant living room featuring yellow walls and a wooden floor.

Airbnb Vs Renting Airbnb is a short term rental marketplace where people rent out their properties or spare rooms to travellers in the area.  The returns are generally higher compared to long term traditional rentals but at the risk of letting your property to total strangers.  ….here is a head to head comparison of Airbnb vs Renting, i.e. long term traditional rentals. Airbnb Vs Renting: Airbnb Benefits If you are in a good location and the property is set up correctly, it can get you dramatically higher returns than long-term rental. There is no lock-in contract, and you can use the property for personal use whenever you wish. You can inspect the property very frequently during changeovers. Address issues in time – the guest or your cleaning team will let you know of any maintenance issues. The property gets cleaned very frequently, usually a couple of times a week and will stay in top shape. Minor wear and tear – most guests will visit the area for tourism or business; they will spend most of the time outside and stay less indoors. You may get additional tax benefits; for example, if you are in Europe and the property meets the conditions to qualify as ‘Furnished Holiday Let’, you can claim back property furnishings on capital allowances along with many more highly lucrative financial benefits. See this link for tax benefits of Furnished Holiday Let in the UK. The is the most vital point when it comes to Airbnb vs renting in the UK. Airbnb Host Protection Insurance provides a landlord liability cover of up to USD 1 million for third-party claims of bodily injury, property damage or loss of earnings. Read more about paying tax on Airbnb income in the UK. Airbnb Disadvantages Letting your property on Airbnb is not ‘Real estate’; it is ‘Hospitality’, and unless someone manages it for you, you will need to learn how to meet guest expectations. The income from Airbnb can be unstable, you may start on a very high note, but if it doesn’t meet guest expectations consistently or if the property is not looked after well, bookings can dry up very quickly. Airbnb renting regulations in your area may restrict your ability to rent your property on Airbnb all year around. More hassle – unless someone else is managing it for you, you will need to keep everything stocked up in the property, arrange cleaning, replace damaged items, pay utility bills etc., regularly. Another thing to consider in Airbnb vs renting debate, you will need to spend a lot of time messaging guests, sending them details on how to get to the property, key handovers and answering any queries they may have about the property or local recommendations. Although Airbnb Host Guarantee provides up to USD 1M protection, it isn’t easy to claim the loss and is always at the discretion of Airbnb. If you have a mortgage on the property, technically, you should let the lender know about the change of use, and it doesn’t go down well with most of the big lenders. Airbnb Vs Renting: Long Term Rental – Benefits Consistent and predictable earning is the number one advantage of traditional renting. You don’t need to furnish a long term rental property. You don’t need to worry about seasonal fluctuations or deal with customers daily and the hassle of arranging cleaning etc. The tenant pays utility bills. Almost no admin – once the tenancy agreement is signed and keys exchanged, you don’t need to worry about advertising or answer booking enquiries. You can get landlords insurance to cover accidental damages or deal with emergencies. Long Term Rental – Disadvantages Traditional rentals generally tend to generate lower earnings than short term holiday rentals. You can’t change your mind and ask tenants to leave, move back in or use the property for something else. Less control over damages – you are at the mercy of the tenant to keep you informed of any issues which, if left unattended, may snowball into a disaster with time. If you get a problematic tenant or one that falls into difficulty and doesn’t pay rent, the law often protects the tenants, and it can take time and money to get them out and retrieve the lost income.  Airbnb vs renting debate bottom line?  Airbnb is not for the faint-hearted. If you are a very calculative personality and find it difficult to trust people, stick to long term letting.  Airbnb is for risk-takers, you will need a great team and spend a lot of time to pull it off, but it is equally rewarding in the end. Did I miss an important point in my Airbnb vs renting topic? Please feel free to comment below or if you have any other questions on Airbnb, properties or just to say ‘hi’ please don’t hesitate to drop me a message. Also read  30 Actionable Tips to Optimize Your Airbnb Listing in 2023  Which is better Airbnb or VRBO? How to Make Your Short-term Rental More Environmentally Friendly Airbnb Pricing Tool- What Are the Best Airbnb Pricing Tools in 2023?

How to Start Airbnb Business in 2023 – The Ultimate Guide

How To Start An Airbnb in 2023

This guide on how to start an Airbnb business is based on my personal experiences over the last five years. Along with the insight I have acquired with hundreds of properties I have been involved with. There are many factors to be considered before  ….listing your property on Airbnb ….as not every property will generate the same amount of profit.  There are many factors to consider if it will be a good venture or a total disaster.  Don’t make your decision based on the success stories you have heard – there are ways to turn it into a more educated decision.  How to start an Airbnb business? It is a four-stage process, where every phase is essential, and you will need to stay on top at all times if you want it to be a profitable business. Planning Check Airbnb Regulations In Your Area Financial Viability Suitability Identify The Processes Setup Furnish The Property Get Photographs Create Airbnb Listing Setup Key HHandOverProcess Get Home Emergency Cover Ensure Property Is Fire safe Setup Cleaning Team Linen Service On-call Handyman & Locksmith Prepare Airbnb Cleaning Checklist Setup Payment Process Operations Guest Communication Arrange Cleaning Manage Check-in/Check out Troubleshooting Maintenance Regular Cleaning Checks Keep Supplies Topped Up Improvement Based On Guest Reviews Running an Airbnb is all about meeting guest expectations at all times, and even a tiny glitch in the process can lead to business failure in a short period. Here are the key phases and steps of the whole process and a summary of my experience at each stage: How To Start Airbnb: Phase 1 – Planning Not every property is suitable for Airbnb; it can be due to local regulations, the property itself, financial viability or even the neighbourhood. Airdna market research is an excellent tool for such purposes. 1. CHECK AIRBNB REGULATIONS IN YOUR AREA Before deciding to become an Airbnb host, you need to find out the local regulations in your city. With the exponential growth of Airbnb over the last few years, it has been gaining significant lousy press as well, mainly due to irresponsible hosts.  Some cities have laws restricting your ability to host paying guests for short periods. These laws are often part of a city’s zoning or administrative codes.  In many cities, you must register, get a permit, or obtain a license before listing your property or accepting guests. Certain types of short-term bookings may be prohibited altogether.  Local governments vary greatly in how they enforce these laws. Penalties may include fines or other enforcement. The rules can be confusing, and usually, it’s tough to find out exactly what restrictions apply in different parts of the world.   Use the following button to head over to the Airbnb repository, where they put together city-wise regulations collectively in one place.  Note: Regulations mainly apply to hosts renting an entire property on Airbnb. Sharing a room within your primary residence is considered good and generally excluded from the rules. Check Airbnb Regulations In Your Area This link not only provides you with the regulatory information in your area but also offers guidance on ensuring your Airbnb is safe for guests and complies with all the local safety regulations. I cannot stress enough how important it is to check every piece of information on this link and ensure you operate your Airbnb per the law and keep it safe for guests.  2. HOW TO START AIRBNB: ENSURE FINANCIAL VIABILITY How to start Airbnb:  If you rent a space in your primary residence, it is a no-brainer to list it on Airbnb and generate extra income without any additional financial burden. On top of this, many countries offer tax relief for the revenue generated by ‘sharing’ space in your home under schemes similar to the ‘Rent a Room Relief‘ we have in the UK. It becomes a different game when you rent an entire property on Airbnb. Rent your holiday home: If you have a ‘holiday home’ and intend to use it periodically – a traditional long-term rental won’t work for you, as the tenant needs an assured period, and it will not fit with your holiday plans. It makes perfect sense to let it on Airbnb, and you can block the calendar for the dates you wish to use the property. Financially it is an excellent decision to rent it on Airbnb for the periods you will not use it. Rent your second home: If you own a second property and want to rent it on Airbnb, a detailed financial analysis is needed to see if it can give you higher returns than a long-term tenancy. Read more about paying tax on Airbnb income in the UK. HOW TO START AIRBNB Short-Term Airbnb Vs Long Term Rental Airbnb – Benefits If you are in a good location and the property is set up correctly, it can get you dramatically higher returns than long-term rentals. There is no lock-in contract, and you can use the property for personal use whenever you wish. You can inspect the property very frequently during changeovers. Address issues in time – the guest or your cleaning team will inform you of any maintenance issues. The property gets cleaned frequently, usually a couple of times a week and will stay in top shape. Minor wear and tear – a vast majority of guests will visit the area for tourism or business; they will spend most of the time outside and stay less indoors. You may get additional tax benefits; for example, if you are in Europe and the property meets the conditions to qualify as ‘Furnished Holiday Let’, you can claim back property furnishings on capital allowances along with many more highly lucrative financial benefits. See this link for tax benefits of Furnished Holiday Let in the UK. Airbnb – Disadvantages Letting your property on Airbnb is not ‘Real estate’; it is ‘Hospitality’, and unless someone manages it for you, you will need to learn how to meet your expectations. The income from Airbnb can be unstable, you may start on

30 Actionable Tips to Optimize Your Airbnb Listing in 2023

how to optimize airbnb listing

My Airbnb business grew from 1 to 110 properties in the just two years, and the key reason behind this success was my good understanding of how to effectively optimize Airbnb listing. Ever wonder why your bookings are drying up with time? To give you instant reward and hook you to the platform, Airbnb gives an initial push (new listing bump) to new properties but if you don’t optimize Airbnb listing your bookings will soon start drying up and slowly lead it to a loss-making business. In This Article.. Here I am sharing all my Airbnb optimization secrets which helped me turn around loss-making business into profitable Airbnb within weeks if not days. Some of these techniques are time-consuming; you will have to be consistent and keep doing them regularly to stay ahead of the competition. Other aspects of Airbnb listing optimization are technical, I have tried to simplify them into actionable steps in simple layman terms as much as possible. What is Airbnb SEO? Just like Google, Airbnb search engine’s job is to show the best and most relevant listings to the user. With 1000’s of listings to choose, Airbnb has developed an algorithm to internally grade properties which is used to determine its ranking in the search result.  This algorithm is called the Airbnb search engine – it is based on a set of pre-defined rules to identify each event that occurs on a listing as a positive or negative one, and it maintains an overall internal Airbnb score of your property. A positive event gives +1, and an adverse event leads to -1 in the internal scoring.  Higher the internal score, better will be the search ranking of your Airbnb listing. The Airbnb search algorithm is more complicated than this. Still, to optimize Airbnb listing, this simple principle of the internal score is sufficient to understand each optimization step you need to perform. What is the need for Airbnb SEO? You might have noticed when searching for something on Google, we rarely go beyond the first two pages of the search result as it is human nature to feel insecure and we think information after the first few pages is less reliable – it works the same way on Airbnb too. Optimizing Airbnb listing is all about appearing in the first two pages of the search results for the maximum number of search criteria…and when this happens, you will have no difficulty in filling your calendar ANY TIME of the year. How Airbnb decides search ranking? Airbnb is continuously monitoring your listing and the actions you take. Every time you make a change to your listing or a user clicks on it – each event that occurs on your listings updates the internal SEO score, positively or negatively. Another essential thing to note before we dive into the details: Airbnb is guest focussed. They want more and more guest convenience, no matter how hard it makes your life as a host.  Airbnb knows if people are coming to book their vacation on the website, hosts like you and me will be there offering our holiday lets. INTERNAL & EXTERNAL FACTORS Apart from the listing strength (internal factor) and how attractive your listing is to guests, Airbnb also monitors user behaviour(external factor), i.e. how people react to your listing.    The recorded user behaviour is divided into a few key performance indicators (KPIs) such as: Click-through rate is the ratio of users who choose to click on your listing when it is displayed in the search result along with other listings. Conversion rate is the percentage of users who book your listing compared to those who take a look and end up booking another listing nearby. Bounce rate is the percentage of users visiting your listing but left without interacting further. Exit event tracks how users moved through your listing, if they read listing reviews, checked photos, read property description, location before exiting the page. Average book time users spend on your listing before proceeding to book on your listing or click away. Popularity is how many users come directly to your listing from outside Airbnb by following your listing URL shared in: Phone message Whatsapp message Email Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit etc.) Other external websites referring to your listing (known as backlinks in SEO terms)   All this user data is continuously collected by Airbnb to determine the quality of your listing.   Here is the list of Internal factors used by Airbnb search engine to determine your properties search ranking. 1. Age of your listing With time as your Airbnb listing grows older, it keeps gaining Airbnb trust. With each successful guest checkout, it becomes more and more credible, and the algorithm keeps adding +ve points to it.   WHAT YOU CAN DO: Nothing you can do to age your listing faster, but you can offer shorter stays, in the beginning, to gain credibility quickly. To beat the established competition, you can offer significantly lower price, no cleaning fee or offer amenities which most of them are not offering such as free parking, pocket WiFi, Cable TV or a BBQ grill. You can watch this short video tutorial on how to update amenities on your Airbnb listing. 2. Property Type Shared property is considered less favourable compared to an entire property on offer.   WHAT YOU CAN DO:   If you share a room in your property, try to give a separate bathroom exclusive for the guest to use. Indicate with whom the spaces will be shared, you, other guests or someone else. If you share an entire property, double-check the Airbnb settings to ensure you have not marked space as shared by mistake. Watch this video tutorial on how to ensure shared areas are correctly marked in your Airbnb listing. 3. Guest Reviews You need lots of 5-STAR guest reviews.   Each 5-STAR review gets you +ve points added to your Airbnb SEO score and sub-4-STAR review is going to wash away your months of hard work.   WHAT

What is Airbnb – No BS Landlords Guide To Make The Most [2023]

Airbnb Hosting A woman wearing glasses is using a laptop.

What is Airbnb? What is Airbnb…well in short it began in 2007, when two friends, Joe Gebbia and Brian Chesky, who were struggling to pay rent for their flat decided to rent out three airbeds on their living room floor and cook them breakfast. And….it worked instantly for them, and within a few days, they started the website,, which quickly evolved into Twelve years later… it’s a USD 25 billion company spread across 34,000 cities in over 90 countries…WOW! What Is Airbnb: How is it different? On Airbnb, you can rent out extra space in your home or the entire property to travellers, and it charges 3% fee to hosts and 6-15% service fee to the travellers. The unique idea of Airbnb which got instantly popular was that the property owner or the resident will still be there. More than 70% of the properties listed on Airbnb are entire properties. Another key feature of Airbnb which still sets it apart from many other holiday-let platforms is that both traveller and host can review each other after the stay is over, and the reviews are publicly visible. Being able to see previous feedback gives the much-needed confidence to both traveller and property owner when letting a stranger into their property. Read more about how to remove Airbnb review. What Is Airbnb: How is it compared to a hotel? FINANCIALLY it is generally cheaper for travellers as compared to hotels. In central locations, for example, where a hotel room which sleeps two can cost about $90-100 per night; that’s $45 per person. On Airbnb, you can easily rent an entire apartment at walking distance from the hotel for almost the same amount or less, which sleeps four or more, that’s $20 per person. AMENITIES wise most hosts offer free unlimited WiFi, a fully equipped kitchen, TV with satellite channels and even Netflix, all-inclusive. These things make it very convenient for families travelling with kids or for those who are travelling in a group. See the recommended list of amenities for Airbnb in the shopping list section of my blog. ANOTHER added advantage is the majority of the properties are residential properties; travellers get to stay like a local compared to the artificial hotel environment. What Is Airbnb: How safe is it to rent your property? VERIFICATION Airbnb verifies phone number, email address and payment details for each traveller by default. Property owners can choose four additional conditions before a traveller can request to book their property: Profile Photo Government ID Proof Information about trip Recommendation from other hosts SAFETY DEPOSIT Property owners can set a deposit amount every traveller must pay at the time of booking. Airbnb releases this deposit back to the traveller 14 days after the checkout unless the property owner reports damage during the stay. If there is damage reported, it goes through the Airbnb arbitration process, and both parties are asked to provide proofs to support their claim. Airbnb makes the final decision, and you cannot appeal against it. HOST PROTECTION Airbnb covers liability insurance of up to USD 1 million to protect landlords against third-party claims for personal injury or property damage. See this link for full terms and conditions for this insurance. Can you choose who gets to stay in the property? Yes, you can, but it comes at a price. You can switch Instant booking OFF, but since people don’t generally like to wait to get a confirmation and are more likely to choose an instantly bookable property, it will lead to lesser bookings for you;  in my experience, the drop is >50%. Whereas with instant booking ON, you cannot control who gets to stay, but since people like instant confirmation, it leads to higher bookings; a person is more likely to plan and accordingly choose an instantly bookable property. To stop racial discrimination, Airbnb has recently started to show guest photos only after a reservation is confirmed. So this effectively leaves you with the option to ask the guest a few questions like why they are coming..who are they coming with, etc. I think turning off instant booking doesn’t protect you much, they can tell you any story and show you a display picture you are more likely to accept – but you won’t know who shows up on the booking day. Moreover, the more bookings you decline, you will be considered a less keen host and your listing will appear in fewer search results with time. Do you have to provide breakfast? No, not unless you wish to. Though the Bnb in its name suggests staying with breakfast, Airbnb has evolved beyond its name, and you can choose not to provide breakfast. As long as you have this unchecked in the list of amenities, the guest should not be asking you for it and if they ask you can point them to read it carefully. Although it’s nice to provide some tea, coffee, sugar, etc., people should not expect anything else as long as you specify clearly in your listing. If it’s a shared space with a kitchen, you can set mention your rules to the guests in the Airbnb house rules section and tell them what they are allowed to use and not use in the shared facilities such as the kitchen and bathroom. It’s a good idea to remind guests in the Airbnb welcome letter about the rules of sharing spaces. It’s your property, and you choose the rules….people book your place accepting those rules, and they can be evicted from the property if they break the rules. If they don’t comply you can phone Airbnb customer care and they will assist you in dealing with it. Airbnb cleaning Do you need to clean everyday? No, cleaning is done at the start of each stay, and you can set an Airbnb cleaning fee each guest must pay at the time of booking to service the space after their stay is over. Along with the cleaning fee….you can now add other fees that the guests have to depend on for the additional facilities you provide, such as linen fee, etc. If the guests want cleaning in between they should pay

How Does Airbnb Work? 22 No BS Facts About Hosting [2023]

Airbnb Hosting A man not engaged in Airbnb hosting, sitting at a table with a laptop.

Starting hosting on Airbnb is the best choice I have ever made. But in the absence of profound insight, about how does Airbnb work, it wasn’t a smooth beginning, and my learning was rather long and expensive. In this easy to understand guide, I have listed some beneficial things that you need to be aware of before listing your property on Airbnb.  You will learn some key aspects, which you must consider before becoming a host on Airbnb. Why do you need this? When I first started on Airbnb in 2015, I had no idea about what it involves and had a mountain of doubts in my mind. Also, most importantly, I wanted to know the risks involved. I spent ages reading everything I could find on online forums and spoke to various people I knew who had experience with Airbnb hosting, but not all feedback was adequate, and I was left with many doubts.  Four years down the line, after managing 4,500 guest check-ins in 110 properties, I can look back on all those doubts I had, and the unsatisfactory advice I received, I can talk a lot about it now.  Here is the list of different aspects of Airbnb hosting I wish I knew when I started and could have avoided those pricey mistakes: Airbnb charges 3% from the host and 12-15% from a guest of the total booking price. Airbnb Review Rating: 5-star Is Good, 4-star Is Very Bad. Airbnb has four cancellation policies (not three). Airbnb allows you to charge a cleaning fee to the guest. You should not let a rented property on Airbnb without landlord’s permission. Just listing your property won’t get you bookings (for long). You CANNOT get rid of a bad review on Airbnb. You can choose who gets to stay in your property, but it comes at a price. Almost every guest will ask for an early check in and late checkout. Airbnb can kick you off the platform anytime if you violate any terms and conditions, and they will not shy away from relocating your guests. If you store personal items in the property, guests will poke them. A guest may try to take advantage if you are extra nice, so learn to say ‘No’. Don’t communicate with guests outside the Airbnb platform unless it’s an emergency. Try not to fall in the rookie trap of providing extras like wine, transport, etc. Minimise communication from Day One- stick instructions on everything. Keep a secret key somewhere close to the entry. Keep extra supplies in a storage with a combination lock on it. Suggest third party service providers but don’t arrange it for them. Your biggest enemy can be the ‘Amazing’ photos of your property. The amenities you provide decide the kind of guests you will get. If you have sensitive neighbours, inform your guests well in advance. Keep it insect and rodent free. 1. How does Airbnb work: It takes 3% from the host and 12-15% from a guest For every booking made on the platform, Airbnb charges a fee to both the parties. For example, if you sell a room for $100 a night, broadly speaking*, the guest will be paying $113 to Airbnb (+13% platform fee added on top), and you get paid $97 (-3% service fee).  For guests The platform fee varies between 6-15%, based on the booking value and country. The higher the booking value lower is the Airbnb fee. For hosts It is a fixed 3% (of the booking total) service fee. This includes payment processing charges, property damage protection insurance of up to $1 million and providing the platform services to you. Why is this important to know?  ➤ When deciding the nightly price, keep in mind that the guest will be paying 15% in addition to the night rate (plus cleaning fee for Airbnb if any). ➤ If a guest requests a cancellation after 24 hours of initial booking, Airbnb does not return the 15% platform fee. Which means although the flexible cancellation policy states that the guests will get a full refund on cancellation, they do not get this 15% back. Keep this in mind when deciding cancellation policy for your listing. 2. How Does Airbnb Work: 5-star Is Good, 4-star is bad In my quest for how does Airbnb work, I soon realised, the most significant factor that impacts your search ranking and thereby your chances of getting future bookings is how the guests review your listing on Airbnb. About three hours after the checkout time, Airbnb sends a notification and option for the guests and the host to review each other. Reviews become public immediately after both parties have written a review for each other. (Airbnb review example) Both, the guest and the host, have 14 days to write a review.  After this period is over, it is impossible to write a review, and whoever has written the review within this period, it becomes public. In the world of Airbnb, a 5-star review means ‘excellent’ whereas a 4-star review means ‘bad’ and with every lousy rating your bookings will slow down – that’s their way of punishing you for getting 4-stars. Tweet On a scale of 5 stars, the guests get to rate the property on six subcategories and one overall rating. Subcategories are: Accuracy Check in Cleanliness Communication Location Value The most important rating is the overall rating. This is how a perfect 5-star review by a guest looks on Airbnb (I have 500 of those). Pro Tip: After three guest reviews, the average overall star rating will start appearing on your listing. From this point onwards, Airbnb will permanently remove your property from the website if your overall star rating falls below 4.7 stars at any point. Unfortunately, that’s how it works on Airbnb. 3. Airbnb has four cancellation policies (not three). When creating a listing, you can select one of the three standard Airbnb cancellation policies. The fourth policy for long term stays is automatically applied to reservations of 28 nights or more, and you cannot opt-out from this. The four

Airbnb Extra Guest Fee- Don’t Get Exploited!

Airbnb extra guest fee

One may think charging an Airbnb extra guest fee is inappropriate. It’s not! Let me tell you why. Airbnb self-check-in system has many advantages; for instance, you don’t have to be physically there when your guest’s check-in, making your and guests’ lives much more accessible. As convenient as the self-check-in system, many guests sadly exploit and violate the rental agreement with the hosts by sneaking in guests that weren’t included initially when the booking was made. As a host, I never knew this could happen until I installed cameras in my short-term rental. Much to my surprise, I was being taken advantage of and that too very frequently. And this is why I started charging an ‘Airbnb extra guest fee.’ Do you know that Airbnb offers this built-in feature where you can set for the extra guests, but still, some people choose to be dishonest? These guests are simply breaking the Airbnb agreement, which does not allow bringing additional guests. 1. What can you do when unexpected guests arrive at your Airbnb? Every host, at some point, comes across with a surprising and unregistered number of guests’ arrival. So as an experienced Airbnb host, I have a few tips to share on how you can avoid extra guests and what to do if they do arrive at your place. 2. Set Clear House Rules From the start, your listing should provide clear policies and instructions so your guests won’t get disappointed when they arrive. You should mention your rental place’s maximum capacity and explicitly state that you do not permit extra guests in your house rules. Make them know about your extra Airbnb guest fee if you choose to violate your rules and policies. You may think this is a bit rude or redundant, but trust me, it is crucial to have your bases covered to avoid disputes after checking in. Some hosts mention no extra guests’ policy in their house rule manuals. This way, guests can have a clear idea about your additional guest policies before booking your place and after they arrive at your property. The reason is simple the more the rules or stated clearly, the less likely it is that your guests can claim they didn’t’ know about them. 3. Modify the Reservation Even if you have stated in your house rules that you do not allow extra guests and still have some people show up with additional and announced guests at your place, there is a way by you can take advantage out of this situation. If your property can handle an extra guest, why not have your guests pay for the additional unregistered guests. You may send guests a message and ask them to change their preservation and add to the number of people staying. After that, politely ask them to pay you the extra Airbnb guest fee. 4. Set Charge per Person Prices The best thing you can do to not get exploited by extra guests is setting the price per person. You know you’re best part is; Airbnb offers you this option, so why not use it when you can and never get taken advantage of. Here’s a link that explains in detail how you can set your Airbnb price per person. 5. Install Exterior Cameras As I have told you, I learned how my guests are sneaking in extra guests by installing the exterior cameras in my place. From that day on, I highly recommend every fellow host to install security cameras on the exterior of their rental dresses regardless of whether you suspect your guests are bringing an extra number of people or not. Installing exterior cameras keeps my mind at peace as it makes sure no guest is violating my policies even when I am not physically there. However, if you have your exterior camera installed, you must notify your guests. Many states require this by law. Also, it’s an excellent hosting practice that will make your guests trust your name. Because none likes to feel like they are being watched, and if you did not mention the installation of cameras, it could create unnecessary tension between your guess and you. I’m not telling you to install the cameras inside your place, but it makes sense to have a camera installed at every entry point of your rental property. Not only do these cameras protect your guests from any security threats, but they also protect you from many dishonest guests. Also, sometimes you will require having solid proof such as video evidence if your guests refused to have sneaked in an extra guest to avoid Airbnb additional guest fee. 6. Report to Airbnb In your hosting career, you may come across stubborn guests that would never accept that they have done anything wrong by sneaking in the unregistered guests. They would refuse to submit the extra Airbnb guest fee. So if you are lucky to make your guests pay the extra Airbnb guest fee, it’s great as both of you benefit from it. If your guess is not willing to pay an additional Airbnb guest fee, you must report them to Airbnb. You can file a resolution request with Airbnb and report your guests who have brought unregistered people to your rental property. However, for that, you need enough evidence to prove the trespassing. Your guests will receive a notification from your Airbnb resolution centre and will be asked to respond. If they decline or ignore your request, you can always tell Airbnb to take action on your behalf after 24 hours. 7. Conclusion- Airbnb Extra Guest Fee Additional or unannounced guests are a nuisance everywhere, be it a gathering, or a party, or your Airbnb rental. You can never host an Airbnb vacation rental without coming across these interlopers. But there is an effective way by which you can turn the situation in your favor by adding an extra Airbnb guest fee if any guest sneaks in more than the registered number of people. Many hosts

Party Squasher Review – Is It Worth The Hype?

party Squasher Review

 It’s 4 a.m., and you get a complaint from your neighbors living miles away from you about the blasting sound coming from your short-term vacation rental. It turns out that the guest who has booked your short-term property has decided to throw a party there, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop them this very instant. You frantically call them and text them, but you get no response, and then it starts to worry you because if your neighbors complain about it, you can get delisted. Moreover, you can also face problems with your local law and enforcement agencies. What if I tell you that there is a way to hold this party before it starts to know your neighbors? You might think how it’s possible for you to reach there in time before the party will be a full-blown rager and your neighbors will be severely crossed. A product called party squasher will help you stop any unlawful party or rager happening in your rental property. Party Squasher is a neat device that enables you to detect a prohibited number of guests. It helps know that there is something about to happen in your place before it’s too late. But the big question is, does party squasher really work? To check out if the party squasher works or not, I decided to try it out in my own Airbnb to see if the claims the product developers made are legit or not. 1. What Is Party Squasher? A Party squasher is a device you can plug into your Wi-Fi router to detect the number of devices being used nearby. Party squasher is straightforward to install and requires little to no maintenance after configuring it. The device itself is tiny and sleek; it’s not very noticeable. It measures only 2.3*2.3*0.9 inches. Party squasher takes very little space because of its very small size, and you could easily fit it right next to your router. It comes with a cord and a USB cable to plug get into a router easily. 2. How to Set Up a Party Squasher? Installing a party squasher is very simple as everything is configured by a mobile app compatible with iOS and Android operating systems. Setting up a party squasher requires a few steps. You need to name your property, verify your email address, and set your threshold or the number of devices you want to be notified of. You can change all this information later by using an app. You will also need to choose the relative size of your place according to the preset standards. The options are small, covering a single-story house with a yard, medium covering two stories, and a large, two-story home with four or more bedrooms. One thing worth mentioning here is that party squasher works well only in detached homes. People discover this thing after they have made the purchase and get upset. After choosing the size of your house, you will have to set the number of devices that you wish to be allowed before getting you notified. Before installing the sensor, keep one thing in mind that the detection zone of this device is spherical (obviously, you don’t want to catch your neighbour’s mobile phones or laptops). 3. Privacy-Friendly I like the most about party squasher because it offers a much more privacy-friendly installation than our old-fashioned noise monitors. Nobody wants to be listened to, and the very idea that you probably be recorded will be enough to make most of your guests feel uncomfortable staying at your Airbnb rental. Party squasher offers you Wi-Fi monitoring so that you can have a safe and secure method of preventing parties and large gatherings. The sensor of the party squasher will notify you within just 15 minutes if anybody tries to disconnect, and it is also tamper-proof. 4. Party Squasher Cost and Payment The initial cost of the party squasher includes the sensor itself and an annual subscription to their app service. After an initial subscription, you will have to renew your service each year, slightly less in price than the first year. But still, the cost can be a bit intimidating to a host that has a small budget. It is also worth noting that it gives will have to pay per sensor and not a flat fee, which means the more the sensors, the more will be the subscription fee. There’s no denying that parties’ squasher can be a bit pricey. There are two subscription plans: party squasher and party squasher pro. The regular plan starts at $249 for the initial year and between 1-9 sensors. The cheapest plan they offer is $199 a year. The party squasher pro plans are even more expensive, starting at $309 for the initial year and $252 for the subsequent years. 5. Where Can You Buy Party Squashers From? You can buy a party squasher from Amazon. The reviews on the Amazon site are pretty impressive and show that party squasher is indeed a very well-received product. However, keep in mind that few hosts do not like the efficacy of this product, so before ordering, I advise you to check both its positive and negative rankings. 6. Pros and Cons of Party Squasher Pros: Much more reliable than old fashion noise monitors Inconspicuous and sleek design Very easy to setup A good option for remote hosting Sync with Airbnb, VRBO, home away, and more Reliable phone app Cons: Works well only in detached homes Smaller property hosts may find it a little expensive 7. Conclusion All in all, a party squasher is an innovative device. It is superior to old-fashioned noise monitors both in efficacy and privacy. Your guests cannot fool it by throwing a blanket over it or disconnecting it as if it gets “accidentally” disconnected; you will have a notification instantly. Also, its sleek and modern design makes it fit almost invisible to your router setup. However, it is more inexpensive, so I don’t

How to Plan a Budget-Conscious Trip at the Last Minute

Plan a Budget-Conscious Trip

Vacations, long and short, have been a staple for Americans since the country’s foundation. While some take advantage of a long weekend by hosting a barbecue or going to a parade, others prefer to leave town for some well-deserved R&R. The good thing is that you can have a successful trip even if you don’t have a long time to plan.  If the time for your trip is sneaking up on you before you’ve planned a getaway, don’t worry—BNB Specialist has got you covered. Here are some last-minute trip planning tips that won’t require you to spend a fortune. Prepare for Your Absence at Work If you run your own business, it can be very difficult to get away, even for a short vacation. But not to worry; this can be done! With a careful approach, you can unplug while the wheels of your small business keep turning. Alert any clients to your absence, and move meetings to a few days after you return. Work with staff, and delegate responsibilities that can be tackled when you’re away. While you may not be able to completely unplug, have a plan for how to handle emergencies.  Go Somewhere Within Driving Distance First of all, you don’t want to spend half your trip in transit. Think of places you love to visit or research great destinations you can drive to in a few hours or less. Not only is this a cost-effective option, but you can leave on Friday evening or early Saturday morning and get the most leisure time out of your trip. If you choose to fly somewhere, try to get direct flights (though they are typically more expensive); otherwise, you might literally spend half your trip in transit. notes that you can often find better deals on flights by shopping midweek. Go Where Others Aren’t It’s also helpful to choose a destination where everyone and their mother isn’t going. For instance, if you want to go to the beach or mountains, opt for a place that doesn’t have a lot of tourists. This will allow you and your family to have a more relaxing time, and hotels will probably be less expensive. Keep it Fun for the Kids If you’re taking kids on your trip, you will need to make sure they stay entertained. The days will keep them pretty occupied (with traveling, sightseeing, etc.), but you may need to have something prepared for nights. For instance, Family Vacation Critic points out that card games and board games are great for family vacations. Look for Package Deals If you’re planning to fly somewhere, try to find a package deal. These usually come with airfare, hotels and activities. Not only does bundling all these prices into one save you money, but the search itself can reveal what areas have the best deals available, thus simplifying your search for a destination. Plus, seeing the flight and hotel prices together will help you stick to your budget. Remember Your Budget Lastly, don’t forget about your budget in the midst of planning your trip. When you’re pressed for time planning a last-minute trip, it’s easy to splurge on this and that, and before too long, you’ve gone way over your budget. Don’t settle for the first deal you find if it’s too much; keep looking until you find something reasonable so that you can relax and not stress about how you’re overspending. Furthermore, make sure you remember your budget during the vacation. There are many ways to enjoy your well-deserved downtime, but going on a short trip may be the best one. Consider going to a destination within a reasonable driving distance, and look for somewhere that doesn’t see tons of travelers. Also, remember to bring some activities and distractions for the kids, and search for good package deals to save money. Finally, stick to your budget during the planning process; that way, you can kick back and relax, knowing that your vacation isn’t putting you in the hole. STR Specialist helps you learn Airbnb tips like a pro! Contact us today!

VRBO owner fees – Don’t let it confuse you!

Vrbo owner fees

If you have a property and want to use it for short-term rental purposes, you must consider listing it on various platforms. One such platform in your list should be VRBO. Since VRBO is a brand of reputable Expedia Groups, one thing you can be sure of is you’re going to get bookings from relevant audiences and one key element is to understand how VRBO owner fees works. VRBO currently has around two million worldwide listings, which makes it a popular name in the vacation rental market. The gist of the talk is VRBO is reliable and profitable, and if you’ve got a property to rent, make sure to list it on it. But, before making a listing on VRBO, you should consider how much it costs to list your property on the platform. You need to consider the VRBO commission before setting your pricing. Also, make sure to compare the commission VRBO is charging with other vacation rental platforms to make sure it’s worth the listing. After you know the VRBO owner fees, you can make sound strategies to score more bookings with less commission or even no commission at all. 1. How Does the VRBO owner fees Work? VRBO offers the rental owners two kinds of listing models. Either you can pay through their pay-per-booking billing method or the annual fee upfront. Most people choose their VRBO owner fees by pre-booking billing, as this way, owners are liable for only the reservations or bookings they receive. This VRBO owner fees billing method is flexible and straightforward. If you are the vacation rental owner who gets their reservations from one channel, then the pre-booking billing method is the best for you. Also, with pre-booking billing, you can have the option to block your booking dates without worrying about the entire VRBO owner fees or VRBO commission that you have paid in advance. On the contrary, if VRBO is your primary booking source and expects to make $10000 annually, it’s better to opt for an annual billing method. The yearly subscription comes for a $499 one-time annual fee, paid in advance. After that, you longer have to worry about having the Vrbo owner fees deducted from each booking. 2. How Much Is the VRBO owner fees? If you’ve opted for pay-per-booking, then VRBO charges 8% from each reservation. Below is a detailed explanation of how the VRBO owner fees is charged: 5% VRBO Service Fee The service fee is deducted by taking into account the total reservation amount. This also includes another additional fee too like cleaning and pet charges. However, tax is excluded and also the refundable fee that the guest pays. The service fee that VRBO deducts contributes to the cost of product development, secure transactions, and the 24/7 customer care service of VRBO. 3% VRBO Credit Card Processing Fee The fee is calculated from the total amount you’ve made from the reservation. It includes all the extra fees, security deposits, and taxes. VRBO will return you the portion of the processing fee charged when you refund the profit in the case of deposits. If VAT is applicable in your rental area, then VRBO will charge a 5% commission fee. 3. Why Do You Have To Pay The VRBO Payment Processing Fee? Well, it’s a rule of thumb that you have to pay the VRBO credit card fee if you wish to list your vacation rental on the platform. It’s because VRBO charges each booking or guest for you. One benefit of payment processing by VRBO is that you don’t need your payment provider. VRBO is offering you convenience by taking the payment from the guests, and you get the amount in your payout, which is transacted one business day after your guest’s check-in. 4. How Can You Become Less Dependent On VRBO? If  VRBO is your go-to site and you rely only on it to get vacation rental bookings, it’s excellent because VRBO provides good earnings to too many owners. However, putting all your eggs in one single basket isn’t a wise idea. Why concentrate all your efforts and resources on one site when there are many vacation rental listing platforms in the market. Also, what if VRBO decides to increase the VRBO owner fees or change its algorithm? This could significantly affect the ranking of your listing. So here are some ways to become less dependent on VRBO for your rental bookings. a. List Your Property On Other Platforms. Diversifying your strategy to score more bookings is the key to remaining steadfast in the vacation rental business and saving yourself from potential losses. While it’s true that VRBO is one of the great vacation rental listing platforms and offers you a lot of visibility, but one of the most significant drawbacks of it is that it charges more host fees than other platforms. Airbnb charges only 3% to most property owners who are slightly less than VRBO. Also, the more the listing sites, the more will be your exposure, hence more chances of bookings. b. Build a Direct Booking Website The best way to cut out all the commission charged by VRBO or any other vacation rental site is to build your direct booking platform. You don’t have to pay any commission fee to any third party, which means more profit. You are the one that is in total control of your booking and will be independent of other channels. c. Use Channel Manager If you have your listing on different websites, then will be a separate calendar for each website where the visitors can see your availability. Now, it’s crucial to keep your calendars from all the sites in sync and constantly updated; otherwise, a double booking can be a task to handle because then you will have to risk your listing in anyone. To avoid double bookings in one slot, you can use the vacation rental channel manager such as Hostaway and get help from managing your calendars by keeping them in sync.

How to Become a Successful Airbnb Host? -Airbnb Host Requirements That You Must Know

Airbnb Host Requirements

Becoming an Airbnb host is quite a rewarding thing; you choose to pursue it as a side hustle or give it your all and opt for it as your career choice. Whatever the case, to be a successful host, Airbnb has set some Airbnb host requirements that every host must follow. The foremost priority of yours as a host is your guests’ safety. You’ve scored a booking, and your guests have arrived, but your host duty doesn’t end here. It’s your responsibility to ensure that guests are safe and comfortable. You have to be there for them if they need your help regarding anything. Airbnb has set out some specific Airbnb host requirements adhering to which any host can get 5-star ratings and good reviews. Airbnb host requirements to help you ace your hosting game Airbnb has set out four basic Airbnb host requirements if you want to remain on the platform and be an excellent host. 1. Maintain a standard minimum rating An outstanding service ensures you a great review. An honest listing and a great staying experience is the key to delighting your guests and eventually gathering good words in the form of reviews. A minimum Airbnb rating is not one of the essential Airbnb host requirements to remain on the platform. However, if you want your bookings to keep coming, you need to have people vouch for you in the form of good ratings and reviews. Also, your ratings and reviews are the critical factors using which Airbnb analyzes your progress as a host. So, always strive to keep your ratings up and get your Airbnb business run smoothly. 2. Always be responsive to any guest queries and complaints. Say your potential guest is impressed with your listing, but he has a few queries in mind. He messaged you, but you aren’t there in time to reply. What would a guest do? Opt for another one who is more responsive to their concerns and queries. It’s because fast response increases the credibility of a host and ensures that he is willing to help out their guests even after the booking is made. No, I’m not asking you to keep checking your phone all day, but to keep your notifications turned on. You can even take help from Airbnb managing apps that can send messages to the guests automatically. Airbnb does notice the host’s response time, and hence the more responsive the host, the more he has the chance to list on the top. A specific Airbnb host requirement is to reply within 24 hours, but a quicker response is better. 3. Acceptance rate Your Airbnb acceptance rate means how often you accept your decline the booking request. Airbnb takes acceptance rates seriously and therefore has listed it as one of the critical Airbnb host requirements. What happens is if you keep declining the booking requests, you’re risking your status as a super host. Furthermore, if your acceptance rate is very low, you can face penalties from Airbnb, like pausing your listing. It is important to note that few and occasional declines of bookings don’t matter much as Airbnb understands that you cannot just book any guest and have reasons to decline some. However, if Airbnb noticed a consistent pattern of declining requests or no giving no response to them, then things may go against you. Here’s how you can maintain your acceptance rate. Open the booking dates when you really can accept the request and when you need time to clean up the place after guest checkout, or you have other reasons not to accept requests block them immediately. This means that you have to keep your booking calendar constantly updated and open or block the dates as per your convenience. 4. Avoid cancellation When a guest books your rental, their vacation plans depend upon you. If you cancel their bookings, you will leave them confused, frustrated, and stranded. So, to save the guests from these inconveniences, Airbnb host requirements about cancellation are quite strict. You will have to bear some penalties if you cancel any of your guests. Here are the cancellation penalties rules: If you cancel a booking seven days before guests check-in, Airbnb can deduct $50 from your next payout. If you cancel any booking in less than seven days before check-in, then Airbnb is liable to deduct $100 from the next payout. You may have your calendar blocked after the cancellation so that you won’t be able to make another booking on the date of your cancellation. If you happen to cancel just before the day of check-in, then Airbnb issues an automated review mentioning that you have canceled one of your cancellations. So, only cancel a booking when you have to and have a genuine reason to give it to your guest. 5. Provide basic amenities Providing amenities to your guests is a crucial Airbnb host requirement, but we strongly encourage you to provide them. The basic amenities, including a pillow, towels, toilet papers, toiletries, etc., can significantly affect your bookings. Ask yourself, would you want to stay at a place where you don’t even have basic human requirements like sheets, towels, etc. Many guests filter the listing to book a vacation rental that offers basic amenities to them. You can even mention the amenities you are offering in your listing so that your potential guests may know what essentials they will be provided with. Conclusion- Airbnb Host Requirements Being an Airbnb host is not a big task if you have a decent property and abide by every local law. However, there are some basic Airbnb host requirements that you must follow if you wish to have your listing on the top and score more bookings. Moreover, if you don’t follow these Airbnb host requirements, you can face penalties or even have your listing frozen. From the points mentioned above, help your Airbnb listing to be recognized as outstanding by Airbnb. Please also read my post – How Can You Minimize

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