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Airbnb Vs Hotel- Which is better for your next vacation?

Airbnb vs Hotel

Airbnb vs Hotel debate is going to stay here forever. Since the launch of this peer-to-peer rental vacation site in 2008, there has been a raging battle between hotels and Airbnb.  Some people have their inclination towards hotels whole others love the new accommodation service. One thing is, however clear, both Airbnb and hotels have their own pros and cons. Airbnb vs Hotel Airbnb Pros 1. Way cheaper than a hotel The booming popularity of Airbnb is due to one main reason. It’s affordable! Vacations are always tempting, but the cost of accommodation takes away all the fun; some quit the idea of vacationing altogether due to the unavailability of budget-friendly accommodation in the area. Since the launch of Airbnb, the overall vacation cost has gone down, and people get to spend quality time with their loved ones in their budget. What’s more, most Airbnb hosts offer weekly and monthly discounts, so if you’re planning to stay at a place for a long time, Airbnb is a more affordable option than hotels. 2. You can always negotiate With Airbnb, you directly got to deal with the host of the place, unlike hotels. Hosts can even offer you special offers. If you have any reservations about the cost, you can negotiate with the host, and hosts will most likely agree if they have to fill up the week’s vacancy. So, it’s a win-win for you both. 3. Experience life as local If you want the real and raw experience of an area, live among the locals instead of living in places with all the foreigners around. If you want a completely different and authentic experience, Airbnb is the one you should opt for your next vacation. Airbnb Cons 1. Not regulated The biggest con of these short-term rentals is they are primarily unregulated despite the strict laws imposed in the area. If anything goes wrong with your Airbnb, you don’t have any manager to talk to about it. You need to contact the host, and the problem resolution will take a long time. You have the choice of calling for Airbnb customer care service, but many guests find it not-so-helping either.  There are some things you should consider booking a rental place to avoid any nuisance. Look at the reviewsTake out time to look at all the reviews. You can even use keywords like ‘dirty,’ ‘safe,’ etc., to know about the place’s guest experience (good or bad). Super hostsAirbnb lists some hosts as ‘super hosts’ for the ones that provide the best services. To retain this title, these ‘super hosts’ keep their services top-notch in every aspect. They must keep their rating maintained at 4.8 and need to respond to 90% of the messages within 24 hours. Message to hosts beforehandMessage your host before check-in, or book his place if you have any concerns. Do not hesitate to contact your Airbnb host if you find any issues after check-in also. Send Airbnb itinerary to friends or familyNever forget to send your friend or family member the exact address of your Airbnb space, your host’s name, and his phone number. If possible, send them your location coordinates after you check-in. 2. Airbnb can ruin the local economy In some areas, the Airbnb market has skyrocketed, and this makes locals afford rentals in their budgets becomes challenging. Why would someone want to give their property to a local for low prices and long-term stay when they can earn a hefty sum to give away their places at high prices to the foreigners? In turn, locals get poorly affected and find it extremely hard to get affordable housing. 3. Not-so-efficient customer service Sometimes Airbnb services respond very slow, and getting prompt and quick from them can be such a pain. We understand that Airbnb is now a huge industry worldwide, but such horrible customer service from such a famous name can be annoying. Also see do you tip an Airbnb host? Hotel Pros 1. Highly regulated Hotels hire a whole management team to keep the place managed even when there is a high influx of visitors. You can have high-quality service at any time of the day. 2. Top-notch customer service You can expect the most efficient customer care services from hotels, as they are in the business of hospitality and staff is professionally qualified.  Call their customer care services at any time of the day or night, and you would get the most efficient response. 3. Feel pampered Vacations are for relaxing the days away and not making your food and doing groceries. In many hotels, you will be pampered like anything. You will have guides and cabs at your service with just a call. There might even be a spa or salon in the hotel where you can relax. Staying in a hotel is a very different and relaxing experience than Airbnb. 4. What you see is what you are going to get Many guests complained about the place not having the same great environment or aesthetics, as shown in the pictures online. Their space is not as endorsed in the listing, and the neighbourhood can be horrible. With hotels, you know you’ll be having the same ambience as shown in the pictures of their sites. Hotel Cons 1. Far more expensive than Airbnb Sure, you can avail the best accommodation services in a hotel, but you will have to pay a hefty sum for it. With Airbnb, you can avail of monthly discounts and offers and choose your rental according to your budget and the location. 2. You can’t have the ‘living between the local’ experience Hotels are mostly crowded with foreigners only and not locals. The only locals you’ll probably find in hotels are those that work there, and they aren’t allowed to mingle with the guests. While in an Airbnb, you get to know the natural surroundings and environment where natives live. You can shop from the local grocery stores and shops and have a chance to interact

How to make Airbnb Sublet work for you and for your landlord?

Airbnb Sublet

Thousands of people earn a reasonable sum by renting homes using the model commonly known as the Airbnb sublet. Considering the popularity and increasing Airbnb business, this may not come as a surprise to you that the annual income of an individual renting out a single room on Airbnb can generate a whopping 3,000 a year, as shown by Airbnb figures. If you own a house, then the Airbnb business can be a simple source of earning; however, if you wish to give your place on short-term rent as a tenant, the renting business can get a bit complicated here. Even Airbnb renting is a tempting business, but this never is a tough choice for you. Renting out a place when frequently vacant on weekends is a wise option. But, as a tenant, there are some technicalities that you should consider before listing your room on Airbnb. Does the lease allow Airbnb sublet? Whether you want to put your room on Airbnb on not, it’s always a wise idea to thoroughly understand your lease agreement and understand each point. Your lease agreement may have a provision that reads something like this ‘Without Landlord’s prior written content; the tenant cannot sublet all or any part of the property. There may also be a clause that states the number of guests that could stay at the property. Either the case, you can get evicted if you violate the above-stated clauses. If you have a good reputation, your Landlord may not ask to evict you right away but can give you a warning not to rent their place out again. However, if you live in a rent-controlled area, then there’s a piece of bad news for you. Landlords in such areas need even a tiny reason to evict a tenant for a higher rent. The takeaway lesson is, always seek written permission from your Landlord before listing it on Airbnb. Know the laws about Airbnb sublet With the increasing popularity, increasing regulations are being imposed on Airbnb by local administrations. Make sure you understand these laws and know which laws can affect your or your landlord. If your local laws don’t allow you to host Airb, there’s no point in even talking about it with your landlord. Please don’t waste the time of yours and him and quit the idea of Airbnb hosting altogether. In some areas, Airbnb rentals are allowed but with tons of restrictions. For instance, some local laws allow you to rent your place for not more than 120 days. You may also have to register or pay a license fee. Use the following button to head over to the Airbnb repository, where they put together city-wise regulations collectively in one place.  Note: Regulations mainly apply to hosts renting an entire property on Airbnb. Sharing a room within your primary residence is considered good and generally excluded from rules. Check Airbnb Regulations In Your Area This link not only provides you with the regulatory information in your area but also offers guidance on how to ensure your Airbnb is safe for guests and complies with all the local safety regulations. I cannot stress enough how important it is to check every information on this link and make sure you operate your Airbnb per the law and keep it safe for guests.  Pay taxes Ensure you have all your taxes paid that your city, state, country, or government agency imposes on short-term rentals. Government websites are the best source to know about the local tax laws regarding short-term rental, so don’t forget to visit it and keep yourself updated about any law change. Screen your guests before handing over your place Carefully screen your guests before renting out your space to them. Some guests can cause such a nuisance that you can get an instant eviction notice from your landlord because why would anyone tolerate if their property is damaged or there are regular complaints from the neighbours? Screen your subtenants like your landlord screened you. Work something out with the landlord The renters who haven’t talked to their landlords about listing their place on Airbnb can be in hot waters. Honestly, this is like playing a Russian Roulette with the lease. You wouldn’t want to take this much risk, would you? If your guests cause no problems and your neighbours don’t complain about them, your landlord may not find out, especially if he lives outside the town, but Airbnb sublet is still risky. It’s better not to take a chance and discuss with your landlord and seek his permission before renting out the place on any short-term hosting site like Airbnb. To get permission from your landlord, you will have to take specific steps to make the conversation more convincing. Start with a meaningful and straightforward conversation. Make your conversation with your landlord more casual, and do not give it a business pitch. This means having a proper dialogue with him and asking for his opinions on the matter. Sometimes it’s better to arrange a conversation in person because some non-verbal expressions are better understood in person and not on call. For instance, if something you said has bothered your landlord, you can easily judge it by his expression. You may uncover the objection and talk about it more clearly. Before sharing your rental idea, it’s better to know your landlord more.Consider the following: What is the thing your landlord cares about the most related to his property? What worries him, and what’s important to him? Does your landlord need some extra income like you? Is he going through rough times? How can your rental business help him? Frame your conversation by getting to know the answers to the above-stated questions. Focus on mitigating the risk as much as possible if your landlord like to play it safe. Ask for his opinions. A good conversation is when you don’t impose your ideas on others; instead, ask their opinions on the matter. Start by asking their views on Airbnb renting

How To Ensure Your Rental Property Listing Complies With Airbnb Rules?

Airbnb rules

For rental property owners, Airbnb has become a steady source of earning. However, listing your property for a rental business isn’t as of a piece of cake as it seems. You have to ensure that your listing complies with the Airbnb laws and regulations to run your rental smoothly; otherwise, you would be in hot waters if you neglect the Airbnb rules in your area. Before listing your property on Airbnb, spend some time doing adequate research because some areas have set up specific rules and regulations for Airbnb rentals. The Airbnb rules are based mainly on the local laws for short-term rentals, and therefore may vary from one location to another. However, some rules are applied to every Airbnb rental regardless of the rental locations. Below are some points you should consider before listing your property on Airbnb and make sure it complies with Airbnb rules. Always research your city’s laws If you decide to put up your property for a short-term rental business, it’s your responsibility to keep checking your city’s rules and regulations regarding it. Never forget to examine the zoning laws because some cities have certain allowable limits. Always check if your property falls within the allowed limits. If you dare to run your Airbnb rental illegally, do not think you would get out of the mess quickly because some areas like New York and San Francisco have significant fines. Therefore it will be better to do your homework and save yourself from the pain that could come later. The rules can be confusing, and usually, it’s tough to find out exactly what restrictions apply in different parts of the world.   Use the following button to head over to the Airbnb repository, where they put together city-wise regulations collectively in one place.  Note: Regulations mostly apply to hosts who are renting an entire property on Airbnb. Whereas sharing a room within your primary residence is considered good and generally excluded from rules. Check Airbnb Regulations In Your Area This link not only provides you with the regulatory information in your area but also offers guidance on how to ensure your Airbnb is safe for guests and complies with all the local safety regulations. I cannot stress enough on how important it is to check every bit of information on this link and make sure you operate your Airbnb per the law and keep it safe for guests.  Never run a rental without the necessary permit and license Airbnb’s popularity has skyrocketed, and do does rules and regulations that keep your business in check. Most of the cities now require you to obtain a permit or a business license before putting your property on Airbnb listing. The permit or license requirements may vary in different areas. If you run a short-term rental business, you will be viewed as a real estate business owner according to your areas’ laws. Different regions have different permit names like ‘lodgers tax license,’ ‘TOT certificate,’ and ‘land use permit,’ the legal technicalities are usually the same everywhere. If you own multiple rental properties in the same state doing rental business, you should apply for separate licenses for both estates. Follow taxation rules Sometimes it is the responsibility of Airbnb to collect the local tax and submit it; however, in some locations, hosts are held accountable to pay their taxes from the earnings they have made from their Airbnb rentals. Either the case, you cannot have a ‘go green’ signal from the government of any area if you fail to pay the required tax amount. Airbnb is not responsible for stepping in and helping you if you haven’t had your taxes paid. The golden rule of any business and not just rental is to keep all your defaults clear to keep your credibility intact. Read about Airbnb tax rules in the UK. Check for subletting permission in your area If you are the owner of the rental property you’ve put up in an Airbnb listing, then it’s okay, and you only need to look at the condo association laws or HOA before listing. However, if the place is not leased in your name, then you must have to check if subleasing is allowed in your area or not. You wouldn’t want your guest to be evicted by the landlord and harming your name in the business, would you? It would be safe to seek written permission from your landlord before putting your place on the listing. Don’t forget to get a robust insurance plan Airbnb rental owners have experienced all kinds of guests coming in and staying for a while on their property. Some have a good background that is kind and wonderful; however, sometimes you may have to deal with some not-so-friendly guests. Sure, you do all the background checks before handing over your property to a stranger. But there have been incidences of guests damaging the rental properties badly. For all those situations, always keep a second plan to tackle the problem; what’s better than an insurance plan covering all your damage. Yes, Airbnb does provide some of the insurance, but when you read the regulations carefully, you would know that there are certain damages that Airbnb does not take responsibility for. Health and security should be your priority The safety rules and regulations for Airbnb rentals are much more lenient than hotels and other traditional service industries. However, if a guest can get injured or experience any damage, you may get in trouble, and a lawsuit can seriously affect your name in the market. So, take out some time and look carefully through the Airbnb guidelines regarding responsible hosting. You should provide basic safety things to your guests, including a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, installing a smoke alarm, and carbon monoxide detectors. Check if your fire escape is marked out. Also, provide the contacts of local emergency services of your area to your guests. Make sure you don’t have any exposed electrical wires. Keep a check on your

Airbnb House Rule Examples – How to set guest expectations

Airbnb house rules example

Airbnb house rules protect your rental business investment, and no, we are not talking about money only.  You have invested time, energy, and effort in it; you’ve set goals, you decorated every part with all your heart, you have done everything to make your property worth visiting.  However, handing over your cherished property to strangers comes with many risks.  Despite its popularity, Airbnb is still a new way to travel. While some guests understand how Airbnb works, others fail to accept that this place is, in fact, someone’s property and not a hotel. Sometimes they don’t know how to behave and act when you spend time in a new neighbourhood or destination. These guests can create a nuisance and may end up hurting your property or your rental business. This is where some rock-solid Airbnb house rules come in handy.  What are Airbnb House Rules? Airbnb rules are a set of regulations that help hosts tell their guests clearly and professionally what they are allowed to do on their property and what is prohibited. You can even add penalties if your rules are broken. These house rules should be sensible, and the most important thing to consider when you sit and write your Airbnb rules is the type of guests that your rental space attracts and their possible demands. What happens if you don’t impose house rules? In the absence of the house rules, you can quickly lose control over your rental place. Your maintenance cost would skyrocket, and the wear and tear can ruin your place’s overall aesthetic. You can imagine the immense mayhem the absence of these rules can cause. You can even receive neighbours complaints as some people don’t know how to behave in a foreign neighbourhood.  It is better to layout a proper framework of Airbnb rules and regulations suitable for you, your guests, and your neighbours. It is a good idea to have a welcome book for your Airbnb and include your house rules there. Below are our top house rules without which your rental space can look like a battleground. Airbnb house Rule #1: No parties allowed Many people think Airbnb rentals can be a cheap and easily accessible venue to hold parties. While you want your guest to have the best time at your place, you cannot allow your home to become a total mess.  Similarly, your neighbours will be annoyed by the music, and that would damage your reputation. The main reason why partying shouldn’t be allowed because things can get out of quickly in such events. The property damage can go out of hand, and the maintenance cost will increase drastically. For entertainment for your guests, you can add some board games to your rental place or a connection of Netflix, but partying and sabotaging your image and property should never be allowed. House Rule #2: No unregistered guests allowed Some people may think that this rule is an infringement of personal privacy. The truth is this Airbnb rule just stops the guest from sneaking in strangers with them because this occupancy can exceed the capacity of your rental home, and thus the more will be the chances of accidents and wear and tear of the property.  To avoid this, allow only registered guests to enter and stay at your property so that you can manage your rental easily.  The main reason for not entertaining the unregistered guests is that they won’t be covered by Airbnb host protection insurance. House Rule #3: No smoking You may think your guests may know the hazards of smoking indoors. However, so many nationalities and customs do not see any harm in smoking in closed spaces; therefore, it becomes imperative to have this rule included in your Airbnb house rules. Moreover, the butts and ash of the cigarette can create a mess in the place, and guests sometimes do not dump these cigarette remnants into the trash bin. Imagine how much your linens and bedsheets can be spoiled by it. Any cigarette mark or butts lying around your rental place can gather negative reviews for you. Also, the odour of cigarette smoke is tough to get rid of and will give uninviting vibes in your rental house. Just put a ‘no smoking’ rule in your rule list and avoid all the nuisance. House Rule #4: No pets While we have nothing against pets but allowing pets to stay with their owners has plenty of cons. Some guests are allergic to pet hair or dander, and those people will avoid renting your place. Many pets chew off the stuff, and sometimes they become unstoppable, or until they get stopped, the damage has been done. The noise of pets can annoy your neighbours, resulting in you getting lots of complaints.  So, to avoid all these headaches, just add the ‘no pet’ policy to your rule list. House Rule #5: No eating or drinking in bedrooms Eating in bedrooms can give your precious linens so many hard-to-clean stains. The cleaning supplies can cost so much, and putting up this simple rule will save you from this uncalled-for money expenditure. Imagine your guests wiping off their greasy hands off your bedsheet. Not a very pleasant sight, isn’t it? To avoid such barbaric damage to your sheets, add this rule and hand over your property stress-free. House Rule #6: Do the dishes Let’s face it, doing dishes is one of the most tedious tasks and when you are on vacation, cleaning dishes is the last thing you would want to do. However, it’s not your responsibility to clean up the dirty dishes your guest left. Some guests won’t even hint if you provide them dish soap and a dishwasher to do the dishes. Therefore, it becomes essential to state a clear house rule regarding dishes, so you don’t have to sort them after your guests leave.Any damage that exceeds the deposit money would be billed separately and reported to Airbnb.Every Airbnb host fears this. What if damage exceeds the

How to Create the Illusion of Space in a Room

how to create illusion of empty space

If you are thinking about renovating your house or decorating your interior and having a small space, it might be on top of your mind how to make your small space look bigger. You might often find yourself struggling for space in your home. Have you ever felt that the walls of your room are closing in on you? It can be stifling at times to live in a small space.  We all need some space for ourselves, where we can breathe in peace and be alone with our thoughts. But to solve this problem, you don’t need a bigger space always. You can do work with what you already have. With proper renovations and decorations, you can make your small room look bigger, and then it will give you the feeling of comfort you were vying for. By making some changes to the decor and layout of your home, you can do so. Let’s see how you can make your space look bigger. 1. Use Only One Color in Your Room You might want to decorate your room with various colours and have a colourful look for your room. But this will make your room appear smaller and look overcrowded. According to interior designers, if you use a monochrome colour scheme in your room, it allows your eyes to move more easily all around the room as your eyes won’t be interrupted constantly by different visual stimuli caused by different colour patterns. Colouring your whole room white will help your cause the most. 2. Wisely Choose Your Furniture In your small room, you must avoid putting large and cumbersome furniture, which can totally consume most of the spaces of your room. You need to decide which furniture are really necessary for your room, and only go with them. Getting rid of unnecessary furniture will create more space in your room, and the room will look bigger. While using a sofa or couches, you can go for the ones that stand on the legs, not skirt around the bottom and block light as a result. Being mobile, light, and minimalistic while choosing furniture can help your rooms look bigger. 3. Strategically use Curtains and Drapes If you use heavy and dark curtains in your room, your room might look more crowded than it would look with lighter curtains. If you let enough natural light in your room, it will make your room look bigger, so it is important to leave your windows open so that natural light can enter properly, and having light curtains can play a crucial role in that. And while placing your drapes or curtains, place them well above your window’s top, as close to the ceiling as possible, also let them reach the floor. This look will create an illusion of having a large window and increase the perceived room size as a result. 4. Decorating with Tiles in a Special Manner Tiles can play a massive role in making your space look bigger. If you can wisely use tiling in your decoration, your room will have a bigger look, and you can do some specific things for that. They are –  Using Same Colored Tiles While choosing tiles for your space, you should choose tiles of one colour and apply that to the whole space so that the place looks bigger. It will work just like using the same colour in your room. Choosing Tiles of Larger Size The size of the tiles is also important in this process. When you have chosen your favoured tiles, you should go for larger tiles than usual. It will allow you to have fewer grout joints, and the room size will be reflected through the size of the tiles too. The larger tile you’ll have, the longer distance your eyes will have to travel to go to the next tile, and creating an illusion of a bigger space consequently. So, it is important that you choose larger tiles. Avoiding Busy Patterns In General In order to make your room look more colourful and beautiful, you might want to go for different patterned and toned tiles, but you should know that these make a small room look really crowded. You should limit using busy patterns as much as you can; in fact, using just plain same-coloured tiles will be the best option for a small room. Using The Color Similar to Your Tiles for Grout If you go for a contrasting grout colour, it will emphasize the grout lines and make the whole space look confined. On the other hand, the impression of the place being bigger will be enhanced if you go for the same coloured grout, as the grout lines won’t be much visible, and the feeling of division won’t be there. 4. Final Words By going through the aforementioned simple steps, you can easily make your space look bigger than it actually is, and you will have a feeling of being in a better personal space of your own.

Meaning of Airbnb: No Bullshit Guide To Airbnb Hosting in 2024

what does Airbnb mean

Airbnb Meaning: No BS Guide 2023 Airbnb Meaning: No BS Guide 2023 What does Airbnb mean? Let me first ask you, what would be your preference to stay if you are willing to travel recently: a hefty charging hotel room or someone’s house at a reasonable cost? The latter will be the answer to many of us and for all the right reasons. However, this convenience wasn’t available before 2008; we all were bound to pay a considerable sum to stay at a decent place while we travel or have to compromise with the worst ambience and service hotel rooms. Now we all can afford a nice staying home thanks to Airbnb, meaning no more paying extra. What does Airbnb stand for? Airbnb is short for air bed and breakfast. However, unlike traditional ‘bed & breakfast’ accommodations, breakfast is not typically included in a stay. It’s just in the name. The same goes for Air bed, and you will rarely find an Air bed being provided in a property on this website. Both these terms exist in the name because that’s how the company started – back in 2007, two guys (now founders of Airbnb) decided to earn some extra cash by offering an Airbed in the living room and breakfast to tourists visiting the area. Airbnb logo The Airbnb logo is called the Bélo, which is short for ‘Belong Anywhere’.  The short form is easily pronounced by anyone on Earth, or so they say. The logo combines four simple symbols: a head which represents people a location icon which represents place a heart which represents love and then an A which represents Airbnb. Watch this video explaining how its famous logo was incorporated. History of Airbnb Airbnb is an abbreviation of ‘air bed and breakfast.’  While understanding the its meaning is tricky due to its name, the structure is relatively simple. Before understanding how it works, let’s have a look at its history first. Airbnb is the brainchild of Joe Gebbia, Brian Chesky and Nathan Blecharczyk. What came as a simple idea of renting the air mattress in their apartment to earn some extra cash turned into a whopping 31 billion company. Their concept became an instant hit because it’s simple to execute yet useful in making extra bucks.  They created a simple website, arranged three air mattresses and set a renting room in their loft.  They made $80 in their first booking and then never looked back. Their reservations skyrocketed and reached the point where the iconic ‘Airbnb’ is no the go-to hosting site for travellers worldwide. It now lists over 6 million properties from around 81,000 cities on their website.  It is worth mentioning here that it has bought luxury Retreats for $300 million, and that’s how Airbnb Luxe was created; this made it now rule over the luxury home space renting too. This company has proved to be the biggest game-changer in the real estate market, and since then, it has upped its game only. How does Airbnb work? Airbnb is an online platform that connects guests seeking a space to stay to the hosts willing to rent their rooms at much lesser prices than hotels. Airbnb also offers various filters that can help guests find the right rental house. You can get connected to the host directly using the chat option. Airbnb charges a 3% commission from your bookings and around 6-12% service fee from guests. Here is my detailed article on how does Airbnb work for hosts. How to use Airbnb as a guest? Are you looking for an inexpensive yet decent place to stay, then Airbnb has got you sorted. It helps you find deals in your budget so that you no longer worry about the insanely high hotel room rates.  If you want to rent a space, all you should do is visit the Airbnb website and search through many filters like area, space (house or room) and the number of guests to find your ideal place.  First, you need to create a profile, provide relevant information, and provide other required things like a profile picture and ID to use its features. After you have successfully signed-in after providing all the necessary information, you can browse through 800,000 listings worldwide.  Make you enter the correct information like dates and guests to avoid and inconvenience and find the best deals at the best prices. You can also inquire about the rental space directly from the host.  When you find a suitable listing, you can either book instantly or request to make a booking depending upon the host’s preferences. Instant booking allows you to book your rental right away without going through additional steps. If the host wanted to approve the bookings beforehand, you would have to opt for the ‘Request to book’ option, which then prompts you to fill in the payment details and wait for approval from the guest. How to use Airbnb as a host? It doesn’t matter if you have a room to rent or the entire house; you can easily register your listing on Airbnb by outlining individual specifications like size, area, number of rooms available to rent and other relevant details of your listing. You must create a host profile initially, add your profile picture and go through various verification and scanning processes that include verifying your ID and phone number.  Make sure to go through your local Airbnb restrictions before making a listing on Airbnb. This step is important because some areas have imposed laws about renting your place for an extended period; therefore, it is your duty to make sure your listing is entirely legal. In addition to it, you may also be required to alert the HOA or other responsible boards about your listing. Once you have successfully made your profile, you need to go to the ‘List your Space’ option, where you need to fill in what kind of listing or lodging you are offering- whether it’s an apartment or house or just a room.

How To Make Your Airbnb Family-Friendly?

family friendly airbnb

If you rent your property on Airbnb, you must aspire to maximise your bookings to make more money. Keeping your Airbnb family friendly would attract lots of guests that are willing to stay with family.  Before Airbnb, many families wouldn’t consider taking kids and them on vacations because they would have to fit the entire family in one room and renting a separate room for kids would charge insanely high and would also not be safe for the kids. After the launch of Airbnb rentals, more and more families are willing to take the kids and have a family vacation because why not. Airbnb rentals cost way less than hotel rooms, and the plus point is they are safer.  However, Airbnb travellers who have kids usually look more carefully before booking a space. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to prepare your Airbnb family-friendly to attract guests with kids and family. Here are some important key points you should consider to make your rental space more family-friendly. To keep your Airbnb family friendly do not keep easily breakable things First things first, you should assess your house for breakability. You would want to keep the kids coming with your kids safe and prevent damage to the property from any breakable object.  Therefore, to make your Airbnb family-friendly remove all the sharp and fragile things that could potentially get on access to small kids. Put away those delicate vases, lamps and other items when you plan your rent to space for a family. Having fragile and breakable things around will make guests more stressed than relaxing, which is the last thing you would want. Choose furniture and other household items carefully to put in your Airbnb place. Opt for things that aren’t easily breakable.  Finally, don’t forget to install garden gates to prevent little kids from sneaking outside. To keep your Airbnb family friendly equip it with child-friendly items Certain baby-friendly items are must-haves if you want to make your rental ideal for families. Cots and high chairs are some essentials that families with babies search for in an Airbnb house. It’s because they can’t carry the big cots and furniture with them. A baby monitor, dishwasher and microwave will be a plus to attract guests with babies. For families that have toddlers, a stairgate will be essential for the safety of those tiny tots. Also, keeping kid-friendly bowls and spoons will make the staycation of your guests a lot easier. To keep the kids entertained, you can place some kid storybooks or family board games in your house. Keep your kitchen equipped with kid-friendly items When your guests are travelling with kids, they will probably have to use the kitchen at some point. Keep your house’s kitchen stocked with essentials and supplies. Ensure your guests get access to all the kitchen essentials they will need to cook food for their family, such as pans, utensils, cutlery, condiments etc. You need to keep all the items in your kitchen child-proof too. Don’t forget to provide stove knob covers and cabinet locks. Keep all the dangerous supplies in a place where children can’t reach to avoid any hazard. TV and Wi-Fi Kids get bored quickly; the best way to keep them entertained is to play them their poems and cartoons.  Internet is the best way to unwind for parents too after they put their kids to bed. What’s better than some Netflix time when the kids won’t be there to disturb their parents? Do share your Netflix password with your guests to make their stay more relaxing. To keep your Airbnb family friendly make extra beds available Many Airbnb guests that come with families require different sleeping arrangements than regular guests. Make sure your extra beds are always available so that you can earn extra from additional guests. You can even invest in bunks beds for kids. Create a children’s play area Parents would be delighted to see your place with playing areas stocked with toys to keep their kids busy. Ensure all the toys you intend to keep in your play area do not contain sharp edges and are child-safe. Invest in some crayons, colouring books, and stuffed toys to keep the kids’ entertained throughout their visit. You can even download some kid movies or subscribe to children’s TV channels to provide your guests with a five-star experience. Keep your outdoor space lively If you have outdoor space in your Airbnb rental, then make sure to make it kid-friendly and safe too. Make sure to keep your walkways safe and do not have anything sharp like broken stones etc. If you have a pool in your outdoor space, don’t forget to install a gate before welcoming guests with kids.  There are also many outdoor kids entertaining material available that you can invest in, like air castles and baby pools to make the kids stay fun and exciting. Washer and dryer If your guests intend to stay at your place for a couple of nights, they may require to wash some clothes. Kids need to change clothes faster than adults, and keeping large suitcases filled with kid’s clothes is very inconvenient. Therefore, make sure your washer and dryer are ready so that your guests can use them when they need them. Storing wet clothes in a bathroom can create a safety hazard, especially for kids, as they easily slip and fall accident. Therefore, it is better to give your guests access to your washer and dryer. Child-friendly attractions Vacations mean exploring new places and having fun. When you have kids along, you would want to have a kid’s entertainment place nearby your Airbnb. It’s a wise idea to mention child-friendly attractions near your Airbnb rental in your Welcome Book. Highlight all the kid-friendly spots nearby, like parks, restaurants, and play areas near your rental place. Your guests will be impressed by the legwork you’ve done for them. This will boost the image of you Airbnb family-friendly. Cleanliness is essential when you’re

Your Porter App Review – Why it can be your best Airbnb companion?

YourPorter App Review

While short-term and Airbnb rental business may seem like a great way to earn decent money, managing this business can be such a pain when you have no proper help to deal with management tasks. The business previously requires so much effort that people hesitate even to take the first steps. However, with the launch of innovative property management software and apps, short-term rental has become one of the most profiting businesses. While these apps and software seem intimidating to use, they are really easy and handy. What is a property management app, and how can it help in Airbnb rental business? If you run a rental business, you may be aware of the management challenges that come with it. However, with the launch of property management apps, the management of rental property business has become a breeze. These property management apps assist landlords and owners in working remotely and access the management data on their portable devices like smartphones, tablets etc.  These apps can gather data from different rental markets and allow you to post vacancy ads, check your finances, create invoices, and track rent payments. The benefits you can avail from these property management apps are limitless; however, choosing the right software for your business is the key to manage it smoothly. It’s easy to get confused when there are so many options available in the market. I also have been a victim of signing up for apps with mediocre functions and considerable cost. Your Porter App has come as my ultimate saviour when it comes to managing my short-term rental business. You may ask why? Let me give you a comprehensive Your Porter App review to help you understand its impeccable features. What is Your porter App? Your Porter is a property management app which is ideal for real estate and property management business. You can easily manage your Airbnb listings, payment plans, vacancy ads and more using this handy management app. Your Porter App is a one-stop solution to all your Airbnb and other rental management tasks. Your Porter offers many robust features to assist in running your rental property business successfully. Try Your Porter App free for 21 days Team Management Keeping all your teammates updated and assign them their daily tasks can require so much effort if you choose to reach them all one-by-one. However, with Your Porter App, you can easily create, assign, schedule, and organize the tasks among your team members. Simply create a job, name it, decide its due date and then assign it to your teammates.  What’s more impeccable about this feature is that it notifies you whenever a team member marks their task as complete. You can track the work efficiency of your staff with the help of this app. Your Porter makes communication among the teammates a lot easier as it sends tasks to each member via email, SMS, or WhatsApp.  Now, that means you can assign the task to any member regardless of the messaging service they use or whether or not they have subscribed to Your Porter App.  All your tasks are visible on a clean dashboard so that you can keep track of whether your team is meeting the deadlines or not.  Channel Management To rent your property at a fair price and quickly, you have to have multiple listing accounts. While it may seem like a piece of cake to sign-in to these listing accounts but managing all these accounts at once can be a real headache as it can get you confused. To manage all the listing channels in a sophisticated manner, Your Porter has some excellent features that make these apps’ management so very easy. Your Porters offers your guests an online form, which they can answer anytime even if they have not subscribed to this app. Using this form, you can gather your guest’s details quickly. Say your guest has filled their time of the flight this app lets you keep track of it and notify you when your guest has landed, or their flight has been delayed or any other unforeseen circumstances. This makes it easier for you and also your team members to prepare for their arrival in time. This will definitely provide a good user experience. The weather forecast option keeps you and your guest updated about the flight conditions. Automated Messages Typing and sending messages to each team member and guest to update them can be daunting, but Your Porter App has got you sorted.  This app allows you to automate your messages whether you want to send an SMS, an email or WhatsApp. You can set your app to send the messages at different times like when your guests arrive, check-in, during their stay and after their checkout.  For quicker execution of messages, you can even create or edit your own template.  Short-term rentals require a quick response from the hosts; therefore, Your Porter helps you deliver an automated reply to any inquiry. This feature is extremely handy when your potential guest sends you an inquiry message outside business hours. You can further reply to your client at your convenient time, and your client won’t feel ignored. Thai features help you to boost your response. Centralized Inbox Multiple listings mean multiple inboxes to keep track of, and this means extra effort. Your Porter App provides a single unified inbox of all the listing channels regardless of which listing platform you are using. You don’t have to juggle between the inbox of one account to another every time an inquiry has been made; instead, you can view all your messages in one organized inbox.  This feature of Your Porter App makes sure you don’t miss any inquiry by a potential guest. Auto Review Reviews act as an endorsement of your business, and that’s why they are incredibly valuable to both hosts and guests. However, writing reviews can be an arduous task, given that you have so much on your plate to deal with. Your Porter offers

How Can iGMS Help Run Airbnb Business Smoothly? A Comprehensive iGMS Review

iGMS Review

Suppose you host your property to guests as vacation rentals. In that case, you may know it’s not an easy thing to manage the responsibilities that come with it like manage bookings, maintenance, customer management etc. If you own more than one vacation rental, all the management tasks will consume so much of your effort and time. Who wouldn’t mind a little help when you got so much on the plate to sort? This is where Vacation Rental Software comes into the picture. What is Vacation Rental Software? Vacation Rental Software is designed to help vacation rental property owners or companies with their management tasks. This software can help automate your vacation rental business so that you can run your business with ease and without any management error.  This software enables the subscribers to create their own marketplace where guests can book your vacation rental property online. The built-in tools make your life easy as a vacation rental owner. There are many Vacation Rental Software that offers impeccable features and honestly picking the best among them can be as confusing as managing your rental business.  However, if you trust the experts, there is one name that stands on the top amongst Vacation Rental Software, and that is iGMS. Get FREE 14-day Trial & $30 Credit What is iGMS? iGMS is a vacation rental software that assists property hosts to manage the various booking channels in one platform. It doesn’t matter if it’s Airbnb or VRBO or, iGMS can handle the booking management tasks like no other software. iGMS uses one single interface to connect the different booking channels and streamline their rental management processes.  iGMS is a web-based software; therefore, the user can access it anytime, and at any screen they like. You can manage your listings efficiently without putting the extra effort of going through each booking platform separately. iGMS Review: Key features This iGMS review will walk you through the features that this software offers and their benefits. 1. Channel manager This vacation rental software works as an impeccable channel manager to sync all your property hosting sites in one single interface.  This does not only save you from so much effort and time but also reduces the chances of your property being double-booked. iGMS integrates and manages Airbnb,, VBRO accounts efficiently. Just adjust the pricing, available dates, occupancy, and have these changes apply to all the integrated channels, and iGMS will manage bookings and reservation and other management tasks for you. If you run a vacation rental business on a larger scale, you must have multiple Airbnb accounts. Keeping yourself updated with every account will be an added burden to your already busy-self. iGMS integrates all the accounts that you hold and manages them simultaneously without any error that may occur if you try to do it yourself. 2. Multi-calendar The multi-calendar feature works hand-in-hand with the channel manager. The multi-calendar displays bookings from all the platforms in one unified calendar which saves so much hassle of checking out booking dates of each platform one-on-one.  The calendar also shows the booking length, money earned, and the platform from which reservation has been made. By selecting the reservation option, the calendar takes you to the inbox to get guest information or message them. 3. Messaging Communicating with your guests is essential for keeping them satisfied during their stay. However, typing messages to each guest will be a cumbersome task. iGMS saves you from this hassle as it offers a robust messaging section that enables you to quickly and automate your messages.  The message sent by guests from the booking platform will be collected in the iGMS inbox. Each conversation thread in IGMS inbox enables you to write notes for each guest and even see their reservation details. With various templates that IGMS offer you can the one that you find appropriate and send it to your guests. You can also customise the preexisting templates according to your needs. These templates save so much time when you need to reply to common guest queries. iGMS focuses mainly on automating your tasks, and this is why it keeps the template customisation and automation of messages very easy. 4. Task automation Just like message automation, various other tasks are automated easily using iGMS. Say you’ve decided a task after every booking like housekeeping after the guest checkout, all you need to do is create a task, assign it to the relevant user, add instructions or notes, and schedule it. 5. Managing reviews Reviews hold great power in making your business successful or sabotaging it. While a good rating can bring more guests, bad ratings can drive your potential guests away; therefore, it is crucial to properly manage the reviews. Guests often give a good review if you review them as well. Using iGMS, you can automate and templatise your Airbnb reviews. 6. Easy team management The management of vacation rentals is a crucial task, and you have to keep your staff updated every time. iGMS gives your team members access to cleaners and repairers and coordinates them to create a daily task list. 7. Mobile application The handiest way to use any app is to use it through a mobile phone. iGMS offers a mobile-friendly version of this software to manage your vacation rental management straight from your cell phone. 8. Financial reporting iGMS provides you with detailed financial reports of your business. It shows a list of reservations, transaction history, work orders etc. so that you can evaluate how your business is doing. Pricing The iGMS cost starts at $1/night. Suppose you want the pro version with more features than the basic one you will have to pay $20/property/month. The best part is iGMS offers a 14-day free trial version so that you can subscribe to other packages once you are delighted with its features. For more pricing options, click here Pros You can share your calendar information with your team Single interface for multiple platforms Scheduled

Uplisting Review: To What Extent It Can Help You With Airbnb Management?

Uplisting AIrbnb managament

Being a property manager isn’t as easy as it seems. You have lots of things to sort and have lots of items on your plate like account management, publishing vacancy advertisements, take care of the lease-cycle, maintain a budget, process the documentation task and many more.  Juggling between these responsibilities could be tedious and tiring unless you have the right software to help you out.  Property management software can be your helping hand in sorting out these arduous tasks. While the concept of using property management software is a new one, using them is pretty straightforward.  This software can be your lifesaver when it comes to managing property-related tasks. What is property management software? Property management software is an application that helps landlords and property owners their rental properties, accounts, and finance. You may ask how! Well, simply put, this software helps owners, managers, and operators automate the tasks associated with running the properties.  The real estate market is ever-changing and very competitive. To help you keep up with the pace of the market, property management software enables you to efficiently design and control your property portfolio. How property management software helps short-term rental hosts? Short term rentals don’t usually generate significant revenue on Airbnb. There comes a time when the short-term rental hosts begin to look for other hosts and visitors connecting marketing places other than Airbnb.  COVID-19 has brought many rental businesses to their knees, and Short-term rental hosting is no exception. It becomes necessary for hosts to find and explore new hosting markets like VBRO, and other platforms. While managing the market reputation and other tasks is difficult many Property Management Software emerge in the market to help short-term rentals keep up with the business pace.  There are so many Property Management Software introduced in the market that it is easy to get confused. I’m not going to lie; I used so many other software before finally opting for Uplisting as my permanent property management solution.  What makes Uplisting different from other Property Management Software? Let’s discuss in detail in this detailed Uplisting review. Uplisting Review 1. One unified calendar Keeping an on your at the various website is difficult if done separately; therefore, Uplisting introduces a one united calendar that brings the bookings from all platforms, all listings, and all accounts in one clean window-a mess-free unified calendar. This calendar gives you updates about all the bookings along with the source. Say you manage multiple accounts of a hosting site. Uplisting you can import all of them to one software to get them organised in a single place. I was relieved knowing that I don’t have to jump between accounts.  One of the crucial perks of this unified calendar is that you won’t be double-booked when you list the different sites’ booking.  Though the whole software is simple to use, the unified calendar is a piece of cake. This calendar filter helps you adjust many tasks simultaneously on all the platforms like rates, minimum stay requirements, location, type of listing. 2. Channel Markup You may know that every booking platform has a different pricing structure. Airbnb charges around 3%, while VRBO charges 8%. Most of the hosts’ main goal is to keep the revenue consistent regardless of which booking platform has been used for the booking.  What Uplisting do is it specifies a different markup rate for each booking platform? Now, this Channel markup feature adjusts your pricing according to the pricing structure of the medium used.  Let me explain it with an example. If you want your revenue for a night stay to be $100, this Channel markup feature lists it on Airbnb as $103. It reviews the markup of the platform, and they adjust your prices. 3. Automation Tools The automation tools that Uplisting offers are a lifesaver. These tools can send emails before and after the booking. It can even write a review for the guests. Although you need to edit the message for each message separately, these automation tools are still convenient.  Do you want more control over automated messaging? Uplisting offers you to integrate with another tool like You may require to pay for this extra feature, but considering the effort and time it saves, it’s worth a try. 4. Managing Rates You may think that internal rate management is a pretty basic tool and even Airbnb itself offers it; what’s more value could it add? The answer is Uplisting integrates with price management tools like Wheelhouse, Beyond Pricing. So, let’s say you integrate Uplisting with Wheelhouse; this integration helps you syndicate your pricing on all channels automatically. 5. Integration with Zapier So if you haven’t heard about Zapier yet, let me explain it to you first. Zapier is a third-party app that connects various web services.  When someone books you, you would want to enter it in a Google spreadsheet to keep a record. Even you would like to collect people’s email addresses. Before making a contract, you also want the guests that book your larger properties to go through and agree to the rule book.  Everything listed about seems like a tedious task. Still, by integrating Zapier with Uplisting, you can automatically perform all of it. 6. Pricing The pricing of Uplisting is straightforward. For one property, Uplisting charges you $100/month in USD. The pricing is different for different countries, and you can pay them in your native currency. For more details about Uplisting pricing, visit:  Try Uplisting for FREE Uplisting Pros Uplisting is budget-friendly than other property management software, which is perfect for a short-term rental host. The customer care support is impeccable. Just a call and you’ll have all your problems sorted. The seamless integration with other platforms like Zapier,, Airbnb makes Uplisting a must-try.  Easy price management  It helps you manage your overbooking. Automated tools Use to use with a clean and easy-to-understand interface. Uplisting offers a 14-day free trial so that you can test the software before making a purchase. Uplisting

Wheelhouse Review: Can It Really Increase Your Airbnb Revenue?

Wheelhouse Review

Wheelhouse review by How automated Airbnb pricing can help you? You may already know that the prices of air tickets and hotel rooms change over time. But did you know why?  It’s because airline and hotels optimize their profits by using a simple technique. What they do is they increase their prices when the demand is high and similarly decrease it when the demand gets low. Isn’t this a smart business tactic? Airbnb listings can use this tactic too. You can increase or decrease your prices according to the demand. These changes in prices can create so much confusion as to how much you should charge. I mean how someone would know what the current prices are offered in the particular season and offer the best prices.  Let’s look at some options to assist you in managing your pricing structure. You can do the cumbersome competitor analysis to design an attractive pricing model or hire professionals to do it, but that would add so much burden on your budget, especially if you run a small motel or rental hosting business.   This is where Airbnb pricing tools comes to your rescue. These convenient tools automate the whole pricing model for you without putting any extra effort or spending extra bucks on professionals.  How Airbnb pricing tools work? These innovative pricing tools use algorithms to calculate and design pricing modules for you by focusing on factors like seasons, flight demand, other hotels’ availability and prices, vacation rental prices, day of the week, special events in the region, quality, and number your views, etc.  These pricing tools set your calendar prices for the next 365 nights and keep updating them every 24 hours taking the factors mentioned above into account. There are many different tools available in the market that uses their own set of algorithms to design a perfect pricing module for you. However, if I get to choose one best Airbnb pricing tools, it has to be Wheelhouse. Why? Let’s do a quick Wheelhouse review. Introducing Wheelhouse Wheelhouse is one of the dynamic pricing tools that help short-term rental property owners generate more revenue. Founded in 2014, Wheelhouse has been a massive growth since its inaugural due to its impeccable results. Wheelhouse works with accurate data to provide perfect results. It has helped many small motels and rental owners increase their revenue up to 5 times.  Now that’s impressive! Unlike the most conflicted Airbnb’s Smart Pricing Tips that operate focusing on both visitors and hosts’ gain, Wheelhouse works for the hosts exclusively. How does Wheelhouse work? Wheelhouse pricing software has constructed an impeccable and innovative program that crawls and records every listing in a particular area, from Airbnb but of With this sophisticated data and smart algorithms, Wheelhouse’s design optimizes your pricing model and suggests competitive prices for the next 12 months. You can easily design 240+ pricing modules per year using Wheelhouse. Wheelhouse Review 1. Simple start Getting started with Wheelhouse is ridiculously easy.  The things that work are the things that work for me. This is why I choose Wheelhouse over any other Airbnb pricing software. With a clean, uncluttered, and simple to use interface, Wheelhouse is a breeze to use. Just head over to Wheelhouse’s official website, click on the ‘Get started’ option, and connect your listings. Now use the ‘ON’ option to start getting new optimized prices.  2. Fine-tune your strategy While Wheelhouse’s recommendations are an excellent choice to start with, it also offers you an option to fine-tune your strategy, making it super customizable and super convenient to use. 3. Maximum and minimum prices If the prices that are recommended by Wheelhouse doesn’t hit your margin, you can always set it. You can adjust your minimum to maximum prices to generate the required pricing module. 4. Minimum stays Wheelhouse even offers you to manage your minimum stays just like the Airbnb dashboard. 5. Weekend adjustment You know your region and what is the predicted price over the weekends. If you think Wheelhouse’s recommendation isn’t the one you anticipated, then you can adjust it too according to your requirements. 6. Seasonal adjustment Seasons are one of the significant factors that affect pricing. The seasonal adjustment option sets your range per the changing seasons and demand. 7. Monitor your performance The whole point of investing in pricing software is to generate more revenue. Wheelhouse offers a ‘performance’ tab where you can monitor your performance and know the effectiveness of this software in boosting your business.  Monitoring your performance can also help you fine-tune your campaign and make it more attractive to potential visitors. 8. Trip Advisor integration Most people that use Airbnb also view the listings on Trip Advisor too. Wheelhouse syncs Airbnb and Trip Advisor’s listings not to have to invest in separate price management apps for both. This is a plus point for someone like me who wouldn’t want to invest more than required on the pricing apps. 9. Pricing Did you know that Wheelhouse offers a 30-day free trial before signing up for a paid package? This was the first thing that made me try Wheelhouse, and after using the free-trail, I couldn’t go back to my previous pricing app. It’s because Wheelhouse charges only one per cent after the end of the trial period.  Wait, there’s a bonus. If you have more than ten listings, then this fee gets even more reduced to 0.75%. Now that’s a win-win! Start using Wheelhouse for FREE Wheelhouse Review: Pros and Cons Wheelhouse is one software that helps many of the people involved in the short term renting (STR) services, be it Airbnb hosts, homeowners, vacation rentals or small motels, etc.  It’s easy to use interface makes it the handiest Airbnb pricing software. Anyone can use it who want to increase their business revenue. PROS You can customize your pricing based on individual rental. Recommends revenue-shifting prices by using state-of-the-art algorithms managing technology. Easiest Airbnb pricing software. You can choose your base price by customizing base

5 Common Reasons Behind Plumbing Damage

Reasons Behind Plumbing Damage

For homeowners, plumbing damage is probably the most annoying kind of household damage ever. Plumbing damage repair costs a lot unless you can file a plumbing damage claim, but your natural obligations are disrupted (you know what I mean). Jokes apart, learning about the common causes of plumbing damage can go a long way in avoiding this kind of nuisances. If you know where things might go wrong, you will take measures to make sure they do not go wrong. I would like to inform you about the five most common reasons for plumbing damage in this post. Clogged Lines Yeah, I admit, you didn’t even have to read my article to know that clogged lines is the most common cause of plumbing damage. However, it is what it is, and I had to mention it nevertheless. When your pipes get clogged, water can not pass through properly. In worse scenarios, a clogged pipe might even break under pressure and make a mess of your house. What is the solution then? Very simple, don’t let your kid or your dog flush their toys in the toilet. In other words, make sure nothing goes in your pipes through the toilets and sinks that might clog them. Corrosion Have you inherited your house from your grandpa? If yes, congratulations, not because you finally own a home, but because of the plethora of plumbing problems you will encounter. Old plumbing systems do tend to fall prey to rust and other sorts of corrosion. It’s no surprise that such a plumbing system is not reliable, and you should consider replacing the pipes that show signs of discolouration due to corrosion. You may wonder why it is even necessary to replace rusty pipes even if they are working just fine. If that is the case, feel free to keep them, and take my regards when you find your toilet filled with shit one fine morning. Damaged Joints In a pipeline, the weakest points are the ‘joints’. Pipe joints deteriorate over time and cause leaks. Like it or not, there is no easy and quick solution to this issue. Pipe joints are supposed to get damaged over time, and you won’t be able to realise it as you can’t see them. At times damaged pipe joints make weird noises when you turn on hot water, but that is not a particular indicator of joint pipeline damage. The best you can do is to get a plumber to evaluate your plumbing system at least once a year. Do not try to save a few hundred bucks for potential long term damage. Too Much Water Pressure Do you enjoy a bath with a quick shower? You might, but your pipes can’t relate to your enjoyment. Though high water pressure may feel nice, you may exceed the level to which your plumbing system can withstand the pressure. Every pipe and faucet can endure water pressure up to a certain level, and if your home’s water pressure goes beyond that level, something very unpleasant will happen. That’s why make sure you know the water pressure endurance level of your pipes and faucets, and do not go beyond that. If you are a fan of high water pressure, then make sure you install a plumbing system that can cope up with it. Don’t increase the water pressure all of a sudden without knowing the capacity of your plumbing system. Broken Seals Last but not least, broken seals are also responsible for a lot of plumbing issues. Seals are usually installed around all the water connectors. Some other areas like your kitchen’s dishwasher door also require seals. Seals can get damaged for several reasons.  Firstly, if the seals are not installed properly, they will not last long. Installing low-quality cheap seals will do no good either. Over time, old seals seem to come off, wear out, or simply break. Do your things right. Ensure good quality seals are correctly installed and watch out for wear and tear in your plumbing system in older seals. Conclusion So, the key to avoiding plumbing damage in your house is proper maintenance. You should not try to cut corners when it comes to maintaining your plumbing system. Plumbing systems are challenging to repair when they are damage; that’s why you should try your best to avoid damages as much as possible. Installing good quality plumbing materials as well as proper maintenance will increase the longevity of your plumbing system. If you ever doubt that something might be wrong with your plumbing system, don’t try to fix things yourself, as you might make things even worse.  Have you ever faced plumbing issues? Tell us about it in the comment section.

Airbnb Superhost Status – A reward or liability?

Airbnb Superhost

Airbnb superhost is generally considered an elite status amongst hosts but it can become a liability in no time if you are not prepared for what it entails. What is the Airbnb superhost status? Airbnb superhost is the badge of honour for the hosts who meet specific criteria. In short, it is like a reward for the top hosts to differentiate them from less successful ones. The requirements to become a superhost are strict. But once you reach the particular stage, then Airbnb rewards you with superhost badge which is a visual symbol of trust and credibility.  Airbnb Superhost Logo This badge bringing more business and opportunities since 2016 towards the most devoted hosts on Airbnb. Reasons to launch the superhost program: Airbnb’s top host program launched in 2016 and the thought behind the concept of superhost status is to reward trusted and credible hosts. At the same time, this program provides a trust worthy experience to the travellers as well. If you visit the platform, then there are hundreds of hosts with 4.5+ stars. So, in this situation, it is tough for the guest to choose a credible service. The superhost program categorizes the top hosts from the other 80% population. It fills up the gap and makes it easy for travellers to choose the best service providers. Benefits being an Airbnb superhost: More listing views The superhot status has become the need for host survival on this vacation rental platform. There are many vacation rental websites like Airbnb but often they lack the trust worthiness and customer service which Airbnb offers to the users. One of the proven benefit of Superhost status is more listing views as your listing will appear higher in the search on Airbnb. Higher occupancy and revenue Airbnb promotes through search results, emails, and many other ways. There is even a filter to find the properties from superhost status. Surprisingly, Superhosts on average charge less nightly rate as per the research published by Airdna. Average Daily Rate (ADR) for Superhosts is about 11% lower than the average, but they make up for it with an 81% higher Occupancy Rate. Clearly, Superhosts have better balance between occupancy and nightly rate. Get exclusive rewards For the starter superhost, Airbnb offers $100 travel coupons every year. Apart from this, every superhost is eligible to get $100 referral bonuses at the time of new sign-ups. Above all, the amount increases by 20% if the new referral signs-up as a host or superhost. What are the requirements to earn a superhost status? “Don’t be just a host, be a superhost.” Airbnb Superhost Criteria The four criteria to become an Airbnb Superhost are: Host a minimum of 10 stays in a year Maintain a 90% response rate or higher by responding to guests quickly At least 80% 5-star reviews <1% cancellation rate, this effectively means 0 cancellation for 100 reservations excluding (excluding extenuating circumstances) What you need to know: There is no minimum tenure to become a Superhost. As long as you meet all the criteria by the assessment period (which takes place every 3 months), you can earn Superhost status. Every time Airbnb checks that you’ve met the Superhost criteria, it will look back over your past year of hosting to review your performance. Quarterly assessment starts on April 1st, January 1st, July 1st, and October 1st.  Only the primary hosts are eligible to get the superhost status. Tips to get the Airbnb superhost badge: Here are some tips that could help you get the superhost badge. Complete the listing correctly and try not to copy-paste info. Optimize the listing to increase the click-through rate. Get the professional photos of the property and set fewer prices if you aren’t getting bookings. Offer seasonal discounts to attract more guests. Keep the place super clean. Provide excellent guest experience to ensure the 5-star rating. Answer the queries instantly within 24 hours. Adjust the setting of the property to reflect the seasonal change. Read the most comprehensive guide on how to optimize your listing for Airbnb SEO. Being an Airbnb superhost Being an Airbnb superhost, you are expected to meet the following guidelines; Hosts don’t claim any association with any of the representatives of the Airbnb. In this case, then it will be a misrepresentation of the association. Don’t use the badge with services that are false, misleading, offensive, or illegal. It is prohibited to commercialize the superhot badge with any third-party platform or website for any activity. Can hosts lose superhost status? Yes you can loose it any of the evaluation cycle but not before that. For example, if you become a superhost in July 1st evaluation, you will stay a superhost until the next cycle i.e. October 1st. Factors that are limiting hosts from qualifying for Airbnb superhost status: According to the survey, in 2017, there were 2.2 million hosts on Airbnb. However, out of these 2.2 million hosts, only 19.4% (392,000) qualified for the Airbnb superhost status. Now, the question that arises here that; What was the reason for the disqualification of 1.6 million hosts? Here are the reasons: Low reservations: Out of 2.2 million hosts, 1,271,000 hosts didn’t meet the minimum ten reservation criteria. The ratio of these hosts is 78%. Low ratings: 216,000 hosts didn’t meet the requirement of an overall 4.8 or higher rating. So, only 37% of hosts (129,000) had a more than 4.8 stars rating. Slow response: Response rate is another main factor in getting the Airbnb superhost badge. 67,000 hosts didn’t respond the 90% of the queries within 24 hours of the question. Cancelations: And almost 45,000 hosts cancelled the bookings within one year, or they removed their listing. Final verdict Airbnb superhost status is worth putting the time and effort and it is undoubtedly adds quality and performance to make the Airbnb listing profitable. So, people who treat the Airbnb listing as a business should strive to get the superhost badge in the first quarter of starting to host on Airbnb. Read more about the superhost program on Airbnb.

Lodgify Review: Build Your Direct Booking Website in Minutes & Earn More

Lodgify Review

If you want to enter the short-stay rental market, then this Lodgify review is a must-read. We can see in the changing trends that more and more people are entering into the vacation rental website. But it’s also a reality that it is hard to stand out among the rivals.  We can see around us that there many direct booking websites that are working. But the competition is getting tough due to fewer platforms. So, that’s why we need a solution where we can reduce the dependency on third party platforms for getting business. According to research, 9/10 property managers prefer to use direct booking websites.  Above all, 29% of people are doing this with only ten properties. The top property managers know the importance of using the software to improve their daily operations. There are many other advantages of property management software.  But first, it is essential to know one medium that can handle all of your problems. So, for this purpose, we choose “Lodgify.” Lodgify review: What is Lodgify? “A good house rental management system could be an asset for you.” In simple words, Lodgify is an excellent website building platform that is the home of the vacation rental website. However, with the help of Lodgify, you can make your custom-made website with ease and speed. Apart from this, this software has all those features that are necessary to run the platform. In short, with Lodgify, you can create an efficient website to attracts people. As a result, the increased number of tourists improve business. Lodgify caters to clients who belong to different time and space. It is a complete software solution that takes care of the financial aspect of the business efficiently. If we talk about the Lodgify review, then the platform is serving a significant number of customers. In short, it has something that attracts the owners and tourists to use this platform confidently. Lodgify Summary Platform name Lodgify Targeted niche Vacation rental website and management software Head office based in  Sunny, Barcelona, Spain Deployment Cloud-hosted and Open API Device supported Windows, Mac, and web-based Training available in the form of Webinars live and documentation Live support Available for 24/7 Overall rating 9/10 Highlighted Lodgify features: One of the favourite short-term rental websites is Airbnb. However, due to limited platforms, it’s hard to stand out from the crowd.  So, in these conditions, Lodgify provides direct booking websites. It enables the website, manages bookings, and process payments. In short, it is the best platform that is assisting the people who want to create their own space in the market. These features help this platform to stand out; Largest vacation rental website that grows the business and bookings However, to ensure the quality, speed, and efficiency, Lodgify is working with marketing leading brands. For instance, the collaboration is with Airbnb, Vrbo,, and Expedia. Above all, here, you can run your vacation rental website with your rules. As a result, you will get more bookings, connect with top channels, and save time. Furthermore, it is the best solution for rental owners and property managers. It simplifies property management and helps to scale the business. However, the property management software, website builder, and channel manager are automating the platform. Along with this, the booking software, payment processing is making it easy to use. The websites are fully optimizable for SEO with templates, mobile devices, and GDPR. Apart from this, it serves all over the world by offering more than 30 languages. Other than these features, there are plenty of others adding in the greatness of this platform. However, to know more, read the Lodgify review. Lodgify review: What does it offer? Before going further in the Lodgify review, understand that it is a rapidly growing platform due to unique features. However, this travel tech software is doing wonders in the hospitality industry. The funding from notable tech giants is making it super famous among property managers. Other than these things, there are these things that Lodgify is offering; 1. Property management software Lodgify property management software manages all of the booking tasks, finances, and communications. In short, it is the best all-in-one direct booking website. However, this platform comes with these catchy features; Features It allows receiving all of the bookings in one place. Above all, it works with the other platforms to say goodbye to double bookings. On the other hand, you can offer quotes to specific guests. Above all, here, you can manage teams and schedules using a single platform. The aim is to keep the processes easy for all involved parties. As a result, you can keep track of all activities in a better way. Finance is the part that gives the most headache to the organizers. However, the Lodgify vacation rental website solved the mystery with a master solution. You can keep track of payments, recipients, dates, values, and transfer status at a single platform. All of the statements will update automatically and then will appear at your dashboard. At Lodgify, you can simplify the guest communications with the help of built-in CRM. You can use technology to give a warm welcome to your new guests. Above all, you can automate the most common responses to save time and predefined email templates are another source of easiness. 2. Website builder Website building is the flagship feature of the Lodgify. With the help of Lodgify website builder, you can quickly build and design a vacation rental website even without coding skills. Furthermore, there are more key features; Features Optimized mobile friendly and professional templates add an extra element to attract the guests at your site. Apart from the beautiful templates, the website builder comes with the booking system. However, this built-in booking feature helps you to accept the reservation from day one. Lodgify templates allow displaying the site in 30+ languages for international guests. You just need to pick and select the language that suits the need of your area and property. Furthermore, the kind of property doesn’t matter

Furnished Finder Review: Makes Short Term Furnished Renting Easier

Furnished Finder is it good

Finding short term furnished rentals isn’t an easy task to do. But furnished finder review is here with the solution for all of your problems.  We know that many challenges and variables involved in the whole process. Apart from travelling and tourism, the other main concern is to find a travel nursing home. The typical contract duration and financial limits make it difficult to secure a property.  Above all, it becomes tough to rent out a safe, affordable, and desirable property form market. However, travel nursing apartments involve many variables that make the process even harder. So, in this piece of writing, we will provide you with a solution for help. Hospitals are hiring new healthcare workers due to excessive demands. However, in this regard, medical units need to travel nurses more. The hospitality industry needs to move fast, and we need advanced solutions to meet the supply. However, if the nurses and medical staff are travelling out of the station, they need a place to live. So, the solution to this problem is in the furnished finder review. It is an exciting portal which has travel solutions for travellers, mainly medical staff. What is a furnished finder? If you are looking for the short term furnished rentals, this is the right stop for you. Furnished finder is working with its sister site “Travel nurse housing” to achieve milestones.  However, with more than 1 million house searches and 24 million page views/year is making this platform attractive.  Furnished finder knows very well that the medical staff and nurses always struggled to find the short term furnished rentals. However, the following facts insisted the authorities to start working on this project; 44% of the travel nurses are struggling to find the short-term rentals  Yet, around 33% of medical staff faces scams in this process Above all, more than 49% of people said that they know at least one person who has suffered from scams. However, the furnished finder kept this data into consideration and introduced a solution in 2004. Apart from the travel nurse, it is a perfect place for the professional short term furnished rentals. One of the main benefits of this platform is that;  “Once you register the property at one site, you will be listed on both the sites and the app.” However, due to these cool features, the demand for this property listing and the renting platform increases. So, before discussing the elements, it is vital to know the basics; Basic info about furnished finder Platform name Furnished finder Genre Property listing and renting platform Established in 2004 Main serving area Travel nurses and medical staff Secondary serving area Tourists and other travelling professionals Total listings More than 50,000 Sister company Travel nurse housing But the furnished finder review doesn’t complete here. We have so much more information, which is undoubtedly going to add value to your knowledge. Highlighted features of the furnished finder Before heading further, here are these highlighted features of these short term furnished apartments.  Above all, this medium is the top priority for more than 100,000 nurses proudly using this. Apart from this, more than 100 medical staffing companies are trusting the services of this rental site. The short-term apartment listing is very vast, and you can find it according to your liking. In short, you have more than 50,000 affordable rental options. However, you can choose any of the property without paying markup or commissions. Furnished finder always gives value to the customer’s time. However, in this regard, you will have to submit one housing request. Thus, after this, the support will connect you to the homeowners who want to host you.  Above all, it tells the travelling nurse housing demand in your area. In short, it is one of the best solutions for those who want to list their property.  The travel nurse stipend calculator is another shining star of this short-term rental portal. However, it is one of those features which they designed specifically for travel nurses.  Along with this, the furnished finder is seriously working to make the properties safe for prestigious guests. However, in this regard, they run the “Free tenant screening” to ensure a safe and hassle-free stay. Above all, the state-specific lease is available for all types of property. However, you can customise the lease and download it in just $29.99/year.  In short, it is correctly working for the people who are looking for help during relocations. So, now, if you are going anywhere, then don’t worry about comfort and safety. Furnished finder review: How does it work? “The main aim of Furnished Finder is to ensure the mental pleasure of tenant and landlord.” Tweet A furnished Finder is a specialised place for travel nurses to stay for 30 or more days. After knowing the features and functions in detail, we now move one step further. Yes, this step is to understand the working of the largest network. So, here are the following key differences between this and other large platforms;  Safety is the priority. The management of the furnished finder is aware of the safety and security of their prestigious guests. However, in this regard, this short term furnished rental wants to make sure the safety. So, for this purpose, they partnered with the keyCheck, which helps the owner to find a perfect fit for the property. However, this all in one platform allows checking the record of traveller and landlord. In this analysis, both parties can screen about the credit record, background check, and eviction history. Above all, the key check allows the landlord to create a custom lease agreement. However, the primary purpose of this document is to follow the state-specific rules according to the area. Direct payment with zero hidden charges The best fact about the furnished finder is that they don’t charge anything in terms of transaction or booking fee. Above all, all of the lease agreements and payment collections are purely between the traveller and landlord. As a result,

Furnished Finder: Makes Short Term Furnished Renting Easier

Furnished Finder is it good

Finding short term furnished rentals isn’t an easy task to do. But furnished finder review is here with the solution for all of your problems. We know that many challenges and variables involved in the whole process. Apart from travelling and tourism, the other main concern is to find a travel nursing home. The typical contract duration and financial limits make it difficult to secure a property. Above all, it becomes tough to rent out a safe, affordable, and desirable property form market. However, travel nursing apartments involve many variables that make the process even harder. So, in this piece of writing, we will provide you with a solution for help. Hospitals are hiring new healthcare workers due to excessive demands. However, in this regard, they now the medical units need to travel nurses more. The industries and need to move fast, and we need advanced solutions to meet the supply. However, if the nurses and medical staff are travelling out of the station, they need a place to live. So, the solution to this problem is in the furnished finder review. It is an exciting portal to which has travel solutions for travellers, mainly medical staff.  What is a furnished finder? If you are looking for the short term furnished rentals, this is the right stop for you. Furnished finder is working with its sister site “Travel nurse housing” to achieve milestones.  However, with more than 1 million house searches and 24 million page views/year is making this platform attractive. Furnished finder knows very well that the medical staff and nurses always struggled to find the short term furnished rentals.  However, the following facts insisted the authorities to start working on this project; 44% of the travel nurses are struggling to find the short-term rentals  Yet, around 33% of medical staff faces scams in this process Above all, more than 49% of people said that they know at least one person who has suffered from scams. However, the furnished finder kept this data into consideration and introduced a solution in 2004. Apart from the travel nurse, it is a perfect place for the professional short term furnished rentals. One of the main benefits of this platform is that;  “Once you register the property at one site, you will be listed on both the sites and the app.” However, due to these cool features, the demand for this property listing and the renting platform increases. So, before discussing the elements, it is vital to know the basics; Basic info about furnished finder Platform name Furnished finder Genre Property listing and renting platform Established in 2004 Main serving area Travel nurses and medical staff Secondary serving area Tourists and other travelling professionals Total listings More than 50,000 Sister company Travel nurse housing But the furnished finder review doesn’t complete here. We have so much more information, which is undoubtedly going to add value to your knowledge. Highlighted features of the furnished finder  Before heading further, here are these highlighted features of these short term furnished apartments.  Above all, this medium is the top priority for more than 100,000 nurses proudly using this. Apart from this, more than 100 medical staffing companies are trusting the services of this rental site. The short-term apartment listing is very vast, and you can find it according to your liking. In short, you have more than 50,000 affordable rental options. However, you can choose any of the property without paying markup or commissions. Furnished finder always gives value to the customer’s time. However, in this regard, you will have to submit one housing request. Thus, after this, the support will connect you to the homeowners who want to host you.  Above all, it tells the travelling nurse housing demand in your area. In short, it is one of the best solutions for those who want to list their property.  The travel nurse stipend calculator is another shining star of this short-term rental portal. However, it is one of those features which they designed specifically for travel nurses.  Along with this, the furnished finder is seriously working to make the properties safe for prestigious guests. However, in this regard, they run the “Free tenant screening” to ensure a safe and hassle-free stay. Above all, the state-specific lease is available for all types of property. However, you can customise the lease and download it in just $29.99/year.  In short, it is correctly working for the people who are looking for help during relocations. So, now, if you are going anywhere, then don’t worry about comfort and safety. Furnished finder review: How does it work? “The main aim is to ensure the mental pleasure of tenant and landlord.”.” A furnished Finder is a specialised place for travel nurses to stay for 30 or more days. After knowing the features and functions in detail, we now move one step further. Yes, this step is to understand the working of the largest network.  So, here are the following key differences between this and other large platforms;  Safety is the priority. The management of the furnished finder is aware of the safety and security of their prestigious guests. However, in this regard, this short term furnished rental wants to make sure the safety. S o, for this purpose, they partnered with the keyCheck, which helps the owner to find a perfect fit for the property. However, this all in one platform allows checking the record of traveller and landlord. In this analysis, both parties can screen about the credit record, background check, and eviction history.  Above all, the key check allows the landlord to create a custom lease agreement. However, the primary purpose of this document is to follow the state-specific rules according to the area. Direct payment with zero hidden charges  The best fact about the furnished finder is that they don’t charge anything in terms of transaction or booking fee. Above all, all of the lease agreements and payment collections are purely between the traveller and landlord. As a

Make More Money on Airbnb: 6 Ways Airbnb Hosts Can Boost Profits

Make More Money on Airbnb

These are undoubtedly tough times for many and hosts are looking for ways to make more money on Airbnb by alternative means. Beyond the obvious burden on the families that have lost loved ones and the scores of folks now unemployed, many people have come to rely on supplemental income from hosting via Airbnb. Even though the online rental platform has redefined the hospitality industry, bookings took a hit amidst the coronavirus pandemic. Now, these short-term rentals seem to be bouncing back when it comes to domestic vacations at least. The company has expanded its rules for cleaning in an effort to protect customers and hosts. Between lockdowns, travel bans, and general anxiety about the virus—hosts who have invested in vacation rentals are searching for backup plans. They’re quickly realizing the need to diversify their side income rather than relying 100% on Airbnb rental fees.  Luckily there are a number of other ways to turn an even bigger profit on extra living space and we’ve compiled a few here. 1. Become an Airbnb co-host While this practice used to be discouraged, Airbnb launched co-hosting in 2016 for individuals on the platform with extra space but no time to host. Owners can find local co-hosts to support the renters for a piece of the pie. If you’re a host and you’ve found yourself with more time on your hands for whatever reason, you can become a co-host locally as another way to generate income. Of course, this also works the other way around in terms of hiring local co-hosts to manage your properties so that you can scale your own efforts as well. 2. Make a deal with your cleaning service If you’ve got multiple properties in one area, be sure to capitalize on those economies of scale. Cut a deal with your local cleaning service to bring down those cleaning costs. Whether it’s oriented around the frequency of cleanings or quality, hosts are typically in the driver’s seat when it comes to this aspect of maintaining Airbnb rentals. Hosts can even ask cleaners to compete on price, especially if you’ve got a solid supply of properties that make things more attractive for cleaning service. Also, don’t forget to set your cleaning fee to an optimal level that will encourage longer-term rentals while covering the cost of your cleaning service. This can reduce the number of turnovers while ensuring that those cleaning costs are adequately baked into the overall cost of the rental. See my earlier post about Airbnb cleaning checklist to make sure your holiday let always meets the cleaning standards you aspire for. 3. Get on the superhost level It goes without saying but, being a great host will make you more money on Airbnb. What makes a great Airbnb host? Being responsive. Fixing problems quickly and effectively when they arise. Giving guests their space while also making yourself available for support when necessary. Staying informed about local events. Providing your guests with a guide for the local area. There’s a lot that hosts can do to chip away and eventually become Airbnb superhost. In the end, it’s the little touches like labels on kitchen cabinets to guide new guests and a modern keypad for ease of entry that make the difference in terms of the quality of a guest’s stay.  If you’re looking to increase bookings and bring in more revenue, strive to be a superhost. 4. Tackle the cost of supplies and utilities When you can, buy those basic supplies in bulk. The costs of things like detergent, shampoo, paper towels, and other essentials can really add up over time. If possible, strike a deal with your cleaning service to include re-stocking of these supplies when they turn over each rental. When it comes to utilities, invest on the front-end to save on the back end. From solar panels and modern HVAC systems like Nest to high-efficiency appliances and proper insulation, putting in a little extra up front will help you save on those utility bills in the long run. Plus, renters will appreciate rentals with a more modern feel which will bring in better ratings and more bookings. 5. Be a live-in host If you’re in the business of acquiring investment properties to be used for Airbnb rentals, you’re probably putting 15-20% down payment on mortgages. To reduce this rate down to as low as 3.5% (FHA home loans), you can choose to live in one of the properties and rent out the remaining space as a live-in Airbnb host. Assuming you’re flexible on your living arrangements and willing to share the space with some friendly strangers from time to time, this is a great way to bring down the initial costs in terms of securing a new property. In most cases, the rental income from Airbnb will more than cover your mortgage costs and you’ll be able to turn a nice profit. 6. Rent out your property as a storage space Spoiler alert: Not every Airbnb rental must be occupied by humans. People have stuff and they need space to store it—so offer that option.  For example, lots of folks in Southern California have reduced their time on the road recently due to lockdowns and not all of them have places to securely store their vehicles. If your Airbnb rental comes with a garage, driveway, or parking lot of some sort—you can monetize that space for mutual benefit.  The same goes for household goods and keepsakes. A lot of people need space to store those items but would prefer the safety and security of a home rather than an industrial storage warehouse.  Don’t hesitate to make full use of the space you’ve got available in those Airbnb rentals and strike an alternative deal. Paul Perry is a freelance writer for Neighbor, a peer-to-peer marketplace for storage. He works with B2B/SaaS clients looking to grow their brands and reach more clients.

Airbnb Long Term Rentals: A Guide for hosts & guests

Airbnb long term rental

Airbnb long term rentals are the new feature in the market, which is grabbing the attention. We know that the world is going through with the pandemic. So, in this situation travelling is the most affected industry. However, in the condition like this, we saw a massive shortfall in the short-term rentals. Most Airbnb hosts are losing nightly bookings, and it is hard to find daily guests.  As a result, Airbnb introduced long term rentals to stay in the market. In short, Airbnb came with a few new tools to push the platform in the right direction. It was a necessary move during the uncertain time of the corona virus. But you can’t get the advantage of this new tool if you don’t know anything. So, it would help if you learn the; Difference between Airbnb long term rentals and short-term rentals “There is nothing more difficult than to find a long-term rental option.” Tweet Long term rentals are for the people who leave their houses for a more extended period. However, these people could be students, travelers, or workers.  Thus, in the long term renting option, the hosts can rent out their houses for more than one month. In short, it is like a new way to make the extra profit if you are away for quite some time.  On the other hand, short-term rentals are for people who want to stay for a few days. It is the option that is best for travelers and short-term but regular business trips. Is long term rental a good option? If we look critically, then it is the right move in favor of hosts and guests. According to Airbnb, it was need of the time to provide local accommodation. Apart from this, the Airbnb claimed that; Now 80% of the customers prefer to stay in long term rentals. However, Airbnb listings offer a discount on a stay of one or more months. Along with this, the stats are showing a surge in the graph of rentals. According to data, Airbnb saw a 20% increase in long term rentals. However, these stats are surging if we compare it with the same period in 2019. However, after seeing these stats, it is clear that Airbnb long term rentals are helping people in COVID-19. A guide for the hosts to make the accommodation more profitable “Airbnb is another opportunity for the landlords to earn more.” Tweet As we already discussed, with Airbnb’s long-term rental, you could rent out the place for at least 28 days. But good service is the thing that will help you to earn more money from your property. So, for the guidance, we are dividing this section in these pointers; Things to consider before hosting long term rentals How to make a start with the long-term rental? However, it is vital to think about all possible outcomes before taking a step. So, it’s best to know the worst-case scenario along with the best things. So, for this, we make a start with; Things to consider before hosting long-term rentals It is becoming a common thing in many localities of the USA to host long term guests. Usually, the hosting period depends on one month or longer.  But it is also the reality that local tenant laws protect the guests. However, you can’t remove the guest from the property without proceeding through the court in this condition.  The local laws could be different according to location. But one thing that remains the same is the “through research” before accepting long term rentals. So, in this situation, you could face these issues; 1. Some guests may refuse to leave. Though it is a scarce situation that the guests refuse to leave, it may happen in some cases. However, don’t leave you alone and do everything to protect the hosts’ rights in this situation. Solution: In this situation, the customer support of the Airbnb is there to help you. Thus, you only need to contact the 24/7 support team and let them know your detail. As a result, Airbnb does everything to resolve the problem with your guest. 2. Don’t forget to sign a rental agreement. It is the fundamental thing if you are planning Airbnb long term rentals. However, before renting out the house, consider signing the rental agreement. Along with this, it is vital to mention all requirements and rules of the rental house. However, the law and regulations could be different according to the area. So, it is useful if you can do some research before getting into this. Solution: If you face any issue related to the rental agreement, then immediately contact the attorney. But the preferred thing is to consult the lawyer before even deciding the long-term rentals. 3. Get familiar with the local rental laws. Rent control laws include all those laws that define the limits of rent increase and eviction restriction. However, in some situations, the local rules may vary from the state laws. Yet, in this scenario, guests have more rights than the hosts. Solution: So, if you face anything like this, then immediately contact the local rennet board. Apart from this, you can get in touch with the department of consumer affairs or attorney general. In this way, you will learn more about the rent control rules and how they can impact Airbnb’s long term rentals. 4. Evicting the guest that overstays The protocols exist related to the guests that overstay in tenants’ property. However, in this case, the landlord can use the “summary proceedings” to evict the guest. A summary proceeding is a thing that gives rights to the landlord to get back the property. Solution: If things worsen, then the landlord should contact the attorney or any other local authority. Apart from this, go through the local laws where you live. How can hosts take a start with long term rentals? After going through all the rules and essential points, now we move further. So, after deciding the initial things, the

Airbnb Competitors & Alternatives You Should Try in 2023

Airbnb alternatives

Have you ever heard about the Airbnb competitors? People merely know about Airbnb, but there are other options that you should consider. Airbnb is an excellent vacation rental plan, but it has many competitors in the market.  However, Airbnb is a popular property renting venue with 20% shares of the whole rental industry. I know many of you have used this platform, but it’s time to find Airbnb alternatives.  If we critically see the facts, Airbnb has over seven million accommodations in 191 countries worldwide. Isn’t it a vast network? We all know that the traveling industry is vast and has so much to offer.  Airbnb is capturing travelers with excellent services and affordable prices. According to stats, in the USA alone, the day-trippers spent around $23 billion on vacations in 2012.  Thus, the world has changed now, and you have plenty of options to make memories at less price. The time had gone when people used to prefer to stay in hotels.  But it’s not easy to find the best websites like Airbnb. However, to solve this problem, we are presenting a list of Airbnb competitors. What are the best Airbnb competitors? “Good accommodation in the journey makes the way easy and shorter.” Every industry has competitors, and the same applies to the vacation property industry. Thus, If Airbnb has a vast network, it doesn’t mean that other competitors can’t grow.  However, it is the right time to give Airbnb alternatives to the world. Due to the massive demand for traveling, Airbnb competition is continually increasing.  So, there are many websites like Airbnb that are working to provide rental property solutions. But it’s always hard to find the thing that will work out for you.  However, we are making things easy and presenting you features of Airbnb competitors. 1. Homestay Homestay is at number one in our Airbnb alternatives list. However, the working and functionality of the homestay are a bit different from Airbnb.  The functionality of this platform is similar to couch surfing. However, here are the highlighted points of the The vision of this platform is to serve the people with the best of their service. However, management is continuously working on converting the offline industry into the online market. The primary purpose of all of this is to provide a popular accommodation solution. Website Founded in 2013 Founder names Tom Kennedy and Debbie Flynn Offer selection of room form More than 55,000 choices Number of serving countries 160 Average host earnings $1500/year Key features Apart from the above features, here are the following highlighted points to know more about this platform. Homestay is giving a tough competition to Airbnb in terms of price. The starting price of the room is just $31 per night.  The pattern of staying requires you to stay with the host. However, sometimes it could be awkward, and you will have less personal space. Above all, in, your host could be your traveling guide. You can learn about the history and famous traveling destinations of that place. You can easily chat with the host through messages. According to records, 2.5 million texts have been sent between hosts and guests. The 4000+ reviews and positive rating of over 35k guests is an excellent way to build trust. The pros cons of staying and sharing a room with the host could be different according to nature. Apart from this, it’s a fair Airbnb competition. 2. Vrbo Vrbo is one of the famous websites like Airbnb. The full form of the Vrbo is vacation rental by owners, and it’s also renowned as the HomeAway. However, Vrbo is famous for short-term rental options, and HomeAway is the sister company. The vision of the Vrbo is to pair up the homeowners with families looking for the place to stay. However, Vrbo takes diversity and inclusion seriously and deals with the guest as a family. Website (Vacation rental by owners) Founded in 1995 Sister company HomeAway Best for the Family vacations Positive rating 4.2/5 stars Key features Here are the highlighted features of the Vrbo, which is now working as the HomeAway. The following features are making it one of the strongest Airbnb competitors. Vrbo has more than 2 million house rentals all over the world. It is one of those points which makes it a strong Airbnb competitor.  Vrbo is a pioneer in the rental industry, and they receive 127 inquiries per property every year. However, cancelation and payment policies vary according to the type of property. Some owners claim to earn more than $60k per year with the help of Vrbo.  The size of the apartments is quite big and perfect for the family to stay. Above all, here you can enjoy big backyards and gardens in rental houses. The in-built review system of the Vrbo is enough to win the trust of upcoming travelers. At this platform, owners can’t delete the bad reviews. So, if there is any problem with the property, then thoughts from previous travelers will warn you. Travelers can choose from a wide range of spacious properties. For instance, here, you can find condos, cabins, lake rentals, and beach houses. In short, you can all types of properties here, whether it is in the mountains or city. Vrbo makes sure to deal with the guests with the best of the facilities.  3. emerged as one of the most robust Airbnb alternatives. However, it’s perfect for people looking for a single platform to book hotels, cars, and homes. Here is the basic info about the is ahead of the curve due to its guest-friendly service. However, the user-friendly policies make it even more famous among guests. Above all, you can simply make the booking through the main website. Website Founded in Amsterdam in 1996 Available in More than 43 languages Serving countries 226 countries worldwide Total number of offices 198 offices in more than 70 countries Key features offers a wide range

Why Airbnb hides phone number automatically in the chat?

airbnb phone number hidden

Airbnb phone number hidden is an intended safety feature to stop people from dealing directly with the guest or host, causing Airbnb loss of revenue and additionally it can expose to them to risk which is covered by Airbnb policies. When is phone number hidden on Airbnb? Airbnb blocks users from sharing personal details until a reservation is confirmed. Once a booking is confirmed, Airbnb automatically reveals the registered phone number of guest and host, and they can freely share any other details after this point. Remember, it is advisable to communicate only via Airbnb and use phone number just in case of emergencies. Does Airbnb hide just the phone number? No, Airbnb will automatically hide email address, phone number or any external (non-airbnb) URL link shared until the booking is confirmed. Airbnb hiding phone number even after booking? If this happening to you, it’s a bug and you should get in touch with Airbnb customer services (get Airbnb contact number) to report the problem.  They are generally very swift in dealing with website related issues. How to share phone number on Airbnb before booking? My advice is not to try and do that. Dealing with your host or guest outside the platform violates Airbnb terms & conditions, and you are putting yourself at risk of dealing with a stranger.  When a booking is made via Airbnb, you are protected against a lot of stay related issues, and Airbnb will come to your rescue when things go wrong. Read more about Airbnb host protection. Still, if you wish to send your details, try these methods which Airbnb algorithm can not detect. Share phone number If your phone number is +1 1234 4567 You can send it like this in different messages: Plus 11two3 fourfour fvesix sevn Share email ID If you email ID is ab****@gm***.com Send it as: abcxyzg -maildotcom You may also like, Airbnb Message Templates For Serious Hosts & Automation Methods Can you negotiate Airbnb? Yes! – Let me tell you how!

How To Find Airbnb With Pool For Your Next Vacation!

Airbnb with pool

Airbnb with pool is not typical, and this facility is usually on offer by hotels and resorts. But it doesn’t mean there aren’t any such properties on offer on Airbnb. Using this simple search filter, you can easily fish out the properties offering this luxury. How to easily find Airbnb with pool OPTION 1 You can click on this preset Airbnb filter link which will automatically show you just the properties with a pool.  Just change the Location at the top of the screen. Click here to see Airbnb properties with a pool You can further narrow down the list by adding your destination, dates and other search criteria to find the ideal property for your next vacation. OPTION 2 Alternatively, you can start from the Airbnb home page. Click here to search Airbnb properties Step 1: Click on ‘More filters‘ in the search options Step 2: In the next menu that pops open, scroll down to ‘Facilities‘ section and select ‘Pool‘ option. After setting this filter, all the properties Airbnb will display come with pool access. Step 3: You can add other search criteria such as destination, dates and guest count to further narrow down the search results. Note: Always make sure to read the listing description carefully to find out if the pool is shared or entirely yours to use (private). This search filter shows only Airbnb with pool but there is no other option but to read the listing details to find out if its a shared or private pool. Looking for once in a lifetime vacation? See the most expensive Airbnb’s around the world.

Here Are The Most Expensive Airbnb Rentals Around The World

most expensive airbnbs

The most expensive Airbnb properties around the world: When it comes to spending big bucks, five-star hotels and resorts aren’t the only game in town. Airbnb has come a long way and it now offers some of the most unique, quirky or luxurious places to stay around the globe. Here are the most expensive Airbnbs around the world to rest your head if you have a couple of grands to burn every night. 1. Most expensive Airbnb – United States Luxury Mansion in Reunion, Florida Starting from USD 4,941/night Bedrooms: 14Sleeps: 30 Key features:★ Rooftop Pool with Lazy river, Bridge & Sunken Bar★ 2-lane Bowling Alley★ Private Basketball Court★ Private 2-Tier Cinema★ Spa with Sauna and Steam Room★ Arcade with HDTVs, Pinball Machine, Car & Motorbike Racing Check it on 2. Most expensive Airbnb – Canada Estate in Chester, Nova Scotia Starting from USD 4,342/night Bedrooms: 9Sleeps: 16 Key features:★ Outdoor Pool with Sea Views★ Hot Tub★ Wine Cellar★ Indoor Steam Room★ Billiards Room Check it on 3. Most expensive Airbnb – Cuba Penthouse by the Sea in La Havana Starting from USD 2,360/night Bedrooms: 8Sleeps: 16+ Key features:★ 25 Meter outdoor pool by the sea★ Each room has ocean views★ Private concierge★ Indoor steam room Check it on 4. Most expensive Airbnb – Columbia Mansion in Bogotá Starting from USD 4,492/night Bedrooms: 3Sleeps: 6 Key features:★ 50 meter greenhouse indoor pool★ Private function room★ Private Concierge★ Indoor steam room Check it on 5. Most expensive Airbnb – Brazil Chateau in Bragança Paulista São Paulo Starting from USD 3,130/night Bedrooms: 5Sleeps: 10 Key features:★ 12,000 m2 plot★ Swimming pool with sunbeds & jacuzzi★ Tennis Court★ Bowls Field, Gym★ Dry and Wet Sauna Check it on 6. Most expensive Airbnb – France Villa in Cannes Starting from USD 5,293/night Bedrooms: 5Sleeps: 10 Key features:★ Surrounded by 30 hectares of meadows, olive trees and lavender field★ Tennis Court★ Dressing room with a mirror-cum-TV★ Pop up TV from beds★ Gym, Sauna, Jacuzzi  Check it on 7. Most expensive Airbnb – Spain Motor Yacht in Valenciana Starting from USD 8,915/night Bedrooms: 7Sleeps: 12 Key features:★ Chartered yacht you can take anywhere in the Mediterranean★ Captain, Engineer, Cook and Stewardess Check it on 8. Most expensive Airbnb – Italy Motor Yacht in Napoli Campania Starting from USD 3,343/night Bedrooms: 4Sleeps: 8 Key features:★ Chartered yacht you can take anywhere in the Mediterranean★ 3 Crew members – Captain, Cook and Stewardess Check it on 9. Most expensive Airbnb – Switzerland Penthouse in Zürich Starting from USD 3,157/night Bedrooms: 4Sleeps: 8 Key features:★ Big terrace and with a view overlooking Zurich’s #1 landmarks★ Outdoor hot tub with jacuzzi★ Personal butler★ Personal trainer★ Private chauffeur★ Personal shopping★ In-room hairdresser Check it on 10. Most expensive Airbnb – Greece Private Yacht in Elliniko Starting from USD 2,786/night Bedrooms: 4Sleeps: 8 Key features:★ Private yacht★ 3 Crew members – Captain, Cook and Stewardess Check it on 11. Most expensive Airbnb – Cyprus Penthouse in Protaras Ammochostos Starting from USD 2,786/night Bedrooms: 3Sleeps: 6 Key features:★ All inclusive of a personal driver, butler, meals and drinks, body and soul experiences, massages★ Pool, Mini gym, Sauna, Jacuzzi Check it on 12. Most expensive Airbnb – UK Royds Hall Manor in West Yorkshire England Starting from USD 4,364/night Bedrooms: 6Sleeps: 16+ Key features:★ Rich historical palace, included in The Doomsday Book, it was gifted by KING HENRY V to the Rooke family who owned the property for over 500 years★ Swim Pool, SPA, games★ Music rooms including a Grand Piano★ Many Royals including Prince Charles have stayed here Check it on 13. Most expensive Airbnb – Australia Dovecote house in Gerringong New South Wales Starting from USD 3,157/night Bedrooms: 4Sleeps: 8 Key features:★ 150 acres of picturesque ocean front★ Large heated swimming pool★ Modern architecture★ Minimalist space★ Private access to beach and coastal walk Check it on 14. Most expensive Airbnb – New Zealand Private Villa in Luggate Otago Starting from USD 3,079/night Bedrooms: 5Sleeps: 14 Key features:★ 5 acre property with 3 acres of carefully attended gardens★ Three open fireplaces ★ Tennis court★ Heated swimming pool, spa pool★ Underground theatre★ Private chef Check it on 15. Most expensive Airbnb – India The City Palace in Jaipur Starting from USD 7,690/night Bedrooms: 1Sleeps: 2 Key features:★ Located in the 300-year-old palace★ Guests like Princess Diana and Oprah Winfrey have stayed here★ Home to the Royal Family of Jaipur★ Indoor swimming pool★ Proceeds of each booking will go to the Princess Diya Kumari Foundation, a local nonprofit dedicated to supporting rural women and people of Rajasthan★ Chauffeur-driven car and private butler Check it on 16. Most expensive Airbnb – Indonesia Private Villa in Wanokaka Sumba Barat Starting from USD 3,232/night Bedrooms: 8Sleeps: 8 Key features:★ Traditional Sumbanese house★ Unique architectural details with exquisite Sumbanese ikat accents★ Jungle and ocean breeze view★ Butler service★ Daily breakfast, lunch and dinner Check it on 16. Most expensive Airbnb – Bali Private Villa in North Kuta Starting from USD 2,200/night Bedrooms: 5Sleeps: 10 Key features:★ Ultramodern architecture and stylish rustic interiors★ 20-meter private swimming pool★ Dining pavilion by the pool Check it on 17. Most expensive Airbnb – Thailand Private Villa in Ko Samui District Surat Thani Starting from USD 1,790/night Bedrooms: 5Sleeps: 10 Key features:★ 1,700-square-meter building 20-meter private swimming pool★ interior garden with a meditative fish pond★ Automatic curtains on all the windows★ Each bedroom has its own separate entrance Check it on Disclaimer: These are normal Airbnb properties and exclude Airbnb Lux, which offers luxury accommodations only. It also excludes Airbnb Plus (What is Airbnb plus?), which includes some of the best and most prolific properties on Airbnb. 

Airbnb Bed Bugs Problem: How To Prevent & Deal With It

airbnb bed bugs problem

Airbnb bed bugs problem is the biggest nightmare for Airbnb hosts. There isn’t anything you can do to deal with it immediately and the only option is to refund the guest immediately and start remedial action for bed bugs. Although nothing can fully protect your Airbnb from bed bugs, but you can take proactive steps to prevent bedbugs from infesting your unit in the first place. Airbnb bed bugs problem: What you can do to prevent it? Bed bugs can hitch a ride on almost anything such as clothing, shoes, bags but not directly on the human body. When you have travellers coming from different parts of the world every week, there is nothing you can do to stop bed bugs landing in your unit sooner or later. Moreover, pregnant females usually strike out and try to relocate to a new place. So, the chances are that you will have an expecting bed bug arriving in your Airbnb and they will multiply in no time. Here are the things you can do to prevent Airbnb bed bugs problem: Always wash linen, towels and other clothing at the highest possible temperatures. Vacuuming is essential to keep a check on bed bugs. Even you have hard flooring, make sure to vacuum every time and empty the vacuum after each use. Provide a luggage rack (see luggage rack options here) to avoid your guest putting suitcases on the bed. Provide enough space and hangers for your guest to hang clothes in the wardrobe rather than using drawers. Use a mattress cover (such as this mattress encasement) on each bed to reduce spaces for bed bugs to hide in your Airbnb. Don’t leave a space for guests to clutter items in your property; give plenty of storage space for guests to use. Tell tale signs of Airbnb bed bugs outbreak Besides the guest complaining of being bitten by bed bugs, here are the signs to quickly identify if you are hosting some unwanted guests in your Airbnb. Itchy, inflamed, red bite marks on the body. Check sheets, mattress and pillows for tiny dark bloodstains. Look for live bed bugs or eggs in mattresses seams, drawer joints and corner, loose wallpaper, all cracks wider than the width of a credit card. Bed bugs leave a distinctive sweet and musty smell, so keep checking the room order every time you are in the property. How deal with the bed bugs outbreak if it happens? Generally, it is best to hire an experienced pest control professional instead of experimenting DIY techniques to exterminate bed bugs from the property. If you prefer DIY, here is the list of things you can do to deal with the situation: If the mattress is infested, it is best to get rid of it and get a new one, but before you get a new one, make sure to make the rest of your home bedbug-free, or they will infest your new mattress too. Clean the bed linen, curtains, and clothing by washing them on the highest possible temperature.  If there are un-washable items such as shows, decorations etc. leave them in the open space with plenty of sunlight for a couple of days.  Thoroughly vacuum all surfaces in the house such as sofa, mattress, cushions to remove bed bugs and their eggs. After vacuuming, immediately empty the vacuum in a sealable plastic bag and place in the outdoor garbage bin. Bed bugs can live for a year without feeding, so encase the mattress with a tightly sealed cover to keep them from escaping or entering the mattress case. Keep the mattress encasement on for at least a year to make sure all bed bugs in the mattress are dead. Repair all the cracks in plaster and glue peeling wallpaper to get rid of places bed bugs can call home. Empty all storage spaces in the property, wipe clean each item with a disinfectant before putting them back in place. Try to use cleaning products which are safe to use in the bedroom and following the cleaning advice on the label of each item. Does Airbnb refund in case of infestation? Yes! Suppose a guest reports an infestation in your property. In that case, Airbnb will refund the existing guest for the number of nights remaining on their trip and relocate them to another nearby property. You will be asked to estimate how long it will take to get rid of the bed bugs. They won’t hesitate to cancel and relocate your bookings shortly if you fail to provide an actionable plan or proof of work being carried out by a professional exterminator. Keep an Airbnb cleaning checklist to ensure the cleaning team maintains standards at all times. Have you faced Airbnb bed bugs outbreak? How did you get rid of the infestation? Is there anything I missed in the list? Or you have any advice on taking precautions Airbnb hosts should take to prevent future outbreaks?   Post in the comments and share your thoughts!

Airbnb Coronavirus Refund Policy: How You Can Cancel Penalty-Free & FAQ’s

Airbnb coronavirus refund

Airbnb coronavirus refund policy has been published, and under Airbnb extenuating circumstances you can request for a full refund or change your reservation penalty free if it meets the conditions. You can read more about Airbnb extenuating circumstances policy. Airbnb coronavirus refund conditions As per the coronavirus information page published by Airbnb, cancellations and changes to reservations will be considered as extenuating circumstance if it meets certain conditions, these are: The listing or experience is in a severely impacted area as defined by Airbnb in this coronavirus information page here. The guest is travelling DIRECTLY from a severely impacted area. Note if you have been away for a while from the affected region, you may not qualify for a full refund. The host or guest is diagnosed or suspected of being infected with the coronavirus (you will be asked to provide documentary proof The guest is unable to complete their trip due to travel restrictions enroute Your flight or road transportation has been canceled by the service provider due to disruptions caused by the coronavirus How to submit your claim for full refund? If you think your reservation qualifies for Airbnb coronavirus refund, it’s better first to call and let them know about your situation (find Airbnb contact number here). Airbnb customer support is usually very responsive if you can explain to them the problematic situation you are in, and they should be able to suggest you the best way forward with your reservation and get a full refund. Airbnb suggests: if you have confirmed that your circumstances meet the requirement for Airbnb extenuating circumstance policy, you first cancel the Airbnb reservation and contact Airbnb customer services to file a claim. Note, your claim must be submitted within 14 days of cancellation. I don’t think this method is the best way to deal with a situation like this, to avoid disappointment I recommend speak to Airbnb customer care first before you do anything on your own. Don’t think your situation qualifies for Airbnb coronavirus refund? Read more about Airbnb cancellation policies and how they work; you may still be able to get a full or partial Airbnb refund or cancel with minimal penalty.

Airbnb Service Fee: All You Need To Know & When It Is Refundable (Secret Tip)

airbnb service fee refund

Airbnb service fee is often misunderstood, and the way Airbnb calculates it can be confusing. It is not always the same, and several factors decide how much service fee applies to a reservation. What is Airbnb service fee? To cover the cost of providing its services and 24/7 customer support, Airbnb charges a service fee to both host and the guest for reservations made on the website. Airbnb Host pays between 3-5% service fee It is higher: If you are an Airbnb Plus host If you are in Italy or mainland China (10%) If your listing has a super strict cancellation policy Airbnb Guest pays between 5-18% service fee Typically it is 14.2%.  More expensive the subtotal, lower the percentage service fee. You do not need to pay a guest service fee if you are booking a listing located in mainland China. The best way to see the precise Airbnb service fee you will be paying is to try and book a listing and you will see it in the price breakdown. How do I find the exact service fee on Airbnb? Airbnb calculates service fee based on the booking subtotal, which includes the nightly rate + cleaning fee excluding Airbnb fees and taxes. As Airbnb doesn’t publish the exact criteria it uses to calculate its service fee, the best option is to find it on the reservations. If you are a host The easiest way to find out exact service fee for a reservation, just go to your Airbnb inbox and open the guest message thread. You will see the ‘Service fee‘ under the ‘Payout‘ section on the left. Alternatively, you can go to ‘Transaction history‘ and look for service fee under payout. If you are a guest The best way to find Airbnb service fee you will pay as a guest is to enter your dates and the number of people on the listing you are looking to reserve. The service fee is be displayed towards the bottom of the rate card. When Is Airbnb service fee refundable? Yes, the service fee is fully refundable under three special circumstances. If cancelled within 48 hours: You cancel within 48 hours of booking and it meets these conditions: You have not cancelled three reservations in the last 12 months There is no overlapping reservation on your account for the same dates The host’s cancellation policy is not super strict You are from South Korea: Travellers from South Korea can get a full refund of Airbnb service fee if the listing is in Italy and it meets these conditions: You have not cancelled three reservations in the last 12 months Cancellation is done anytime before check-in start time There is no overlapping reservation on your account for the same dates  Airbnb extenuating circumstances: If you are in a situation that comes under Airbnb extenuating circumstances, your service fee is fully refundable in the form of travel vouchers which you can use for future trips on Airbnb. *Secret-tip* to get a full refund of the service fee from Airbnb If your situation doesn’t qualify for any of the above conditions, there is an undocumented way to get your service fee refunded. Speak to your host nicely, explain your situation, and if the host agrees to cancel and fully refund your reservation.  The next step, speak to Airbnb customer services (get Airbnb contact number) and let them know the host agreed to a full refund.  Airbnb will contact the host to confirm, and if it all goes by the plan – your reservation will be fully reimbursed with the Airbnb service fee refunded too.

Airbnb Extenuating Circumstances Policy & Coronavirus: When you can get a full refund?

Airbnb extenuating circumstances policy

Airbnb extenuating circumstances policy allows you to claim a full refund and wave off the cancellation penalties if you have to cancel a reservation due to situations beyond your control. Remember, this policy applies equally to both the Airbnb host and guest. What qualifies for Airbnb extenuating circumstance? Situations that qualify for ‘Airbnb extenuating circumstances policy’ are divided broadly into two categories. Circumstances that require documentary proof Death of a guest or host Serious illness or injury Government-mandated obligation Property damage/issue Transport disruptions Cases needing a special review by Airbnb Terrorist activity Epidemic (such as coronavirus) Travel restrictions Changes to visa or passport requirements How to cancel your Airbnb reservation? 1. Circumstances that require a documentary proof DEATH OF A GUEST OR HOST (Airbnb Extenuating Circumstance) If you are in any of these unfortunate circumstances, you will need to provide one of the following documentary proof to get your cancellations penalties waived off for the reservation and claim a full Airbnb refund (provided you request for cancellation before check-in start time): Death certificate Obituary News article naming the deceased Police report SERIOUS ILLNESS OR INJURY (Airbnb Extenuating Circumstance) If the host or a member of the travelling party gets seriously ill or injured, you can request for full Airbnb refund by providing a documentary proof from the physician.  Policy conditions: The documents from the physician should indicate that the person can/should not travel. The document should be dated after the reservation was made. It specifies that this is not a pre-existing condition known to the person. Airbnb gives you 14-days to provide this document after the cancellation to process your full refund. GOVT. MANDATED OBLIGATION (Airbnb Extenuating Circumstance) You can request for full Airbnb refund by providing documentary evidence of the following situations: You have been called for jury service Court appearances Military deployment Policy conditions: The documentary proof should be dated after the reservation was made. The document should have the name of the person fulfilling the obligation. PROPERTY DAMAGE/ISSUES (Airbnb Extenuating Circumstance) If there have been unforeseen damage to the property which makes it unsafe for guests or essential amenities like running water, heating etc. has stopped working.  Policy conditions: As long as it was not a planned activity such as a renovation project, you can request for cancellation under Airbnb extenuating circumstances by providing ALL of the following documents.: Proof that the issue is being addressed (such as photos, invoice from vendor etc.) An estimate of when it is likely to be fixed An invoice of repairs being done Photos of the damage TRANSPORT DISRUPTIONS (Airbnb Extenuating Circumstance) If you are going to stay at an Airbnb but you can’t travel to the destination due travel disruptions on route such road closures or flight cancellations – your full Airbnb refund can be considered under Airbnb extenuating circumstances policy. Policy conditions: It should be under the circumstances beyond your control. If you missed your flight or train, no point asking for Airbnb for a refund in such a case. Ideally, this policy is to cover transport closures due to natural disasters such as earthquakes, storms, floods, storms and things like that. You’ll need to provide an official document or proofs such as photos of road notice etc. to confirm you couldn’t travel to the destination. 2. Cases needing a special review by Airbnb For these circumstances, there is no clear rule defined by Airbnb and decision is made on a case-by-case basis after a special review by an Airbnb case manager based on the evidence provided by you. TERRORIST ACTIVITY OR CIVIL UNREST If a terrorist act is preventing the guest from travelling to or from the destination, or if it makes it unsafe to host guests, such a scenario can be considered as an Airbnb extenuating circumstance after special review. You may need to provide sufficient news references or government advisory note clearly suggesting not to travel to the affected area. EPIDEMIC (such as coronavirus) The spread of the epidemic such coronavirus in the majority of the countries is prompting people across the world to change their travel plans. Airbnb has confirmed that Airbnb extenuating circumstances policy applies to any reservation where the host or guest has to cancel or change the booking to comply with travel restrictions implemented by government or health authorities in the departure or destination region. Which means you can ask for a full Airbnb refund or change your reservation dates penalty-free provided there is documentary proof suggesting travel restrictions by the local authorities in that region. Airbnb coronavirus support page is continually being updated to include more regions worldwide as they get identified as coronavirus hit area. You can request for penalty-free cancellation under Airbnb extenuating circumstances if you host or going to travel to these area listing on the page. Ready my post about its impact on Airbnb, Coronavirus Myths. TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS If there are travel restrictions imposed by a government, law enforcement agency, or military that restricts travel to or from the departure or destination, it qualifies for Airbnb extenuating circumstances policy. CHANGES TO VISA OR PASSPORT REQUIREMENTS  If there has been a change in the visa rules or passport requirements of the guest after the reservation was made that make it impossible to travel to the destination, you can request for full Airbnb refund under Airbnb extenuating circumstances policy. Note: This doesn’t include lost or expired travel documents. 3. How to cancel your Airbnb reservation? If you think your reservation qualifies for penalty-free cancellation under Airbnb extenuating circumstance policy, it’s better first to call and let them know your situation (find Airbnb contact number here). Airbnb customer support is usually very responsive if you can explain to them the problematic situation you are in, and they should be able to suggest you the best way forward with your reservation and get a full refund. However, Airbnb suggests: if you have confirmed that your circumstances meet the requirement for Airbnb extenuating circumstance policy, you first cancel the Airbnb reservation and contact Airbnb customer services

Why Not Choose Airbnb for Honeymoon or Even Wedding? How to Find Ideal Property!

Airbnb Honeymoon 3

Before you book that all in one resort by the beach for your honeymoon, how about having a private cottage in farm with more space and privacy than a hotel? Airbnb for honeymoon can offer you a better romantic experience (and less expensive) . In this post Hotel Or Airbnb honeymoon? People are becoming increasingly fond of Airbnb’s than the well organised luxurious hotels for holidays, and there are reasons why.  But in the Hotel vs Airbnb debate, there are pros and cons for each. Top reasons to stay in a hotel There is an assurance of standards, and you know what you are going to get. And when things go wrong, there is a system to correct things for you almost instantly. There is a bar, restaurant and room service and you can spend quality time with each other without having to worry about catching your next good meal. Hotels and resorts are usually in a prime location where everybody wants to be. You can take advantage of the concierge for suggestions about restaurants or things to do. You get daily housekeeping. Top reasons for choosing an Airbnb for honeymoon You can rent a whole home instead if just a room you would get at a hotel. Airbnb’s are comparatively less expensive than the hotels, especially in prime locations. This will free you up some cash to blow on some other, more ridiculous indulgence. You get the opportunity to sleep at the most quirky, luxurious or frankly odd places. Having your own space (possibly even fully-stocked kitchen, living room, etc.) also provides you with a lot more freedom to relax, enjoy each others company and of course cater for yourself. Airbnb’s are more intimate than hotels because there is no staff around all the time. You also get a chance to immerse yourself in the local culture better. You won’t hear anybody next door…and nobody will hear you. How to find the best property for your Airbnb honeymoon? Make sure to book well in advance and find a place with a lot of positive reviews and photos. Don’t book properties from agencies, they are less likely to offer a personalised experience – try to find real people renting their place out. Don’t take chances by booking newly listed properties or even superhost – if it fits your budget, try to book only Airbnb Plus properties (read what is Airbnb plus and how to find them). How to set the right Airbnb filters Step 1: Enter your favorite honeymoon destination in the search box. Step 2: Next, choose your dates Step 3: Set guest count to two Step 4: Next, choose ‘Entire place’ in ‘Type of place’ filter Step 5: Click on ‘More filters’ filter option And first, choose ‘Airbnb Plus‘ under the ‘Verified Places’ option.  You can also choose ‘Superhost’ filter to see a broader range of properties, these are not verified by Airbnb but hosted by committed hosts with a history of providing 5-star experiences to people. Scroll further down to ‘Unique stays‘ option and choose the type you wish stay. And when you clock ‘Show stays‘ you will get the best properties in that area to choose for your Airbnb honeymoon. Not just Airbnb honeymoon, you can plan a wedding too! Have you heard of Airbnb Luxe? Country manors, mansions, penthouses and luxury villas, these are some of the properties you can find on Airbnb Luxe. It is a new Airbnb premium tier giving you access to luxurious mega homes and vacation experiences, and you get a dedicated trip designer. Each property on Airbnb Luxe is unique, pristine and luxurious. Some of them even come with private butlers, or helicopters, rooftop pool; you name it! Why not head over to Airbnb Luxe and have a look if you can find a property for your Airbnb honeymoon or that dream wedding?

Airbnb Message Templates For Serious Hosts & Automation Methods

Airbnb messages automated

If you don’t have the right Airbnb message templates it can soon take a toll on your hosting experience very quickly if you do not follow a well-planned communication strategy. The main objective of your Airbnb messaging plan should be to maintain accurate communication with guests and providing the right information at the right time to minimise unnecessary back and forth messages. Here I am sharing the Airbnb messaging templates and best practices I have evolved over the last five years while managing 100’s of properties worldwide to help me achieve optimum communication with Airbnb guests. Without these templates and Airbnb message automation, I couldn’t grow my Airbnb business beyond two properties I can tell you that. How To Save Airbnb Message Templates You can save Airbnb messages for frequent use, it’s straightforward and comes handy when you have to send them over and over again to guests. Step 1: When you are in the message window, click on ‘Use a Saved Message.‘ Step 2: In the next pop-up window, click on ‘Save a new message‘ to save a new message or ‘Edit saved messages‘ if you wish to change a previously saved message. The same screen can be used to send a saved message when you need it, click on the message box, and it is carried to your inbox for you to send. Airbnb Message Templates New Booking Enquiry Best time to send: Immediately after the booking enquiry comes Hello [guest name]! Thanks a lot for your interest in staying at our apartment! I wanted to confirm right away that it would be a pleasure to host you from [date] to [date]. Please let me review your booking request and get back to you very shortly. Thank you for your patience. Best wishes [your name] New Request To Book Best time to send: Immediately after the request to book comes Hello [guest name], thanks for your interest in our [property type] at [location]! I have received your request to book our apartment from [date] with [no. of people] for [number of nights]. I will review your request and will come up with an answer as soon as possible so that you can prepare your trip accordingly. If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to ask, it would be my pleasure to answer you! New Reservation Best time to send: Immediately after the reservation is made. Hello [guest name] thanks for your reservation 🙂 I wanted to confirm your reservation at my [property type] in [location] starting on [date] for [no. of nights] with [no. of people]. Please see my Airbnb guidebook for local recommendations and money-saving tips: [link to your airbnb guidebook] If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to ask, it would be my pleasure to answer you! In any case, I will be sending you complete check-in details 7 days before your arrival for a smooth check-in. Please feel free to let me know if you are looking for recommendations for local activities or tours, we will be happy to help. We look forward to hosting you! Best wishes [your name] Early Check-in request Best time to send: As needed You are welcome to drop luggage anytime after [check-out time] and come back to check-in after [check-in time] while housekeeping prepares the place for you. Hope this helps. Late Check-out request Best time to send: As needed You are welcome to leave your packed luggage behind on checkout and can come back to pick it up before [check-in time] while cleaning is being done for the next guest. Hope this helps 🙂 Check-in Instructions Check-in instructions is a more elaborate topic and I have covered it in a separate post, you can read it here Airbnb welcome letter – Win Your Guests Even Before They Arrive. It is the most important message you will be sending to your guest. If you get your check-in message right, you win the heart of your guests even before the arrives. It is also a medium to pass on important information such as check-in procedure, how to get there, a house guide etc. so they feel relaxed and at home from the moment they walk in your front door. Check-in Reminder Best time to send: Around 6 pm the day before check-in Hi [guest name], I hope you are all set for [property location] tomorrow 🙂 Please keep this picture handy to help you locate the flat and check-in easily. Code for the lockbox is [code] which is the front door of the building. Address: [property address] Navigation URL: [google maps link] Please note flat is door [door no.] on the first floor of the building. ** Please may I request you to be very quiet on the stairs and in the flat after 8 pm, few ignorant guests in the past have upset my neighbours, sorry! Sound travels very easily in the building and lots of families with kids live in the flats.** Feel free to give me a call at the number below if you struggle to find the flat. Have a safe journey! Best Wishes [your name] Expired Inquiry Best time to send: When enquiry expires Hi again [guest name], We hope this message will find you well. I see that my earlier pre-approval has expired. If you are still interested in renting out the [property type], I have extended your pre-approval for another 24 hours. Let me know if you have questions! Best regards, First Morning Best time to send: 8am on the first morning. Don’t send this message to one night bookings, instead send checkout message. Good Morning [guest name], We hope that you have settled in alright and that you are experiencing a 5-star stay 🙂 Please let us know if there is anything you need or if we can assist you in any way! All the best and enjoy your stay!  [your name] Check-out instructions (For >1 night stay) Best time to send: Around 7 pm on the evening

Impact on Airbnb, Coronavirus Myths & How You Can Help Fight It

Airbnb Coronavirus

Impact of this outbreak is going to be huge on Airbnb, Coronavirus cases are multiplying every day, and the hospitality industry is going to be hit the hardest. Airbnb is no exception, and it is probably going get hit the hardest being comparatively less organized than the hotel industry. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the current outbreak of coronavirus disease, a Global Public Health Emergency known as COVID-19. In this post What is coronavirus and what can you do to stay safe? Coronavirus myth-buster – share it them with your Airbnb guests There is plenty of fake news out there on the internet, here are some myth busters (source WHO) you can share with your Airbnb guests, host, friends and family to help stop further spread of this deadly disease. Coronavirus myth #1: Hand dryers are effective in killing the coronavirus​ No, this is not true. Hand dryers do not kill the coronavirus.  To protect yourself against this virus, you should clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water and dry them thoroughly by using a clean towel preferably paper towel or a warm air dryer. Coronavirus myth #2: Ultraviolet disinfection lamp can kill the coronavirus​ Ultraviolet lamps does not kill coronavirus and should not be used to sterilize your hands or any other part of your skin. Coronavirus myth #3: Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body kill the coronavirus?​ No, this is not true according to WHO. Spraying alcohol or chlorine over your body does not kill viruses that have already entered your body. But they can be used to disinfect surfaces if applied with appropriate recommendations. Coronavirus myth #4: Pets can spread the coronavirus​ There is no evidence to suggest that companion animals such as dogs or cats can be infected with the coronavirus. Coronavirus myth #5: Pneumonia vaccines protect you against the coronavirus No, this is not true. Pneumonia vaccines do not provide protection against the coronavirus. Coronavirus myth #6: Regularly rinsing your nose with saline prevents coronavirus infection No, as per WHO this is not true. There is no evidence to suggest that regularly rinsing the nose with saline protects people from the coronavirus. There is some limited evidence that regularly rinsing nose with saline can help you recover more quickly from the common cold. Coronavirus myth #7: Eating garlic help prevent infection with the new coronavirus There is no evidence to suggest that eating garlic has protected people from the coronavirus as per WHO. Coronavirus myth #8: Putting on sesame oil blocks the coronavirus from entering the body? No. Sesame oil does not kill the new coronavirus.  There are some chemical disinfectants that can kill the coronavirus on surfaces such as bleach/chlorine-based disinfectants, either solvents, 75% ethanol, peracetic acid and chloroform. But, they have little or no impact on the virus if you put them on the skin or under your nose.  It can even be dangerous to put these chemicals on your skin. Coronavirus myth #9: Coronavirus affect only older people People of all ages can be infected by the coronavirus. Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus. WHO advises people of all ages to take steps to protect themselves from the virus, for example by following good hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene. When to use a mask to avoid coronavirus? Can I cancel Airbnb reservation amid fear of coronavirus? Yes, you can request Airbnb to cancel a reservation penalty-free under Airbnb’s extenuating circumstances policy. But, you will need to provide documentary evidence such as an official advisory suggesting coronavirus outbreak in your region or if the guest is coming directly from a region which has been severely affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Your request to cancel a booking won’t be considered under extenuating circumstances if there is no official advisory for the region either the host or guest belongs to. Read more about Airbnb cancellation policy and know your rights. Is there an advisory issued by Airbnb about coronavirus outbreak? Yes, in the last week of Feb-20, Airbnb issued coronavirus information and how it can be paired with Airbnb extenuating circumstances cancellation policy if either the host or guest is from an affected region. How to reach out to Airbnb to cancel a reservation due to coronavirus? The best way is to contact Airbnb support via phone and explain them the situation. You can find Airbnb contact number here.

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